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Symbiosis with Java

This Tutorial is still under heavy construction

AmbientTalk is fully implemented in Java and runs on top of the JVM. Java provides an extensive class library that can be accessed from within AmbientTalk and objects created in AmbientTalk can be accessed from within Java. As such the expressive power of AmbientTalk can be combined with the extensive library support of Java.

This chapter explains how this symbiosis between Java and AmbientTalk can be accessed. Hence, this chapter will explain:

  • How to access Java classes and objects from within AmbientTalk
  • How to access AmbientTalk objects from within Java

Accessing Java classes

Creating Java objects

Using Java wrappers




Thread-Actor Symbiosis

at/tutorial/symbiosis.1175341076.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/04/06 13:11 (external edit)