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at:tutorial:appendix [2008/07/10 16:08] – * tvcutsemat:tutorial:appendix [2009/01/29 21:25] – * elisag
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-====== Appendix ======+====== Appendix: Libraries ======
 In the appendix, we explain useful libraries available to the AmbientTalk/2 programmer. These libraries provide abstractions ranging from traditional, established "collections" up to newly researched language constructs, such as "ambient references". In the appendix, we explain useful libraries available to the AmbientTalk/2 programmer. These libraries provide abstractions ranging from traditional, established "collections" up to newly researched language constructs, such as "ambient references".
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 It is also possible to use ''makeFuture()'' to create a fresh future explicitly within the unit test method, and to use the returned resolver to resolve the future at the appropriate time. It is also possible to use ''makeFuture()'' to create a fresh future explicitly within the unit test method, and to use the returned resolver to resolve the future at the appropriate time.
 +<note hint>
 +See the [[distribution#take_offline_remote_objects|distributed programming]] chapter for details about how to simulate network disconnections in distributed unit tests.
 ==== Test Suites ==== ==== Test Suites ====
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 === Futures === === Futures ===
-The module ''/.at.lang.futures'' provides support for futures. Futures have already been described as part of the [[concurreny|concurrency]] section in the tutorial.+The module ''/.at.lang.futures'' provides support for futures. Futures have already been described as part of the [[:at:tutorial:actors#futures|concurrency]] section in the tutorial.
 The module exports the type tags ''OnewayMessage'', ''FutureMessage'' and ''Due'': The module exports the type tags ''OnewayMessage'', ''FutureMessage'' and ''Due'':
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 </code> </code>
-This listener is invoked whenever the future is resolved with a new value. Its code can thus be executed multiple times.+The above listener is invoked whenever the future is resolved with a new value. Its code can thus be executed multiple times.
 <code> <code>
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 </code> </code>
-This listener invoked if all results have been gathered (only possible if the maximum number of results is known). If there are no exceptions, only the first code block is triggered. If there are only exceptions, the first block is still invoked with an empty value table.+The above listener is invoked if all results have been gathered (only possible if the maximum number of results is known) or when the ''timeout'' period associated with the future has elapsed. ''values'' refers to a table of all resolved values. If there are no exceptions, only the first code block is triggered. If there are only exceptions, the first block is still invoked with an empty table.
 Note the following properties of multifutures: Note the following properties of multifutures:
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 ==== Dynamic Variables ==== ==== Dynamic Variables ====
 +The module ''/.at.lang.dynvars'' provides support for defining and using 'Dynamic Variables'. Dynamic variables 'simulate' dynamically scoped variables and are often used to parameterize large parts of code. For example, the 'current output stream'. A dynamic variable has the advantage over a simple global variable that it can only be assigned a value for the extent of a block of code.
 +A dynamic variable can be defined as follows:
 +def name := dynamicVariable: initialValue;
 +It can be read as follows:
 +?name or name.value
 +It can be assigned only within a limited dynamic scope, as follows:
 +with: name is: newval do: { code }
 +// or newval in: { code }
 +When ''code'' terminates (either normally or via an exception), the dynamic variable is automatically reset to its previous value.
 +By convention, we prefix the names of dynamic variables with a ''d'', e.g. ''dTimeoutPeriod''. This makes it easier to remember to access these variables by means of ''?'' or ''.value''.
 +You can find more usage examples of dynamic variables in the unit test included in the file ''at/lang/''.
 ==== Ambient References ==== ==== Ambient References ====
 +Ambient references are defined in the module ''/.at.lang.ambientrefs'' . An ambient reference is a special kind of far reference which refers to an ever-changing collection of objects of a certain type. For example:
 +import /.at.lang.ambientrefs;
 +deftype Printer;
 +def printers := ambient: Printer;
 +In the above code, ''printers'' refers to all nearby objects exported by means of  the ''Printer'' type tag. An more in-depth explanation of ambient references can be found on the [[:research:ambientrefs|research page of ambient references]].
