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Ambient References


Ambient references are a novel remote object reference mechanism. Remote object references are “pointers across the network” and are a frequently recurring abstraction in both distributed OO languages and distributed middleware. Ambient references are designed to refer to objects in mobile networks. What exactly constitutes a mobile network and how it differs from traditional, stationary networks is described elsewhere.


One may wonder why new referencing abstractions are required for mobile networks. In order to motivate the need for new referencing abstractions at the language level, we list a number of desirable properties of remote references for mobile networks which current remote referencing abstractions do not offer:

  1. Provisional References: remote references should be able to point to remote objects which are “not yet available” in the network. This is founded on the observation that in mobile networks, ambient resources need to be discovered in the environment and will most likely be unavailable most of the time.
  2. Resilience to Partial Failure: remote references for mobile networks should be able to tolerate network disconnections because of the volatile connnections hardware phenomenon of mobile networks.
  3. Transitory Addressing: remote references in mobile networks should bind to (point to) objects based on what services that object provides, rather than based on a low-level UID, object-id, IP address or MAC address. Such low-level IDs preclude the reference from reconfiguring itself by rebinding to a different object providing the same or equally matching services.
  4. Group Communication: in mobile networks, one often wants to communicate with an entire group of objects. To this end, remote references should be introduced that automatically represent a set of (proximate) objects. Messages sent to such references are automatically multicast or broadcast to all objects in the set.

Ambient references unify two concepts: they are both a peer-to-peer discovery channel and an asynchronous communication channel to a remote object. When an ambient reference is unbound (i.e. it is a dangling pointer), it is acting as a discovery channel, actively looking for remote service objects in the environment to bind to. Once such a suitable 1) service object is found, the ambient reference becomes bound. Once bound, an ambient reference is a true remote object reference to the remote service. An ambient reference carries asynchronous message sends only.

When the service object to which an ambient reference is bound moves out of communication range, the ambient reference can become unbound again. It becomes a dangling pointer anew and immediately becomes a peer discovery mechanism again: the ambient reference will try to rebind to the same or another matching service.

Describing services

An ambient reference is always initialized with a service type which denotes remote objects intensionally by the service it provides. One may, for example, declare an ambient reference to a nearby printer:

printer = ambient Printer;

The code excerpt above creates an ambient reference to an object providing the Printer service and stores it in the variable named printer. This code assumes that remote service objects publish their printing services using the Printer type. Ambient references bind to remote objects when the type they require is the same or a subtype of the providing object (e.g. the above printer ambient reference may bind to a ColorPrinter if that type is a subtype of Printer).

The primary advantage of using such service types rather than e.g. name servers, IP addresses or URLs is, evidently, abstraction over the machine address of the host providing the services. Ambient references can be used to refer to service objects, the host address of which is unknown to the code declaring the reference. All that needs to be agreed upon is a matching service type.

Communicating with services

Asynchronous messages may be sent to an ambient reference at any point in time. For example, in order to print a document on a nearby printer, the printer ambient reference may be sent a message as follows:


In this example code denotes asynchronous message passing. The message passing semantics is as follows: if the ambient reference is unbound when it receives the print message, the message is buffered and kept for later forwarding; if the ambient reference is bound, it immediately forwards the message to its bound service object. Using these basic parameter passing semantics, a programming may safely abstract from the internal state of the ambient reference: even if the reference is unbound at the time it receives the message, it is smart enough to store the message and forward it whenever a matching service is found.

One may wonder how return values can be acquired from such asynchronous message sends. We use the concept of a future, which is a very well known concept that unifies asynchronous message passing with return values. More specifically, the futures employed in the language AmbientTalk are based on the non-blocking futures of the E programming language. For more details, we refer to the paper below, but as a teaser, here's how one can notify the user when the print job has been sent:

answer = printer<-print(document);
when(answer) lambda(ok) -> {
  if (ok)
    print("document successfully transmitted");
Example Usage

A detailed explanation of ambient references can be found in this technical report.

Further Reading

Ambient References: Addressing Objects in Mobile Networks. Tom Van Cutsem, Jessie Dedecker, Stijn Mostinckx, Elisa Gonzalez Boix, Theo D'Hondt, Wolfgang De Meuter. In Technical Report VUB-PROG-TR-06-10, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2006 [ download ]

Also see the Posters section for a poster describing ambient references graphically.

What exactly constitutes a “suitable” service is discussed below.
research/ambientrefs.1152644297.txt.gz · Last modified: 2006/07/11 21:16 (external edit)