Change Log Pellet 1.3 (Apr 17, 2005) ------------------------- * ENHANCED: SPARQL query engine PelletQueryExecution tu answer non-SELECT queries * ADDED: Processing class expressions in SPARQL queries * ADDED: Treating bnodes in SPARQL queries as non-distinguished variables * ADDED: Query optimization features (simplification and reordering). Reordering feature is disabled by default and needs to be enabled in the configuration file. * ENHANCED: Datatype reasoning support for user-defined datatypes * ADDED: Support for InverseFunctional datatype properties (a.k.a. keys). (experimental) * ADDED: Support for DL-safe rules (experimental) * ENHANCED: Pellet command line options * ENHANCED: More configuration parameters in Pellet 1.3-beta2 (Nov 1, 2005) ------------------------------ * MODIFIED: Jena jar files to version 2.3 * ADDED: SPARQL query engine named PelletQueryExecution * ADDED: A new option PelletOptions.USE_UNIQUE_NAME_ASSUMPTION * ADDED: A new option PelletOptions.TREAT_ALL_VARS_DISTINGUISHED that is true by default so that all variables in a query are treated as distiguished even though they do not appear in the SELECT clause. Earlier, this option was considered to be false by default. * ADDED: Classification progress bar * ENHANCED: KRSS support to load these files independent of DL-becnhmark tests * ENHANCED: Preprocessing step for much faster TBox and RBox processing * ENHANCED: Internal query engines for answering queries * ENHANCED: Nominal absorption for hasValue restrictions * ENHANCED: Told subsumer computation for union class descriptions * ENHANCED: PelletInfGraph.graphBaseContains function to handle Node.ANY parameters gracefully * FIXED: Various bugs related to datatypes Pellet 1.3-beta (Sep 21, 2005) ------------------------------ * ADDED: DIG Server implementation * ADDED: Sound and complete SHOIN algorithm based on the algorithm by Horrocks and Sattler. * ADDED : A special completion strategy for SHN ontologies that have no instances * ADDED: A simple version of copy on write for ABox * ADDED: Novel optimizations for nominals (enumerated classes) * ADDED: Partial backjumping to reduce repeating rule applications * ENHANCED: Oldest first disjunction selection heuristics * ENHANCED: Blocking strategies * ENHANCED: Performance of KB.getPropertyValues() function that speeds up ABox query answering * ENHANCED: Optimize loading from Jena models * ADDED: PelletInfGraph generates ABox answers when predicate is not given * ADDED: PelletInfGraph generates answers for disjointWith, complementOf and sameAs queries * FIXED: Answering queries about anon classes in PelletinfGraph * ADDED: Reasoning with user-defined numeric datatypes * ADDED: OWLLoader class to use Jena graph interface to load ontologies instead of OWLParser that uses Jena model interface Pellet 1.2 (Jun 22, 2005) --------------------------- * MODIFIED: Jena jar files to version 2.2 * ENHANCED: PelletInfGraph reloads only the submodel that was changed when there are only additions (no deletions) * ENHANCED: Speed up in PelletInfGraph when subject and object are not variables. * ENHANCED: findWithContinuation() function in PelletInfGraph to return answers without classifying the ontology whenever possible * ADDED: Alternative implementation of contains() function in PelletInfGraph that works without classifying the ontology * ENHANCED: Classification code uses an adjacency list instead of adjacancy matrix (using linear space instead of quadratic) * ENHANCED: Internal query engines * FIXED: Duplicate answers generated by PelletQueryEngine * MODIFIED: Use Jena ResultBindingImpl instead of PelletResultBinding * ADDED: PelletReasonerFactory to create PelletReasoner * ADDED: Function to check datatype subsumption in OWLReasoner class * ENHANCED: RDQL support in command line Pellet * FIXED: Parsing queryString option in * ADDED: A new example PelletQuery for RDQL queries * ADDED: A new example to compare Racer and Pellet * FIXED: KnowledgeBase.getSuperProperties() function * FIXED: Problems in USE_PSEUDO_MODEL option related to non-deterministic branches * MODIFIED: Change Literal.getLang() function to return "" when there is no language identifier * FIXED: Nominal problem in DL Expressivity * FIXED: Problems due to inverse properties in computeSubRoles * ENHANCED: TBox absorption performance * ADDED: More query functions to OWL-API reasoner implementation Pellet 1.1.0 (Dec. 7, 2004) --------------------------- * ENHANCED: Internal data structures and the performance of the reasoner * ENHANCED: The API to access the reasoner * ADDED: Some help documenation (a simple readme file, javadocs for the API and some sample code) * ADDED: Implementation of the Jena reasoner interface * ADDED: Internal RDQL engine * ADDED: Support for E-connected ontologies