-- $Id$ module CopyModel; create OUT : UML refining IN : UML; -- ====================================================================== -- model copy begin -- ====================================================================== rule Model { from s : UML!Model to t : UML!Model mapsTo s ( isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, elementImport <- s.elementImport, comment <- s.comment, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, constraint <- s.constraint, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, generalization <- s.generalization, stereotype <- s.stereotype, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow) } rule StateMachine { from s : UML!StateMachine (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML!StateMachine)) to t : UML!StateMachine mapsTo s ( visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, submachineState <- s.submachineState, comment <- s.comment, top <- s.top, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, transitions <- s.transitions, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, constraint <- s.constraint, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, stereotype <- s.stereotype, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, "context" <- s."context") } -- ====================================================================== -- model copy end -- ======================================================================