-- Generated by: $Id: ModelCopyGenerator.atl 3143 2006-01-13 13:36:01Z dwagelaa $ module ModelCopy; create OUT : OUTMODEL from IN : INMODEL; rule TagDefinition { from s : INMODEL!TagDefinition to t : OUTMODEL!TagDefinition mapsTo s ( multiplicity <- s.multiplicity, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, tagType <- s.tagType, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Dependency { from s : INMODEL!Dependency (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!Dependency)) to t : OUTMODEL!Dependency mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, supplier <- s.supplier, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, client <- s.client, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ClassifierInState { from s : INMODEL!ClassifierInState to t : OUTMODEL!ClassifierInState mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, type <- s.type, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, feature <- s.feature, inState <- s.inState, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Stimulus { from s : INMODEL!Stimulus to t : OUTMODEL!Stimulus mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, receiver <- s.receiver, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, communicationLink <- s.communicationLink, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, sender <- s.sender, argument <- s.argument, dispatchAction <- s.dispatchAction, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Transition { from s : INMODEL!Transition to t : OUTMODEL!Transition mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, source <- s.source, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, trigger <- s.trigger, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, guard <- s.guard, effect <- s.effect, target <- s.target, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Stereotype { from s : INMODEL!Stereotype to t : OUTMODEL!Stereotype mapsTo s ( baseClass <- s.baseClass, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, icon <- s.icon, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, definedTag <- s.definedTag, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, generalization <- s.generalization, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, stereotypeConstraint <- s.stereotypeConstraint) } rule ChangeEvent { from s : INMODEL!ChangeEvent to t : OUTMODEL!ChangeEvent mapsTo s ( changeExpression <- s.changeExpression, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, parameter <- s.parameter, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Abstraction { from s : INMODEL!Abstraction to t : OUTMODEL!Abstraction mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, mapping <- s.mapping, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, supplier <- s.supplier, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, client <- s.client, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ActivityGraph { from s : INMODEL!ActivityGraph to t : OUTMODEL!ActivityGraph mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, partition <- s.partition, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, transitions <- s.transitions, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, top <- s.top, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, submachineState <- s.submachineState, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Generalization { from s : INMODEL!Generalization to t : OUTMODEL!Generalization mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, discriminator <- s.discriminator, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, powertype <- s.powertype, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, child <- s.child, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, parent <- s.parent, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule TemplateArgument { from s : INMODEL!TemplateArgument to t : OUTMODEL!TemplateArgument mapsTo s ( modelElement <- s.modelElement) } rule TypeExpression { from s : INMODEL!TypeExpression to t : OUTMODEL!TypeExpression mapsTo s ( body <- s.body, language <- s.language) } rule UseCaseInstance { from s : INMODEL!UseCaseInstance to t : OUTMODEL!UseCaseInstance mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, linkEnd <- s.linkEnd, classifier <- s.classifier, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, componentInstance <- s.componentInstance, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, slot <- s.slot, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, ownedLink <- s.ownedLink, ownedInstance <- s.ownedInstance, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Artifact { from s : INMODEL!Artifact to t : OUTMODEL!Artifact mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule CallAction { from s : INMODEL!CallAction to t : OUTMODEL!CallAction mapsTo s ( target <- s.target, recurrence <- s.recurrence, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, isAsynchronous <- s.isAsynchronous, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, script <- s.script, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, operation <- s.operation, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, actualArgument <- s.actualArgument, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule DataValue { from s : INMODEL!DataValue to t : OUTMODEL!DataValue mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, linkEnd <- s.linkEnd, classifier <- s.classifier, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, componentInstance <- s.componentInstance, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, slot <- s.slot, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, ownedLink <- s.ownedLink, ownedInstance <- s.ownedInstance, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Message { from s : INMODEL!Message to t : OUTMODEL!Message mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, communicationConnection <- s.communicationConnection, conformingStimulus <- s.conformingStimulus, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, predecessor <- s.predecessor, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, activator <- s.activator, comment <- s.comment, action <- s.action, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, sender <- s.sender, receiver <- s.receiver, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Usage { from s : INMODEL!Usage to t : OUTMODEL!Usage mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, supplier <- s.supplier, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, client <- s.client, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ArgListsExpression { from s : INMODEL!ArgListsExpression to t : OUTMODEL!ArgListsExpression mapsTo s ( body <- s.body, language <- s.language) } rule Component { from s : INMODEL!Component to t : OUTMODEL!Component mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, implementation <- s.implementation, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, residentElement <- s.residentElement, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ObjectSetExpression { from s : INMODEL!ObjectSetExpression to t : OUTMODEL!ObjectSetExpression mapsTo s ( body <- s.body, language <- s.language) } rule DestroyAction { from s : INMODEL!DestroyAction to t : OUTMODEL!DestroyAction mapsTo s ( target <- s.target, recurrence <- s.recurrence, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, isAsynchronous <- s.isAsynchronous, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, script <- s.script, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, actualArgument <- s.actualArgument, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Link { from s : INMODEL!Link (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!Link)) to t : OUTMODEL!Link mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, association <- s.association, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, connection <- s.connection, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule CollaborationInstanceSet { from s : INMODEL!CollaborationInstanceSet to t : OUTMODEL!CollaborationInstanceSet mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, interactionInstanceSet <- s.interactionInstanceSet, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, collaboration <- s.collaboration, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, constrainingElement <- s.constrainingElement, participatingLink <- s.participatingLink, participatingInstance <- s.participatingInstance, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Interaction { from s : INMODEL!Interaction to t : OUTMODEL!Interaction mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, message <- s.message, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule UseCase { from s : INMODEL!UseCase to t : OUTMODEL!UseCase mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, extend <- s.extend, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, include <- s.include, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, extensionPoint <- s.extensionPoint, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Collaboration { from s : INMODEL!Collaboration to t : OUTMODEL!Collaboration mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, representedOperation <- s.representedOperation, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, usedCollaboration <- s.usedCollaboration, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, representedClassifier <- s.representedClassifier, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, constrainingElement <- s.constrainingElement, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, interaction <- s.interaction, generalization <- s.generalization, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule IterationExpression { from s : INMODEL!IterationExpression to t : OUTMODEL!IterationExpression mapsTo s ( body <- s.body, language <- s.language) } rule Operation { from s : INMODEL!Operation to t : OUTMODEL!Operation mapsTo s ( specification <- s.specification, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, isQuery <- s.isQuery, name <- s.name, concurrency <- s.concurrency, isRoot <- s.isRoot, ownerScope <- s.ownerScope, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, parameter <- s.parameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ComponentInstance { from s : INMODEL!ComponentInstance to t : OUTMODEL!ComponentInstance mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, linkEnd <- s.linkEnd, classifier <- s.classifier, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, nodeInstance <- s.nodeInstance, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, resident <- s.resident, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, componentInstance <- s.componentInstance, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, slot <- s.slot, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, ownedLink <- s.ownedLink, ownedInstance <- s.ownedInstance, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Interface { from s : INMODEL!Interface to t : OUTMODEL!Interface mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ElementResidence { from s : INMODEL!ElementResidence to t : OUTMODEL!ElementResidence mapsTo s ( visibility <- s.visibility, resident <- s.resident) } rule CallEvent { from s : INMODEL!CallEvent to t : OUTMODEL!CallEvent mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, parameter <- s.parameter, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, operation <- s.operation, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule AttributeLink { from s : INMODEL!AttributeLink to t : OUTMODEL!AttributeLink mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, value <- s.value, attribute <- s.attribute, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Reception { from s : INMODEL!Reception to t : OUTMODEL!Reception mapsTo s ( specification <- s.specification, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, isRoot <- s.isRoot, visibility <- s.visibility, isQuery <- s.isQuery, name <- s.name, ownerScope <- s.ownerScope, signal <- s.signal, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, parameter <- s.parameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Include { from s : INMODEL!Include to t : OUTMODEL!Include mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, base <- s.base, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, addition <- s.addition, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ActionState { from s : INMODEL!ActionState (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!ActionState)) to t : OUTMODEL!ActionState