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at:tutorial:distribution [2009/01/29 15:35] elisagat:tutorial:distribution [2009/01/30 16:13] (current) – *fixed tvcutsem
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   - Native data types are always passed by copy.   - Native data types are always passed by copy.
-When a remote far reference receives a messages, it flushes the message to the remote object providing that it is connected. If the remote far reference is disconnected, messages are accumulate in its inbox in order to be transmitted once the reference becomes reconnected at a later point in time once the network connection is restored. +When a remote far reference receives a message, it flushes the message to the remote object providing that it is connected. If the remote far reference is disconnected, messages are accumulated in its inbox in order to be transmitted once the reference becomes reconnected at a later point in time, when the network connection is restored. 
-Therefore, a remote far reference abstracts a client object from the actual network connection state. However, it is often useful for an application to be informed when a connection to a remote object is lost or reconnected. To this end, AmbientTalk offers language constructs to install observers on a far reference which are triggered whenever the reference becomes disconnected or reconnected. For example, the instant messenger application can notify the user whenever a buddy moves in and out of the communication range as follows:+Therefore, a remote far reference allows its clients to make abstraction from the actual network connection state. However, it is often useful for an application to be informed when a connection to a remote object is lost or restored. To this end, AmbientTalk offers language constructs to install observers on a far reference which are triggered whenever the reference becomes disconnected or reconnected. For example, the instant messenger application can notify the user whenever a buddy moves in or out of the communication range as follows:
 <code> <code>
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 </code> </code>
-This code illustrate how the instant messenger application notifies when a buddy goes online or offline. In the above code, ''messenger'' is a remote reference to another remote buddy discovered. Note that installing disconnected observers also allows developers to clean certain resources when a remote reference becomes disconnected. However, when an instant messengers disconnects, the remote object referred to by ''messenger'' remains exported. This implies that remote objects remains pointed by a disconnected remote reference which prevents them from being garbage collected. In fact, ''messenger'' are never garbage unlesss explicit cancelation of the subscription. But other types of objects which are only relevant within the context of an interaction should become eventually candidates for garbage collection. In the next section, we detail how AmbientTalk deals with distributed memory management. +This code illustrates how the instant messenger application gets notified when a buddy goes online or offline. In the above code, ''messenger'' is a remote reference to another remote buddy discovered. Note that by installing observers that trigger upon disconnection, developers can clean certain resources when a remote reference becomes disconnected. However, when an instant messenger disconnects, the remote object referred to by ''messenger'' remains exported. This implies that a disconnected remote reference remains valid (it can reconnect), but also that the remote object remains referred to by a disconnected remote reference. This reference thus prevents the remote object from being garbage collected. In fact, ''messenger'' is never garbage unless its subscription is explicitly cancelled. But other types of objects which are only relevant within the context of an interaction should eventually become candidates for garbage collection. In the next section, we detail how AmbientTalk deals with distributed memory management. 
-In order to cope with partial failures, AmbientTalk also allows developers to retract all currently unsent messages from the remote far reference outbox by means of the ''retract'' language construct. This is specially useful in the context of distribution, since developers can have explicit control on the messages that are buffered but have not been sent while the remote far reference is disconnected. Any undelivered messages accumulated by the remote reference can be then for example forwarded to another remote object or simply cancelled. +In order to cope with partial failures, AmbientTalk also allows developers to retract all currently unsent messages from the remote far reference outbox by means of the ''retract'' language construct. This is especially useful in the context of distribution, since developers can have explicit control over the messages that are buffered but have not been sent while the remote far reference was disconnected. Any undelivered messages accumulated by the remote reference can then be e.g. forwarded to another remote object or simply cancelled.
-The ''retract'' language construct takes as argument the far reference of which to retract outgoing message send. One can store the unsent messages upon disconnection of a service type ''Service'' as follows:+The ''retract'' language construct takes as argument the far reference of which to retract buffered outgoing messages. One can store the unsent messages upon disconnection of a service type ''Service'' as follows:
 <code> <code>
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 </code> </code>
-The construct returns a table containing copies of all messenges that were sent to this far reference, but not yet transmitted by the far reference to the remote object pointed to. Note that this has the side effect that the returned messages will not be sent automatically anymore; the programmer is thus responsible to explicitly resend all messages that were retracted but still need to be sent. +The ''retract:'' call returns a table containing copies of all messenges that were sent to this far reference, but not yet transmitted by the far reference to the remote object pointed to. Note that this has the side effect that the returned messages will not be sent automatically anymore; the programmer is thus responsible to explicitly resend all messages that were retracted but still need to be sent. 