 +Ambient references ship with two so-called "implementation modules": the module ''/.at.ambient.ar_extensional_impl'' and the module ''/.at.m2mi.ar_intensional_impl''. By default, the extensional implementation is used, but this can be changed by passing the desired implementation module as a parameter to the ''/.at.lang.ambientrefs'' module.
 ==== Structural Types ==== ==== Structural Types ====
 +The module ''/.at.lang.structuraltypes'' implements a small library to use structural typing. The library allows for the creation of 'protocols', which are first-class structural types. A structural type is simply a set of selectors. An object o conforms to a protocol P <=> for all selectors s of P, o respondsTo s where respondsTo is determined by o's mirror.
 +A structural type can be branded with type tags. In this case, objects only conform to the type if they are structurally conformant **and** if they are tagged with the structural type's brands.
 +Use the ''protocol:'' function to create a new protocol:
 +def PersonProtocol := protocol: {
 +  def name;
 +  def age;
 +} named: `Person;
 +The ''`Person'' argument is used to give the protocol a name simply for display purposes. The ''object:implements:'' function automatically checks whether an object conforms to any declared types:
 +def tom := object: {
 +  def name := "Tom";
 +  def age() { 24 };
 +} implements: PersonProtocol;
 +You can also create a protocol from an object:
 +<code>def tomsProtocol := protocolOf: tom;</code>
 +You can test protocol conformance in either of two styles:
 +  * ''does: tom implement: PersonProtocol'' => true or false
 +  * ''PersonProtocol <? tom'' => true or false
 +You can also force a ''StructuralTypeMismatch'' exception to be raised if the object does not conform to the type:
 +  *  ''ensure: tom implements: PersonProtocol'' => true or exception
 +  *  ''PersonProtocol.checkConformance(tom)'' => true or exception
 +More usage examples of structural types can be found in the unit test defined in the file ''at/lang/''.
 ==== Traits ==== ==== Traits ====
 +The module ''/.at.lang.traits'' exports a small library to use AmbientTalk's traits in a more structured manner. In the literature, traits are described as reusable components with two interfaces: an interface of methods that are //provided// by the trait //to// the composite and an interface of methods that are //required// by the trait //from// the composite. AmbientTalk's traits only make the provided interface explicit. The required interface remains implicit and unchecked at composition time.
 +Using the ''traits'' module, a trait can specify that it requires its composite to adhere to a certain protocol (i.e. a structural type, cf. the previous section). Using traits in this way requires an explicit composition step where the trait's requirements are checked.
 +To define a "structured" trait, define your  trait objects as follows:
 +trait: {
 +  ...
 +} requiring: Protocol;
 +The above code creates a trait that can only be composed into an object adhering to the specified protocol. To compose traits, use the following language construct:
 +object: {
 +  use: {
 +    import T1 exclude ...;
 +    import T2 alias ...;
 +  }
 +The ''use:'' block can **only** include ''import'' statements. It simply executes the ''import'' statements, but in addition checks whether the composite, //after// having imported all of its traits, provides all of the methods specified in the required protocol of its imported traits.
 +Note that the place where ''use:'' is used inside an object matters: if one of the traits requires a method ''m()'' that is defined only later in the composite, the check will fail. To avoid this, place the ''use:'' block at the bottom of the object declaration.
 +Usage examples can be found in the unit tests in the file ''at/lang/''.
 +===== Utilities =====
 +The files in the ''at/support'' subdirectory of the standard library implement various utilities of use to the AmbientTalk programmer. We discuss the most useful modules below.
 +==== Timing Utilities ====
 +The module ''/'' provides utility functions to schedule code for execution at a later point in time. Its most useful control construct is the following:
 +def subscription := when: timeoutPeriod elapsed: {
 +  ...
 +The ''when:elapsed:'' function takes as its arguments a timeout period (in milliseconds) and a block closure and schedules the closure for execution after the given timeout period. The function returns a subscription object whose single ''cancel'' method can be used to abort the execution of the scheduled code. Once ''cancel'' has been invoked, it is guaranteed that the closure will no longer be executed by the timer module.