mapsTo s ( dynamicMultiplicity <- s.dynamicMultiplicity, isDynamic <- s.isDynamic, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, dynamicArguments <- s.dynamicArguments, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, incoming <- s.incoming, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, internalTransition <- s.internalTransition, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, doActivity <- s.doActivity, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, deferrableEvent <- s.deferrableEvent, outgoing <- s.outgoing, entry <- s.entry, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, exit <- s.exit, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Pseudostate { from s : INMODEL!Pseudostate to t : OUTMODEL!Pseudostate mapsTo s ( kind <- s.kind, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, incoming <- s.incoming, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, outgoing <- s.outgoing, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule LinkEnd { from s : INMODEL!LinkEnd to t : OUTMODEL!LinkEnd mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, instance <- s.instance, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, qualifiedValue <- s.qualifiedValue, associationEnd <- s.associationEnd, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule AssociationRole { from s : INMODEL!AssociationRole to t : OUTMODEL!AssociationRole mapsTo s ( multiplicity <- s.multiplicity, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, conformingLink <- s.conformingLink, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, message <- s.message, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, base <- s.base, generalization <- s.generalization, connection <- s.connection, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule TimeExpression { from s : INMODEL!TimeExpression to t : OUTMODEL!TimeExpression mapsTo s ( body <- s.body, language <- s.language) } rule LinkObject { from s : INMODEL!LinkObject to t : OUTMODEL!LinkObject mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, linkEnd <- s.linkEnd, classifier <- s.classifier, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, association <- s.association, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, componentInstance <- s.componentInstance, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, connection <- s.connection, slot <- s.slot, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, ownedLink <- s.ownedLink, ownedInstance <- s.ownedInstance, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Subsystem { from s : INMODEL!Subsystem to t : OUTMODEL!Subsystem mapsTo s ( isInstantiable <- s.isInstantiable, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, elementImport <- s.elementImport, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule BooleanExpression { from s : INMODEL!BooleanExpression to t : OUTMODEL!BooleanExpression mapsTo s ( body <- s.body, language <- s.language) } rule ProcedureExpression { from s : INMODEL!ProcedureExpression to t : OUTMODEL!ProcedureExpression mapsTo s ( body <- s.body, language <- s.language) } rule Association { from s : INMODEL!Association (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!Association)) to t : OUTMODEL!Association mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, generalization <- s.generalization, connection <- s.connection, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Method { from s : INMODEL!Method to t : OUTMODEL!Method mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, isQuery <- s.isQuery, name <- s.name, body <- s.body, ownerScope <- s.ownerScope, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, specification <- s.specification, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, parameter <- s.parameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Extend { from s : INMODEL!Extend to t : OUTMODEL!Extend mapsTo s ( condition <- s.condition, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, extensionPoint <- s.extensionPoint, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, extension <- s.extension, base <- s.base, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Comment { from s : INMODEL!Comment to t : OUTMODEL!Comment mapsTo s ( body <- s.body, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, annotatedElement <- s.annotatedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule SimpleState { from s : INMODEL!SimpleState (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!SimpleState)) to t : OUTMODEL!SimpleState mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, incoming <- s.incoming, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, internalTransition <- s.internalTransition, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, doActivity <- s.doActivity, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, deferrableEvent <- s.deferrableEvent, outgoing <- s.outgoing, entry <- s.entry, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, exit <- s.exit, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Signal { from s : INMODEL!Signal (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!Signal)) to t : OUTMODEL!Signal mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, "context" <- s."context", sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule AssociationEnd { from s : INMODEL!AssociationEnd (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!AssociationEnd)) to t : OUTMODEL!AssociationEnd mapsTo s ( ordering <- s.ordering, targetScope <- s.targetScope, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, isNavigable <- s.isNavigable, changeability <- s.changeability, visibility <- s.visibility, multiplicity <- s.multiplicity, name <- s.name, aggregation <- s.aggregation, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, qualifier <- s.qualifier, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, participant <- s.participant, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, specification <- s.specification, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Primitive { from s : INMODEL!Primitive to t : OUTMODEL!Primitive mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule TaggedValue { from s : INMODEL!TaggedValue to t : OUTMODEL!TaggedValue mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, dataValue <- s.dataValue, name <- s.name, referenceValue <- s.referenceValue, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Exception { from s : INMODEL!Exception to t : OUTMODEL!Exception mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, "context" <- s."context", sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule CreateAction { from s : INMODEL!CreateAction to t : OUTMODEL!CreateAction mapsTo s ( target <- s.target, recurrence <- s.recurrence, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, isAsynchronous <- s.isAsynchronous, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, script <- s.script, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, instantiation <- s.instantiation, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, actualArgument <- s.actualArgument, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ElementImport { from s : INMODEL!ElementImport to t : OUTMODEL!ElementImport mapsTo s ( visibility <- s.visibility, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, alias <- s.alias, importedElement <- s.importedElement) } rule Parameter { from s : INMODEL!Parameter to t : OUTMODEL!Parameter mapsTo s ( defaultValue <- s.defaultValue, kind <- s.kind, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, type <- s.type, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule StubState { from s : INMODEL!StubState to t : OUTMODEL!StubState mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, referenceState <- s.referenceState, incoming <- s.incoming, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, outgoing <- s.outgoing, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Model { from s : INMODEL!Model to t : OUTMODEL!Model mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, elementImport <- s.elementImport, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, generalization <- s.generalization, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule SubmachineState { from s : INMODEL!SubmachineState (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!SubmachineState)) to t : OUTMODEL!SubmachineState mapsTo s ( isConcurrent <- s.isConcurrent, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, incoming <- s.incoming, subvertex <- s.subvertex, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, internalTransition <- s.internalTransition, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, doActivity <- s.doActivity, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, deferrableEvent <- s.deferrableEvent, outgoing <- s.outgoing, entry <- s.entry, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, exit <- s.exit, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, submachine <- s.submachine, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Binding { from s : INMODEL!Binding to t : OUTMODEL!Binding mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, argument <- s.argument, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, supplier <- s.supplier, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, client <- s.client, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule FinalState { from s : INMODEL!FinalState to t : OUTMODEL!FinalState mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, incoming <- s.incoming, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, internalTransition <- s.internalTransition, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, doActivity <- s.doActivity, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, deferrableEvent <- s.deferrableEvent, outgoing <- s.outgoing, entry <- s.entry, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, exit <- s.exit, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Constraint { from s : INMODEL!Constraint to t : OUTMODEL!Constraint mapsTo s ( body <- s.body, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, constrainedElement <- s.constrainedElement, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule SendAction { from s : INMODEL!SendAction to t : OUTMODEL!SendAction mapsTo s ( target <- s.target, recurrence <- s.recurrence, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, isAsynchronous <- s.isAsynchronous, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, script <- s.script, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, signal <- s.signal, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, actualArgument <- s.actualArgument, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ReturnAction { from s : INMODEL!ReturnAction to t : OUTMODEL!ReturnAction mapsTo s ( target <- s.target, recurrence <- s.recurrence, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, isAsynchronous <- s.isAsynchronous, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, script <- s.script, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, actualArgument <- s.actualArgument, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ActionExpression { from s : INMODEL!ActionExpression to t : OUTMODEL!ActionExpression mapsTo s ( body <- s.body, language <- s.language) } rule MultiplicityRange { from s : INMODEL!MultiplicityRange to t : OUTMODEL!MultiplicityRange mapsTo s ( upper <- s.upper, lower <- s.lower) } rule CallState { from s : INMODEL!CallState to t : OUTMODEL!CallState mapsTo s ( dynamicMultiplicity <- s.dynamicMultiplicity, isDynamic <- s.isDynamic, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, dynamicArguments <- s.dynamicArguments, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, incoming <- s.incoming, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, internalTransition <- s.internalTransition, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, doActivity <- s.doActivity, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, deferrableEvent <- s.deferrableEvent, outgoing <- s.outgoing, entry <- s.entry, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, exit <- s.exit, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule MappingExpression { from s : INMODEL!MappingExpression to t : OUTMODEL!MappingExpression mapsTo s ( body <- s.body, language <- s.language) } rule SynchState { from s : INMODEL!SynchState to t : OUTMODEL!SynchState mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, bound <- s.bound, incoming <- s.incoming, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, outgoing <- s.outgoing, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Class { from s : INMODEL!Class (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!Class)) to t : OUTMODEL!Class mapsTo s ( isActive <- s.isActive, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ExtensionPoint { from s : INMODEL!ExtensionPoint to t : OUTMODEL!ExtensionPoint mapsTo s ( location <- s.location, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Flow { from s : INMODEL!Flow to t : OUTMODEL!Flow mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, target <- s.target, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, source <- s.source, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule EnumerationLiteral { from s : INMODEL!EnumerationLiteral to t : OUTMODEL!EnumerationLiteral mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ObjectFlowState { from s : INMODEL!ObjectFlowState to t : OUTMODEL!ObjectFlowState mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isSynch <- s.isSynch, incoming <- s.incoming, parameter <- s.parameter, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, internalTransition <- s.internalTransition, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, doActivity <- s.doActivity, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, deferrableEvent <- s.deferrableEvent, outgoing <- s.outgoing, entry <- s.entry, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, exit <- s.exit, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ActionSequence { from s : INMODEL!ActionSequence to t : OUTMODEL!ActionSequence mapsTo s ( target <- s.target, recurrence <- s.recurrence, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, isAsynchronous <- s.isAsynchronous, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, script <- s.script, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, action <- s.action, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, actualArgument <- s.actualArgument, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Node { from s : INMODEL!Node to t : OUTMODEL!Node mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, deployedComponent <- s.deployedComponent, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Multiplicity { from s : INMODEL!Multiplicity to t : OUTMODEL!Multiplicity mapsTo s ( range <- s.range) } rule Permission { from s : INMODEL!Permission to t : OUTMODEL!Permission mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, supplier <- s.supplier, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, client <- s.client, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Object { from s : INMODEL!Object (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!Object)) to t : OUTMODEL!Object mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, linkEnd <- s.linkEnd, classifier <- s.classifier, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, componentInstance <- s.componentInstance, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, slot <- s.slot, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, ownedLink <- s.ownedLink, ownedInstance <- s.ownedInstance, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Actor { from s : INMODEL!Actor to t : OUTMODEL!Actor mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule ProgrammingLanguageDataType { from s : INMODEL!ProgrammingLanguageDataType to t : OUTMODEL!ProgrammingLanguageDataType mapsTo s ( expression <- s.expression, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Attribute { from s : INMODEL!Attribute to t : OUTMODEL!Attribute mapsTo s ( changeability <- s.changeability, ordering <- s.ordering, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, targetScope <- s.targetScope, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, initialValue <- s.initialValue, ownerScope <- s.ownerScope, multiplicity <- s.multiplicity, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, type <- s.type, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule CompositeState { from s : INMODEL!CompositeState (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!CompositeState)) to t : OUTMODEL!CompositeState mapsTo s ( isConcurrent <- s.isConcurrent, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, incoming <- s.incoming, subvertex <- s.subvertex, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, internalTransition <- s.internalTransition, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, doActivity <- s.doActivity, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, deferrableEvent <- s.deferrableEvent, outgoing <- s.outgoing, entry <- s.entry, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, exit <- s.exit, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule DataType { from s : INMODEL!DataType (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!DataType)) to t : OUTMODEL!DataType mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule TerminateAction { from s : INMODEL!TerminateAction to t : OUTMODEL!TerminateAction mapsTo s ( target <- s.target, recurrence <- s.recurrence, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, isAsynchronous <- s.isAsynchronous, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, script <- s.script, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, actualArgument <- s.actualArgument, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Expression { from s : INMODEL!Expression (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!Expression)) to t : OUTMODEL!Expression mapsTo s ( body <- s.body, language <- s.language) } rule ClassifierRole { from s : INMODEL!ClassifierRole to t : OUTMODEL!ClassifierRole mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, multiplicity <- s.multiplicity, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, base <- s.base, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, availableContents <- s.availableContents, conformingInstance <- s.conformingInstance, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, availableFeature <- s.availableFeature, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule NodeInstance { from s : INMODEL!NodeInstance to t : OUTMODEL!NodeInstance mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, linkEnd <- s.linkEnd, classifier <- s.classifier, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, resident <- s.resident, stereotype <- s.stereotype, componentInstance <- s.componentInstance, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, slot <- s.slot, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, ownedLink <- s.ownedLink, ownedInstance <- s.ownedInstance, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule TimeEvent { from s : INMODEL!TimeEvent to t : OUTMODEL!TimeEvent mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, when <- s.when, parameter <- s.parameter, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule AssociationEndRole { from s : INMODEL!AssociationEndRole to t : OUTMODEL!AssociationEndRole mapsTo s ( ordering <- s.ordering, targetScope <- s.targetScope, collaborationMultiplicity <- s.collaborationMultiplicity, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, isNavigable <- s.isNavigable, changeability <- s.changeability, visibility <- s.visibility, multiplicity <- s.multiplicity, name <- s.name, aggregation <- s.aggregation, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, qualifier <- s.qualifier, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, availableQualifier <- s.availableQualifier, stereotype <- s.stereotype, participant <- s.participant, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, specification <- s.specification, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, base <- s.base, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule SubsystemInstance { from s : INMODEL!SubsystemInstance to t : OUTMODEL!SubsystemInstance mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, linkEnd <- s.linkEnd, classifier <- s.classifier, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, componentInstance <- s.componentInstance, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, slot <- s.slot, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, ownedLink <- s.ownedLink, ownedInstance <- s.ownedInstance, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Guard { from s : INMODEL!Guard to t : OUTMODEL!Guard mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, expression <- s.expression, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule AssociationClass { from s : INMODEL!AssociationClass to t : OUTMODEL!AssociationClass mapsTo s ( isActive <- s.isActive, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, connection <- s.connection, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule InteractionInstanceSet { from s : INMODEL!InteractionInstanceSet to t : OUTMODEL!InteractionInstanceSet mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, interaction <- s.interaction, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, participatingStimulus <- s.participatingStimulus, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Package { from s : INMODEL!Package (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!Package)) to t : OUTMODEL!Package mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, elementImport <- s.elementImport, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, generalization <- s.generalization, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Argument { from s : INMODEL!Argument to t : OUTMODEL!Argument mapsTo s ( value <- s.value, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Partition { from s : INMODEL!Partition to t : OUTMODEL!Partition mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, contents <- s.contents, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule SignalEvent { from s : INMODEL!SignalEvent to t : OUTMODEL!SignalEvent mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, parameter <- s.parameter, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, signal <- s.signal, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule Enumeration { from s : INMODEL!Enumeration to t : OUTMODEL!Enumeration mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRoot <- s.isRoot, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, ownedElement <- s.ownedElement, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, literal <- s.literal, feature <- s.feature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeRange <- s.powertypeRange, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule SubactivityState { from s : INMODEL!SubactivityState to t : OUTMODEL!SubactivityState mapsTo s ( isConcurrent <- s.isConcurrent, dynamicArguments <- s.dynamicArguments, dynamicMultiplicity <- s.dynamicMultiplicity, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, isDynamic <- s.isDynamic, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, incoming <- s.incoming, subvertex <- s.subvertex, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, internalTransition <- s.internalTransition, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, doActivity <- s.doActivity, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, deferrableEvent <- s.deferrableEvent, outgoing <- s.outgoing, entry <- s.entry, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, exit <- s.exit, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, submachine <- s.submachine, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule UninterpretedAction { from s : INMODEL!UninterpretedAction to t : OUTMODEL!UninterpretedAction mapsTo s ( target <- s.target, recurrence <- s.recurrence, isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, isAsynchronous <- s.isAsynchronous, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, script <- s.script, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, actualArgument <- s.actualArgument, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) } rule TemplateParameter { from s : INMODEL!TemplateParameter to t : OUTMODEL!TemplateParameter mapsTo s ( parameter <- s.parameter, defaultElement <- s.defaultElement) } rule StateMachine { from s : INMODEL!StateMachine (s.oclIsTypeOf(INMODEL!StateMachine)) to t : OUTMODEL!StateMachine mapsTo s ( isSpecification <- s.isSpecification, visibility <- s.visibility, name <- s.name, taggedValue <- s.taggedValue, transitions <- s.transitions, sourceFlow <- s.sourceFlow, top <- s.top, constraint <- s.constraint, stereotype <- s.stereotype, submachineState <- s.submachineState, targetFlow <- s.targetFlow, comment <- s.comment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency) }