[[basics:intro|Intro]] [[basics:ex1|Ex1]] [[basics:ex2|Ex2]] [[basics:ex3|Ex3]] [[basics:ex4|Ex4]] [[basics:ex5|Ex5]] [[basics:ex6|Ex6]] [[basics:ex7|Ex7]] ====== The Basics: Intro ====== In this exercise, you will use aspects to instrument a dummy class in order to get acquainted with the basic techniques of AspectJ: pointcuts, advices and inter-type declarations. ===== Set-up ===== - Create a **new AspectJ Project** in Eclipse - Create a **new class** ''Application'' containing the code given below. - **Run** the code. Right-click the ''Application'' class and select **Run as...** -> **AspectJ/Java Application** public class Application { public int go = 10; public void start() { System.out.println("Starting"); stop(go); } public void stop(int i) { System.out.println("Stopping"); } public void exec() throws Exception { throw new Exception("An exception"); } public String toString() { return "Application go: " + go; } public static void main(String[] arg) { Application t = new Application(); System.out.println(t); t.start(); t.stop(25); try { t.exec(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } } You should see the following output on the **Console** view (which you can open through **Window** -> **Show View** -> **Console**): Application go: 10 Starting Stopping Stopping java.lang.Exception: An exception In the following steps, you can use Eclipse's Run button (or the shortcut CTRL+F11) to quickly rerun the application using the last run configuration. ---- Start the Basics track at [[basics:ex1|Exercise 1]].