-- @atlcompiler atl2006 -- Generated by: $Id: EModelCopyGenerator.atl 7689 2009-02-13 15:20:37Z dwagelaa $ module EModelCopy; create OUT : JAVA from IN : JAVA; helper def : inElements : Set(JAVA!"ecore::EObject") = JAVA!"ecore::EObject".allInstancesFrom('IN'); entrypoint rule count() { do { thisModule.inElements->size().debug('SIZE'); } } rule AnonymousClassDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::AnonymousClassDeclaration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::AnonymousClassDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, comments <- s.comments, bodyDeclarations <- s.bodyDeclarations) } rule ArrayAccess { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ArrayAccess" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ArrayAccess" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, array <- s.array, index <- s.index) } rule ArrayCreation { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ArrayCreation" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ArrayCreation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, type <- s.type, dimensions <- s.dimensions, initializer <- s.initializer) } rule ArrayInitializer { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ArrayInitializer" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ArrayInitializer" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, expressions <- s.expressions) } rule AssertStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::AssertStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::AssertStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, message <- s.message, expression <- s.expression) } rule Assignment { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::Assignment" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::Assignment" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, operator <- s.operator, comments <- s.comments, leftHandSide <- s.leftHandSide, rightHandSide <- s.rightHandSide) } rule Block { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::Block" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::Block" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, statements <- s.statements) } rule BooleanLiteral { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::BooleanLiteral" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::BooleanLiteral" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, value <- s.value, comments <- s.comments) } rule BreakStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::BreakStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::BreakStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, label <- s.label) } rule CastExpression { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::CastExpression" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::CastExpression" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, type <- s.type, expression <- s.expression) } rule CatchClause { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::CatchClause" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::CatchClause" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, comments <- s.comments, exception <- s.exception, body <- s.body) } rule CharacterLiteral { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::CharacterLiteral" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::CharacterLiteral" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, escapedValue <- s.escapedValue, comments <- s.comments) } rule ClassInstanceCreation { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ClassInstanceCreation" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ClassInstanceCreation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, anonymousClassDeclaration <- s.anonymousClassDeclaration, arguments <- s.arguments, expression <- s.expression, type <- s.type, method <- s.method) } rule ConditionalExpression { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ConditionalExpression" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ConditionalExpression" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, elseExpression <- s.elseExpression, expression <- s.expression, thenExpression <- s.thenExpression) } rule ConstructorInvocation { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ConstructorInvocation" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ConstructorInvocation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, arguments <- s.arguments, method <- s.method) } rule ContinueStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ContinueStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ContinueStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, label <- s.label) } rule DoStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::DoStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::DoStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, expression <- s.expression, body <- s.body) } rule EmptyStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::EmptyStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::EmptyStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments) } rule ExpressionStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ExpressionStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ExpressionStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, expression <- s.expression) } rule FieldAccess { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::FieldAccess" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::FieldAccess" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, field <- s.field, expression <- s.expression) } rule FieldDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::FieldDeclaration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::FieldDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, annotations <- s.annotations, modifier <- s.modifier, type <- s.type, fragments <- s.fragments) } rule ForStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ForStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ForStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, expression <- s.expression, updaters <- s.updaters, initializers <- s.initializers, body <- s.body) } rule IfStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::IfStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::IfStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, expression <- s.expression, thenStatement <- s.thenStatement, elseStatement <- s.elseStatement) } rule ImportDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ImportDeclaration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ImportDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, static <- s.static, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, importedElement <- s.importedElement) } rule InfixExpression { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::InfixExpression" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::InfixExpression" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, operator <- s.operator, comments <- s.comments, rightOperand <- s.rightOperand, leftOperand <- s.leftOperand, extendedOperands <- s.extendedOperands) } rule Initializer { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::Initializer" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::Initializer" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, annotations <- s.annotations, modifier <- s.modifier, body <- s.body) } rule InstanceofExpression { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::InstanceofExpression" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::InstanceofExpression" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, rightOperand <- s.rightOperand, leftOperand <- s.leftOperand) } rule Javadoc { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::Javadoc" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::Javadoc" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, content <- s.content, isEnclosedByParent <- s.isEnclosedByParent, isPrefixOfParent <- s.isPrefixOfParent, comments <- s.comments, tags <- s.tags) } rule LabeledStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::LabeledStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::LabeledStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, body <- s.body) } rule MethodDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::MethodDeclaration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::MethodDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, originalRank <- s.originalRank, extraArrayDimensions <- s.extraArrayDimensions, constructor <- s.constructor, varargs <- s.varargs, comments <- s.comments, annotations <- s.annotations, modifier <- s.modifier, body <- s.body, thrownExceptions <- s.thrownExceptions, returnType <- s.returnType, typeParameters <- s.typeParameters, redefinedMethodDeclaration <- s.redefinedMethodDeclaration, redefinitions <- s.redefinitions, parameters <- s.parameters) } rule MethodInvocation { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::MethodInvocation" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::MethodInvocation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, method <- s.method, arguments <- s.arguments, expression <- s.expression) } rule NullLiteral { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::NullLiteral" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::NullLiteral" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments) } rule NumberLiteral { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::NumberLiteral" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::NumberLiteral" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, tokenValue <- s.tokenValue, comments <- s.comments) } rule PackageDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::PackageDeclaration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::PackageDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments, ownedElements <- s.ownedElements, ownedPackages <- s.ownedPackages) } rule ParenthesizedExpression { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ParenthesizedExpression" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ParenthesizedExpression" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, expression <- s.expression) } rule PostfixExpression { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::PostfixExpression" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::PostfixExpression" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, operator <- s.operator, comments <- s.comments, operand <- s.operand) } rule PrefixExpression { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::PrefixExpression" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::PrefixExpression" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, operator <- s.operator, comments <- s.comments, operand <- s.operand) } rule PrimitiveType { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveType" ( if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then s.oclIsTypeOf(JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveType") else false endif) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveType" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments) } rule NamedElementRef { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::NamedElementRef" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::NamedElementRef" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, qualifier <- s.qualifier, element <- s.element) } rule ReturnStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ReturnStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ReturnStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, expression <- s.expression) } rule SingleVariableDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::SingleVariableDeclaration" ( if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then s.oclIsTypeOf(JAVA!"j2se5::SingleVariableDeclaration") else false endif) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::SingleVariableDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, extraArrayDimensions <- s.extraArrayDimensions, comments <- s.comments, initializer <- s.initializer, modifier <- s.modifier) } rule StringLiteral { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::StringLiteral" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::StringLiteral" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, escapedValue <- s.escapedValue, comments <- s.comments) } rule SuperConstructorInvocation { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::SuperConstructorInvocation" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::SuperConstructorInvocation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, expression <- s.expression, arguments <- s.arguments, method <- s.method) } rule SuperFieldAccess { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::SuperFieldAccess" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::SuperFieldAccess" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, field <- s.field, qualifier <- s.qualifier) } rule SuperMethodInvocation { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::SuperMethodInvocation" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::SuperMethodInvocation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, qualifier <- s.qualifier, arguments <- s.arguments, method <- s.method) } rule SwitchCase { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::SwitchCase" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::SwitchCase" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, expressionInitialized <- s.expressionInitialized, comments <- s.comments, expression <- s.expression) } rule SwitchStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::SwitchStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::SwitchStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, expression <- s.expression, statements <- s.statements) } rule SynchronizedStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::SynchronizedStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::SynchronizedStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, body <- s.body, expression <- s.expression) } rule ThisExpression { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ThisExpression" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ThisExpression" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, qualifier <- s.qualifier) } rule ThrowStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ThrowStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ThrowStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, expression <- s.expression) } rule TryStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::TryStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::TryStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, body <- s.body, finally <- s.finally, catchClauses <- s.catchClauses) } rule TypeDeclarationStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::TypeDeclarationStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::TypeDeclarationStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, declaration <- s.declaration) } rule TypeLiteral { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::TypeLiteral" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::TypeLiteral" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, type <- s.type) } rule VariableDeclarationExpression { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::VariableDeclarationExpression" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::VariableDeclarationExpression" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, type <- s.type, fragments <- s.fragments, modifier <- s.modifier) } rule VariableDeclarationStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::VariableDeclarationStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::VariableDeclarationStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, extraArrayDimensions <- s.extraArrayDimensions, comments <- s.comments, type <- s.type, fragments <- s.fragments, modifier <- s.modifier) } rule WhileStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::WhileStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::WhileStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, expression <- s.expression, body <- s.body) } rule BlockComment { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::BlockComment" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::BlockComment" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, content <- s.content, isEnclosedByParent <- s.isEnclosedByParent, isPrefixOfParent <- s.isPrefixOfParent, comments <- s.comments) } rule LineComment { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::LineComment" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::LineComment" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, content <- s.content, isEnclosedByParent <- s.isEnclosedByParent, isPrefixOfParent <- s.isPrefixOfParent, comments <- s.comments) } rule EnumDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::EnumDeclaration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::EnumDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, originalRank <- s.originalRank, originalFileContent <- s.originalFileContent, comments <- s.comments, annotations <- s.annotations, modifier <- s.modifier, imports <- s.imports, bodyDeclarations <- s.bodyDeclarations, superInterfaces <- s.superInterfaces, commentsBeforeBody <- s.commentsBeforeBody, commentsAfterBody <- s.commentsAfterBody, enumConstants <- s.enumConstants) } rule EnumConstantDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::EnumConstantDeclaration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::EnumConstantDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, annotations <- s.annotations, modifier <- s.modifier, anonymousClassDeclaration <- s.anonymousClassDeclaration, arguments <- s.arguments) } rule Model { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::Model" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::Model" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, ownedElements <- s.ownedElements, orphanTypes <- s.orphanTypes, unresolvedItems <- s.unresolvedItems) } rule ArrayLengthAccess { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ArrayLengthAccess" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ArrayLengthAccess" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, array <- s.array) } rule TagElement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::TagElement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::TagElement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, tagName <- s.tagName, comments <- s.comments, fragments <- s.fragments) } rule TextElement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::TextElement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::TextElement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, text <- s.text, comments <- s.comments) } rule MethodRef { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::MethodRef" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::MethodRef" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, comments <- s.comments, method <- s.method, qualifier <- s.qualifier, parameters <- s.parameters) } rule MemberRef { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::MemberRef" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::MemberRef" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, comments <- s.comments, member <- s.member, qualifier <- s.qualifier) } rule UnresolvedItem { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::UnresolvedItem" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::UnresolvedItem" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments) } rule Annotation { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::Annotation" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::Annotation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, values <- s.values, type <- s.type) } rule AnnotationMemberValuePair { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::AnnotationMemberValuePair" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::AnnotationMemberValuePair" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, comments <- s.comments, value <- s.value, member <- s.member) } rule AnnotationTypeDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::AnnotationTypeDeclaration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::AnnotationTypeDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, originalRank <- s.originalRank, originalFileContent <- s.originalFileContent, comments <- s.comments, annotations <- s.annotations, modifier <- s.modifier, imports <- s.imports, bodyDeclarations <- s.bodyDeclarations, superInterfaces <- s.superInterfaces, commentsBeforeBody <- s.commentsBeforeBody, commentsAfterBody <- s.commentsAfterBody) } rule AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, annotations <- s.annotations, modifier <- s.modifier, type <- s.type, default <- s.default) } rule EnhancedForStatement { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::EnhancedForStatement" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::EnhancedForStatement" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, body <- s.body, expression <- s.expression, parameter <- s.parameter) } rule TypeParameter { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::TypeParameter" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::TypeParameter" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments, bounds <- s.bounds) } rule ParameterizedType { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ParameterizedType" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ParameterizedType" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments, type <- s.type, typeArguments <- s.typeArguments) } rule WildCardType { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::WildCardType" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::WildCardType" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, isUpperBound <- s.isUpperBound, comments <- s.comments, bound <- s.bound) } rule OrphanType { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::OrphanType" ( if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then s.oclIsTypeOf(JAVA!"j2se5::OrphanType") else false endif) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::OrphanType" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments) } rule ArrayType { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ArrayType" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ArrayType" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, dimensions <- s.dimensions, comments <- s.comments, elementType <- s.elementType) } rule MethodRefParameter { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::MethodRefParameter" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::MethodRefParameter" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, isVarargs <- s.isVarargs, comments <- s.comments, type <- s.type) } rule ParameterDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ParameterDeclaration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ParameterDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, extraArrayDimensions <- s.extraArrayDimensions, isVarargs <- s.isVarargs, originalRank <- s.originalRank, comments <- s.comments, initializer <- s.initializer, modifier <- s.modifier, type <- s.type) } rule SingleMemberDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::SingleMemberDeclaration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::SingleMemberDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, extraArrayDimensions <- s.extraArrayDimensions, comments <- s.comments, initializer <- s.initializer, modifier <- s.modifier) } rule ClassDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::ClassDeclaration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::ClassDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, originalRank <- s.originalRank, originalFileContent <- s.originalFileContent, comments <- s.comments, annotations <- s.annotations, modifier <- s.modifier, imports <- s.imports, bodyDeclarations <- s.bodyDeclarations, superInterfaces <- s.superInterfaces, commentsBeforeBody <- s.commentsBeforeBody, commentsAfterBody <- s.commentsAfterBody, typeParameters <- s.typeParameters, superclass <- s.superclass) } rule InterfaceDeclaration { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::InterfaceDeclaration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::InterfaceDeclaration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, originalRank <- s.originalRank, originalFileContent <- s.originalFileContent, comments <- s.comments, annotations <- s.annotations, modifier <- s.modifier, imports <- s.imports, bodyDeclarations <- s.bodyDeclarations, superInterfaces <- s.superInterfaces, commentsBeforeBody <- s.commentsBeforeBody, commentsAfterBody <- s.commentsAfterBody, typeParameters <- s.typeParameters) } rule Modifier { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::Modifier" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::Modifier" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, visibility <- s.visibility, inheritance <- s.inheritance, isStatic <- s.isStatic, isTransient <- s.isTransient, isVolatile <- s.isVolatile, isNative <- s.isNative, isStrictfp <- s.isStrictfp, isSynchronized <- s.isSynchronized, comments <- s.comments) } rule PrimitiveTypeChar { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeChar" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeChar" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments) } rule PrimitiveTypeByte { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeByte" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeByte" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments) } rule PrimitiveTypeShort { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeShort" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeShort" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments) } rule PrimitiveTypeInt { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeInt" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeInt" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments) } rule PrimitiveTypeLong { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeLong" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeLong" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments) } rule PrimitiveTypeFloat { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeFloat" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeFloat" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments) } rule PrimitiveTypeDouble { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeDouble" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeDouble" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments) } rule PrimitiveTypeBoolean { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeBoolean" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeBoolean" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments) } rule PrimitiveTypeVoid { from s : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeVoid" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s)) to t : JAVA!"j2se5::PrimitiveTypeVoid" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, proxy <- s.proxy, comments <- s.comments) }