 The function ''when:disconnected:'' behaves like the previously discussed function ''whenever:disconnected:'', except it triggers the associated closure at most once, not upon //every// disconnect. The function ''when:disconnected:'' behaves like the previously discussed function ''whenever:disconnected:'', except it triggers the associated closure at most once, not upon //every// disconnect.
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 ===== Dealing with Permanent Failures ===== ===== Dealing with Permanent Failures =====
-As explained in the previous section, remote far references have been designed to be resilient to intermittent disconnections by default. This behaviour is desirable because it can be expected that many partial failures in mobile ad hoc networks are the result of transient network partitions. However, not all network partitions are transient. For example, a remote device has crashed or has moved out of the wireless communication range and does not return. Such permanent failures should also be dealt by means of compensating actions, e.g. application-level failure handling code.+As explained in the previous section, remote far references have been designed to be resilient to intermittent disconnections by default. This behaviour is desirable because it can be expected that many partial failures in mobile ad hoc networks are the result of transient network partitions. However, not all network partitions are transient. For example, a remote device has crashed or has moved out of the wireless communication range and does not return. Such permanent failures should also be dealt with by means of compensating actions, e.g. application-level failure handling code.
-To deal with permanent failures, AmbientTalk uses the concept of leasing. A lease denotes the right to access a resource for a specific duration that is negotiated by the owner of a resource and a resource claimant (called the lease grantor and lease holder, respectively) when the access is first requested.  At the discretion of the lease grantor a lease can be renewed, prolonging access to the resource. In AmbientTalk, we represent leases as a special kind of remote far references, which we call //leased object references//+To deal with permanent failures, AmbientTalk uses the concept of leasing. A lease denotes the right to access a resource for a specific duration that is negotiated by the owner of a resource and a resource claimant (called the lease grantor and lease holder, respectively) when the access is first requested. At the discretion of the lease grantor a lease can be renewed, prolonging access to the resource. In AmbientTalk, we represent leases as a special kind of remote far references, which we call //leased object references//.
 ====Leased Object References==== ====Leased Object References====
-A leased object reference is a remote far reference that grants access to a remote object for a limited period of time. When the time period has elapsed, the access to the remote object is terminated and the leased reference is said to //expire//. Similarly to remote far references, a leased reference abstracts client objects from the actual network connection state. Client objects can send a message to the remote object even if a leased references is disconnected at that time. Message are accumulated in order to be transmitted when the reference becomes reconnected. When the leased reference expires it, messages are discarded since an expired leased reference behaves as a //permanently// disconnected remote far reference. The figure below shows a diagram of the different states of a leased reference.+A leased object reference is a remote far reference that grants access to a remote object for a limited period of time. When the time period has elapsed, the access to the remote object is terminated and the leased reference is said to //expire//. Similarly to remote far references, a leased reference abstracts client objects from the actual network connection state. Client objects can send a message to the remote object even if a leased reference is disconnected at that time. Message are accumulated in order to be transmitted when the reference becomes reconnected. When the leased reference expires it, messages are discarded since an expired leased reference behaves as a //permanently// disconnected remote far reference. The figure below shows a diagram of the different states of a leased reference.
-{{ :at:tutorial:leasedref-state.png |:at:tutorial:leasedref-state.png}}+{{ :at:tutorial:leasedref-state.png |:at:tutorial:leasedref-state.png?160x30}}
 ====Working with leased object references==== ====Working with leased object references====
Line 227: Line 227:
 import /.at.lang.leasedrefs; import /.at.lang.leasedrefs;
 </code> </code>
-<note>+<note warning>
 leasedrefs module exports support primitives to manipulate time intervals (i.e. ''minutes'', ''seconds'', ''millisecs'') so that you do not need to explicitly import the timer module. Remember to exclude those methods from the leasedrefs import statement if some other module has already imported them, e.g. if futures are enabled. leasedrefs module exports support primitives to manipulate time intervals (i.e. ''minutes'', ''seconds'', ''millisecs'') so that you do not need to explicitly import the timer module. Remember to exclude those methods from the leasedrefs import statement if some other module has already imported them, e.g. if futures are enabled.
 </note> </note>
-More information pertaining to the API of the leased references language module can be found in the appendix.+More information pertaining to the API of the leased references language module can be found in the [[appendix|appendix]].
