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Software Abstractions for the Development of Mobile RFID-enabled Applications

Representing RFID-tagged physical objects as mutable software objects.

RFID-enabled Library

The RFID-enabled library is a mobile RFID-enabled application and illustrates the kind of application we target. The application runs on a mobile device, such as a smartphone and shows the books that are in the vicinity of the user and allows certain operations to be performed on them. Users can attach a small review message to a book, rate a book or associate keywords with the book, etc. The application lets the user also filter the books based on rating or comparison with a keyword profile describing the user's preferences. For example, the user could just swipe his smartphone over a shelf of books and discover which books on the shelf are must-read books!

The data

The movies below show a small prototype showing discovery of books on a shelf and a user adding a comment to a book.


Software Abstractions

RFID event loop
RFID tags as mutable proxy objects
Ambient References
Multiway References

Further Reading

  • Distributed Object-Oriented Programming with RFID Technology. Andoni Lombide Carreton, Kevin Pinte, Wolfgang De Meuter. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6115, Eliassen F, Kapitza R (eds.), 2010; 56–69. [download1)].
The original publication is available at
research/rfid.1280241109.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/07/27 16:36 (external edit)