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Symbiosis with Java

This Tutorial is still under heavy construction

AmbientTalk is fully implemented in Java and runs on top of the JVM. Java provides an extensive class library that can be accessed from within AmbientTalk. In other words, Java classes can be instantiated and messages can be sent to Java objects from within AmbientTalk.

The reverse, namely that AmbientTalk objects can accessed from within Java is also possible. AmbientTalk objects are reified at the Java level such that the Java language can be used to send messages and create new objects.

This chapter explains how both sides of this symbiotic relationship between Java and AmbientTalk can be leveraged. The goal of this symbiotic relationship is to complement the advantages of both languages and to alleviate their disadvantages. For example, AmbientTalk can use the extensive class library from Java and Java can benefit from AmbientTalk's superior concurrency abstractions.

Accessing Java classes

Creating Java objects

Using Java wrappers




Thread-Actor Symbiosis

at/tutorial/symbiosis.1175862845.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/04/06 14:34 (external edit)