 ===== Taking Offline Remote Objects ===== ===== Taking Offline Remote Objects =====
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 </code> </code>
-The primitive takes as parameter an object which is removed from the export table of the actor where the code is executed. When the object is removed from the export table, all remote far reference to the object become invalidated and the object no longer belongs to the set of root objects and as such, it can be eventually reclaimed by Java's local garbage collector once it is no longer locally referenced. Although the actual reclamation of an unexported object may be triggered at a later point in time, any attempt to access via a remote far reference results in an ObjectOffline exception notifying the client object that the object was taken offline and thus, the remote far references is invalid.+The primitive takes as parameter an object which is removed from the export table of the actor where the code is executed. When the object is removed from the export table, all remote far reference to the object become invalidated and the object no longer belongs to the set of root objects and as such, it can be eventually reclaimed by Java's local garbage collector once it is no longer locally referenced. Although the actual reclamation of an unexported object may be triggered at a later point in time, any attempt to access via a remote far reference results in an ObjectOffline exception notifying the client object that the object was taken offline and thus, its remote far references is invalid.
-<note> +<note tip
-Leased object references make use of the ''takeOffline:'' primitive to terminate the access to a remote object once the lease time elapses. Note that the ''takeOffline'' primitive can be considered the equivalent to the so-called [[|''delete'' operation]] provided by some sequential languages without built-in local garbage collection.  Rather than using this primitive for garbage collection purposes, regular AmbientTalk developers are encouraged to make use of the high-level language constructs for leasing explained in the previous section which aids them to deal with both transient and permanent disconnections and properly reclaim their remote objects.+[[distribution#dealing_with_permanent_failures|Leased object references]] make use of the ''takeOffline:'' primitive to terminate the access to a remote object once the lease time elapses. Note that the ''takeOffline'' primitive can be considered the equivalent to the so-called [[|''delete'' operation]] provided by some sequential languages without built-in local garbage collection.  Rather than using this primitive for garbage collection purposes, regular AmbientTalk developers are encouraged to make use of the high-level language constructs for leasing explained [[distribution#dealing_with_permanent_failures|in the previous section]] which aids them to deal with both transient and permanent disconnections and properly reclaim their remote objects.
 </note> </note>
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 </note> </note>
-====Distributed unit testing and ''takeOffline''====+====Distributed unit testing and takeOffline==== 
 +As previously mentioned, the ''takeOffline'' primitive notifies connected virtual machines when taking an object offline. Since AmbientTalk 2.12, the primitive not only notifies remote virtual machines, but it also notifies the local virtual machine where the ''takeOffline'' was executed so that if any inner actor has local far references to that object, it will also get notified. In other words, if an object is taken offline, all actors holding (local or remote) far references to it get notified. 
-As previously mentioned, the ''takeOffline'' primitive notifies connected virtual machines when taking an object offlineSince AmbientTalk 2.12the primitive not only notifies remote virtual machinesbut it also notifies the local virtual machine where the ''takeOffline'' was executed so that if any inner actor has local far references to that object, it will also get notified. In other words, if an object is taken offline, all actors holding far references to it (independent of their location) get notified+These semantics is useful for unit test purposesThe [[appendix#unit_testing_framework|unit testing framework]] shipped with AmbientTalk has support for asynchronous test invocations which can be used to perform concurrent or distributed unit testsIn factdistributed unit tests are simulated by means of concurrencyi.e. using different actors in your unit test which make use of the network facilities. However, distributed unit tests cannot simulate network disconnections by means of ''network.offline'' since the construct works at virtual machine level. In other words, ''network.offline'' simulates a network disconnection of a complete virtual machinebut what those tests need is to simulate the disconnection of a particular actor inside the virtual machine where they are running.
-This semantics are useful for unit test purposes. The unit testing framework shipped with AmbinentTalk has support to perform asynchronous invocations which can be used to perform concurrent or distributed unit tests. However, distributed unit tests couldn't simulate network disconnections as ''network.offline'' works at actor level. In other words, ''network.offline'' simulates a disconnection of the complete virtual machine, but it cannot simulate the disconnection of a particular actor inside the VM. By means of ''takeOffline'' primitive, you can cut the access of an object contained in any actor (within the same VM or a remote VM),  enabling the simulation of the disconnection of an actor inside a virtual machine.+By means of the ''takeOffline'' primitive, the intra-actor access to an object can be cut (independently if the actor is located within the same virtual machine or in a remote one),  enabling the simulation of the disconnection of an actor inside a virtual machine.
at/tutorial/distribution.txt · Last modified: 2009/01/30 16:13 by tvcutsem