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Example Applications

iScheme has been used to develop non-trivial distributed iPhone applications. Below are the representative example applications:

AmbiScrabble Game for the iPhone

AmbiScrabble is a digital version of a scrabble-like game where players work collaboratively with their iPhones to form words. The screen shot below shows the AmbiScrabble application on the iPhone.

How the game works

The game works as follows: Players are organised in teams and each player has a rack of letters. Letters are consumed by forming valid English words. The team that first consumes all its letters wins. Players belonging to the same team can exchange letters among themselves.

Game design and implementation

The AmbiScrabble game has been designed in a peer-to-peer fashion without assuming a centralised server to coordinate the game. It is also fault-tolerant such that player failures do not hamper the game progress. These design choices are primarily motivated by the fact that the game runs on iPhones equipped with wireless technology. Connectivity using such a technology is often characterised by frequent network disconnections either as because of limited connectivity or users may continuously move about.

We implement the game logic and distribution concerns of the AmbiScrabble application in iScheme, while the graphical user interface (GUI) is implemented in Objective-C using the Cocoa framework.


The videos below demo the AmbiScrabble game application running on the iPhone emulators. In the demos we use three iPhones (2 emulators and 1 iPhone device). The recording only shows the emulators but the interactions involve the three devices.


Thanks to Nick De Cooman for undertaking the AmbiScrabble project (under supervision of Engineer Bainomugisha and Elisa Gonzalez Boix) to validate the Scheme and Objective-C symbiosis

PolyGlot Chat Application

PolyGlot chat is a distributed chat application that enables users to write text messages in their preferred language and have the text message automatically translated to the receiver's language.

How the chat works

The application works as follows: When a chat application is started the user specifies the language. A chat message received from a buddy is automatically translated from the buddy's language to the user's language. For instance, when a user Bob (an English speaker), sends a message “Hello there” to Tim (a Dutch speaker), the message is displayed as “Hallo daar” on Tim's chat window.

Application design and implementation

The PolyGlot chat game has been designed in a peer-to-peer fashion without assuming a centralised server. We implement the chat logic and distribution concerns of the application in iScheme, while the graphical user interface (GUI) is implemented in Objective-C using the Cocoa framework. The translation happens using Google translator API which is accessible to iScheme, thanks to the Objective-C and Scheme symbiosis.

ischeme/example_applications.1300834191.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/03/22 23:55 (external edit)