When creating a new flock, urbiflock crashes when trying to add a matching profile constraint on birthdates in conjunction with a < or > operator.
AT version 2.13 (development) using urbiflock gui → Create a MaleFriendsFlock with “IsFriend” and “profile.sex == male” doesn't work properly (updates are not displayed on the Gui) but if you create it like “profile.sex == male” and “IsFriend” it works fine.
Features TODO
The flock editor should enforce that all flock names end with the “Flock” suffix.
Flocks should be composed, not the characteristic function.
Persistence: saving/loading framework and application data and prefs.
We should add support for 'group flocks' which are a conjunction of the NearbyFlock and have a matching profile constraint of the form “group IS-IN user.profile.groups”.
Features: To think about
Privacy: add in the API for application restrict access of applications to a user's flocks.
(DRIES) Integrate privacy with flocks.
Extend Urbiflock to work in a centralized infrastructure and create other apps that exploit this (e.g. devices transmit location to a server and use it for send messages in certain radius).
New applications for Urbiflock (ad hoc): p2p photo sharing, content of message adapts according to people nearby (e.g. treasure).