-- @atlcompiler emftvm -- Generated by: $Id: EModelCopyGenerator.atl 8458 2011-03-15 18:58:18Z dwagelaa $ module EModelCopy; create OUT : OUTMODEL from IN : INMODEL; helper def : inElements : Set(INMODEL!"ecore::EObject") = INMODEL!"ecore::EObject".allInstancesFrom('IN')->asSet(); helper context OclAny def : isInElement : Boolean = thisModule.inElements->includes(self); rule EAnnotation { from s : INMODEL!"ecore::EAnnotation" in IN to t : OUTMODEL!"ecore::EAnnotation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, source <- s.source, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, details <- s.details, contents <- s.contents, references <- s.references) } rule EStringToStringMapEntry { from s : INMODEL!"ecore::EStringToStringMapEntry" in IN to t : OUTMODEL!"ecore::EStringToStringMapEntry" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, key <- s.key, value <- s.value) }