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This page provides an overview of the events and media appearances related to the ambient-oriented programming reasearch. 2011

Dries Harnie presented AmbientTalk at the second Belgian droidcon conference.

January 21, 2011
Brussels, Belgium

  • See the weScribble demo showed at here.
  • Read the Datanews interview to Dries and Tom here.

euReka! 48 onderzoekers in de kijker

Wolfgang De Meuter and Elisa Gonzalez Boix were selected to participated in the foto exposition euReka! 48 onderzoekers in de kijker organized by IWOIB/IRSIB to promote research in Brussels.

  • Location:
    • Royal Park from 1 to 31 September 2010
    • Central Station from 5 to 30 November 2010
    • Halles Saint-Géry from 1 December 2010 to 31 January 2011
    • City 2 Shopping Mall from 23 February to 23 March 2011.
  • See their photo here and read their interview here.

Emerging Languages Camp 2010

Tom Van Cutsem presented AmbientTalk at the conference on emerging programming languages EMC2010 during OSCON.

July 22, 2010
Portland, Oregon

  • See the Channel 9 interview with Tom, Mark Miller, Jonathan Shapiro and Gilad Bracha here.
  • Read the Datanews interview to Tom here.

Alcatel Lucent’s ‘Master Thesis Award 2010

Lode Hoste won Alcatel Lucent’s ‘Master Thesis Award 2010 for his thesis work on language abstractions for multi touch systems under the guidance of Christophe Scholliers and Wolfgang De Meuter.

  • Read the Datanews article about this here
  • EOS Magazine also includes an article about it in the January 2011 issue.

Fosdem 2010

Wolfgang De Meuter and Elisa Gonzalez Boix presented AmbientTalk in the Embedded Room at the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting (Fosdem 2010)

February 7, 2010
Brussels, Belgium

research/events.1298550818.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/09/16 14:30 (external edit)