#!/bin/sh # extracts the path where the 'iat' shell script is located CURRENTWD=`dirname $0` # automatically extract all .jar files in the lib subdirectory JARS=`ls $CURRENTWD/lib/*.jar` JARPATH="$CURRENTWD/ambienttalk2.jar" # append the .jar files using ':' to construct a valid classpath for JAR in $JARS; do JARPATH="$JARPATH:$JAR" done # if AT_HOME env var is not defined, set it to the location of this script if ! [ $AT_HOME ]; then AT_HOME=$CURRENTWD fi # invoke the IAT shell via the JVM and: # - pass the AT_HOME and AT_OBJECTPATH environment variables to the JVM environment via -D # - make sure to include all the jar files in the ./lib directory # - invoke the main IAT class # - pass any parameters to this script to IAT # - pipe System.err to the console java -DAT_HOME=$AT_HOME -DAT_OBJECTPATH=$AT_OBJECTPATH -classpath $CLASSPATH:$JARPATH edu.vub.at.IAT "$@" 2> /dev/console