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Event Crime

CRIME has been ported for wireless sensor networks. In this project we have used sunspots, small nodes equipped with sensors and wireless communication. Every node sends events over the network which can be received by one or more nodes within communication range. Writing applications which are driven by external events is significantly different from writing traditional sequential programs or algorithms. When applications are driven by external events, the control flow of these applications is also driven by these events which can trigger at any order and at any moment in time.

In this project we have used CRIME in order to deal with the complexity of composing and deriving meaningful information from a continuos stream of events received from the surrounding. While CRIME has been previously used for the development of context aware applications we have seen that CRIME did not scale for the development such event driven applications. We therefore had to significantly adapt the reasoning engine in order to deal with the transient nature of events.

This project is still under development, as such the documentation can be out of sync with actual implementation.


The repository for Event CRIME is located at:

The project is developed using Eclipse. You can check the project out using the normal SVN plugin. Make sure that you use the wizard and import the project as a java project.

Configure the built path by selecting the src folder to be included in the built path. Next add all the jars located in the lib folder the project.


Like the deployment process of any application for the sunspot deploying CRIME on your sunspots is done in two steps. First the sunspot runtime has to be configured so that it contains all the used libraries. Then the actual application (in this case CRIME) has to be deployed to the sunspot.

Here we only explain the second step. This has to be repeated for each sunspot:

  1. Connected the sunspot to the usb.
  2. Open a terminal to the Crime path.
  3. ant flashlibrary.
  4. ant deploy.
crime/sunspot.1277983758.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/07/01 13:29 (external edit)