-- @atlcompiler emftvm -- $Id$ library "lib::Config"; -- adapt the following helper to reflect your file path helper context String def : path : String = '/uml2cs-transformations/transformations-offline/' + self; -- adapt the following inclusion condition for your specific model helper context ECORE!"ecore::EClass" def : inclusionCondition : Boolean = not ( self.name = 'EAttribute' or self.name = 'EClass' or self.name = 'EDataType' or self.name = 'EEnum' or self.name = 'EEnumLiteral' or self.name = 'EFactory' or self.name = 'EObject' or self.name = 'EOperation' or self.name = 'EPackage' or self.name = 'EParameter' or self.name = 'EReference' or self.name = 'EGenericType' or self.name = 'ETypeParameter' or self.name = 'Profile' or self.name = 'Stereotype' ); -- select whether or not to use fully qualified meta-class names (::) helper context ECORE!"ecore::ENamedElement" def : useQualifiedName : Boolean = true; -- select whether or not to use fully qualified rule names (::) helper context ECORE!"ecore::ENamedElement" def : useQualifiedRuleName : Boolean = false; -- select whether or not to copy the __xmiid__ attribute helper context ECORE!"ecore::EClass" def : copyXmiID : Boolean = true; -- select whether or not to use an intermediate s.inElements helper attribute, -- or use 'in IN' directly. helper context ECORE!"ecore::EClass" def : useInElementsHelper : Boolean = false; -- select whether or not to use an intermediate s.isInElement helper attribute, -- or use thisModule.isElements->includes(s) straight away. helper context ECORE!"ecore::EClass" def : useIsInElementHelper : Boolean = false;