-- @atlcompiler atl2006 -- Accesses the TransientLinkSet of a running transformation to find all the mappings library TransientLinks; helper context OclAny def : mapsto() : Sequence(OclAny) = if self.oclIsKindOf(Collection(OclAny)) then self->collect(e | e.mapsto())->flatten() else let link : OclAny = thisModule.links.getLinkBySourceElement(self) in if link.oclIsUndefined() then Sequence{} else link.getTargetElements().getValues() endif endif; helper context OclAny def : mapstoOfType(type : OclType) : Sequence(OclAny) = self.mapsto()->select(t | t.oclIsTypeOf(type)); helper context OclAny def : mapstoOfKind(type : OclType) : Sequence(OclAny) = self.mapsto()->select(t | t.oclIsKindOf(type));