AmbientTalk/2 Project (c) Programming Technology Lab, 2006 - 2007 Authors: Tom Van Cutsem & Stijn Mostinckx Developed and maintained by the Ambient Group: see The Ambient Group is: Jessie Dedecker Wolfgang De Meuter Elisa Gonzalez Stijn Mostinckx Stijn Timbermont Jorge Vallejos Tom Van Cutsem This is the binary distribution of the AmbientTalk/2 interpreter. A quick tour of what's included: - AmbientTalk 2.tmbundle: the TextMate support bundle, simply drag it on to TextMate, if you have that application installed. - iat: the shell script that starts the interactive ambienttalk shell (iat). - ambienttalk2.jar: the code for the AT/2 interpreter, preferably to be ran via the iat script - at: the 'system library' that is shipped with the language. As a user, you can modify the files, but at your own risk :-) - lib: external Java libraries for the interpreter Do not forget to set the value of the AT_HOME environment variable when running iat from within TextMate. For more information, visit For changelists and version information, visit