 +The milliseconds used to define the timeout period must be provided as a Java ''long'' value. To construct such a value from an AmbientTalk number, the timer module defines the following auxiliary functions:
 +  * ''millisec(ms)'' => convert AmbientTalk number to a Java long value representing a timeout period in milliseconds.
 +  * ''seconds(s)'' => convert AmbientTalk number to a Java long value representing a timeout period in seconds.
 +  * ''minutes(m)'' => convert AmbientTalk number to a Java long value representing a timeout period in minutes.
 +Additionally, the timer module defines a function ''now()'' which returns the current system time as a Java long value.
 +The timer module also defines a function ''whenever:elapsed:'' which repetitively invokes the given block closure every time the timeout period has elapsed. The returned subscription object can be used to eventually stop the repetitive invocation of the closure.
 +The timer module defines a small number of additional utility functions which can be found in the file ''at/support/''.
 +==== Logging Framework ====
 +The module ''/'' defines a tiny logging framework akin to the well-known [[|Log4J]] logging framework for Java.
 +Here's a typical example of how to use a logger:
 +import /;
 +def log := makeLogger("my prefix", INFO); // do not log DEBUG
 +log("a message", ERROR); // message level is optional and defaults to INFO
 +The ''makeLogger'' function returns a function which can be used to log messages to an output object. It takes three arguments, all of which are optional: a string to be prefixed to every logged message (default ''""''), a logging level (default ''DEBUG'') and an output object (default ''system'').
 +The logging level determines which messages are shown on the output log. The available error levels are: ''NONE'', ''DEBUG'', ''WARNING'', ''INFO'', ''ERROR'' and ''FATAL'' in order of exceeding importance. Hence, a log whose default is ''WARNING'' will not show ''DEBUG''-level messages.
 +The output object is an object that understands ''println(string)''. It is used by the logging framework to write its log to the screen, a file, etc.
 +==== Object Inspector ====
 +The module ''/'' implements a graphical object inspector. The module requires ''java.awt'' and ''javax.swing'' support from the underlying JVM running AmbientTalk. To inspect an object ''o'', execute:
 +import /;
 +This will pop up a graphical inspector on the object, listing the object's fields and methods. The object's fields and methods can recursively be inspected through the graphical user interface of the object inspector.
 +==== Symbiosis Utilities ====
 +The module ''/'' defines a number of utility functions with respect to the symbiosis with the JVM. It defines the following functions which can be used to quickly create a wrapped Java value of the given primitive type:
 +long(anAmbientTalkNumber) -> aJavaLong
 +short(anAmbientTalkNumber) -> aJavaShort
 +float(anAmbientTalkFraction) -> aJavaFloat
 +byte(anAmbientTalkNumber) -> aJavaByte
 +The module also defines the following function:
 +cast: obj into: Interface
 +The ''Interface'' argument should be a Java class wrapper for an interface type. The function returns a Java proxy object implementing the given interface, wrapping the given AmbientTalk object. If this proxy is subsequently passed to Java code, it will hold that ''proxy instanceof Interface''.
 +==== Miscellaneous ====
 +The module ''/'' is a utility module grouping several miscellaneous tasks.
 +=== Random Numbers ===
 +The utility module defines functions for easily generating random numbers. Its implementation uses the random number generators from the underlying JVM. The following functions are the most useful:
 +// generate a random integer in the interval [min, max[
 +def randomNumberBetween(min, max)
 +// generate a random fraction in the interval [min, max[
 +def randomFractionBetween(min, max)
 +=== Custom Object Serialization ===
 +The method ''uponArrivalBecome:'' exported by the utility module creates a transporter object which can be used in ''pass'' meta-level methods to execute code upon deserialization. The closure passed to this function should return the object with which the transported object should be replaced. For example:
 +//inside a mirror
 +def instancevar := ...;
 +def pass() {
 +  uponArrivalBecome: { |instancevar|
 +    // return object to become here
 +  }
 +The function plays a role similar to ''readResolve'' in the Java object serialization framework.
at/tutorial/appendix.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 10:28 by elisag