-- @atlcompiler emftvm -- @nsURI UML2=http://www.eclipse.org/uml2/3.0.0/UML -- $Id$ -- Copies UML2 models module UML2Copy; create OUT : UML2 from IN : UML2; -- ====================================================================== -- Stereotype copying rules begin -- ====================================================================== lazy rule ApplyStereotypes { from s : UML2!"uml::Element" in IN using { t : UML2!"uml::Element" = s.resolve(); } do { for (st in s.getAppliedStereotypes()) { t.applyStereotype(st); for (a in st.getAllAttributes()) { if (not a.name.startsWith('base_') and s.hasValue(st, a.name)) { t.setValue(st, a.name, s.getValue(st, a.name)); } } } } } endpoint rule ApplyAllStereotypes() { do { for (element in thisModule.traces.defaultSourceElements ->collect(e|e.object) ->select(o|o.oclIsKindOf(UML2!"uml::Element"))) { thisModule.ApplyStereotypes(element); } } } -- ====================================================================== -- Stereotype copying rules end -- ====================================================================== -- ====================================================================== -- Ecore copying rules begin -- ====================================================================== -- Generated by: EModelCopyGenerator.atl 8458 2011-03-15 18:58:18Z dwagelaa -- Generated for: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore rule EAnnotation { from s : UML2!"ecore::EAnnotation" in IN to t : UML2!"ecore::EAnnotation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, source <- s.source, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, details <- s.details, contents <- s.contents, references <- s.references) } rule EStringToStringMapEntry { from s : UML2!"ecore::EStringToStringMapEntry" in IN to t : UML2!"ecore::EStringToStringMapEntry" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, key <- s.key, value <- s.value) } -- ====================================================================== -- Ecore copying rules end -- ====================================================================== -- ====================================================================== -- UML2 copying rules begin -- ====================================================================== -- Generated by: EModelCopyGenerator.atl 8458 2011-03-15 18:58:18Z dwagelaa -- Generated for: http://www.eclipse.org/uml2/3.0.0/UML rule Comment { from s : UML2!"uml::Comment" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Comment" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, body <- s.body, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, annotatedElement <- s.annotatedElement) } rule Package { from s : UML2!"uml::Package" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Package")) to t : UML2!"uml::Package" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, packageMerge <- s.packageMerge, packagedElement <- s.packagedElement, profileApplication <- s.profileApplication) } rule Dependency { from s : UML2!"uml::Dependency" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Dependency")) to t : UML2!"uml::Dependency" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, supplier <- s.supplier, client <- s.client) } rule ElementImport { from s : UML2!"uml::ElementImport" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ElementImport" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, visibility <- s.visibility, alias <- s.alias, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, importedElement <- s.importedElement) } rule PackageImport { from s : UML2!"uml::PackageImport" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::PackageImport" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, importedPackage <- s.importedPackage) } rule Constraint { from s : UML2!"uml::Constraint" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Constraint")) to t : UML2!"uml::Constraint" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, constrainedElement <- s.constrainedElement, specification <- s.specification) } rule Association { from s : UML2!"uml::Association" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Association")) to t : UML2!"uml::Association" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isDerived <- s.isDerived, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, memberEnd <- s.memberEnd, ownedEnd <- s.ownedEnd, navigableOwnedEnd <- s.navigableOwnedEnd) } rule TemplateBinding { from s : UML2!"uml::TemplateBinding" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::TemplateBinding" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, signature <- s.signature, parameterSubstitution <- s.parameterSubstitution) } rule TemplateSignature { from s : UML2!"uml::TemplateSignature" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::TemplateSignature")) to t : UML2!"uml::TemplateSignature" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, parameter <- s.parameter, ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter) } rule TemplateParameter { from s : UML2!"uml::TemplateParameter" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::TemplateParameter")) to t : UML2!"uml::TemplateParameter" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, parameteredElement <- s.parameteredElement, ownedParameteredElement <- s.ownedParameteredElement, default <- s.default, ownedDefault <- s.ownedDefault) } rule TemplateParameterSubstitution { from s : UML2!"uml::TemplateParameterSubstitution" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::TemplateParameterSubstitution" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, formal <- s.formal, actual <- s.actual, ownedActual <- s.ownedActual) } rule Generalization { from s : UML2!"uml::Generalization" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Generalization" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, isSubstitutable <- s.isSubstitutable, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, general <- s.general, generalizationSet <- s.generalizationSet) } rule GeneralizationSet { from s : UML2!"uml::GeneralizationSet" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::GeneralizationSet" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isCovering <- s.isCovering, isDisjoint <- s.isDisjoint, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, powertype <- s.powertype, generalization <- s.generalization) } rule Substitution { from s : UML2!"uml::Substitution" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Substitution" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, supplier <- s.supplier, client <- s.client, mapping <- s.mapping, contract <- s.contract) } rule Realization { from s : UML2!"uml::Realization" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Realization")) to t : UML2!"uml::Realization" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, supplier <- s.supplier, client <- s.client, mapping <- s.mapping) } rule Abstraction { from s : UML2!"uml::Abstraction" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Abstraction")) to t : UML2!"uml::Abstraction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, supplier <- s.supplier, client <- s.client, mapping <- s.mapping) } rule OpaqueExpression { from s : UML2!"uml::OpaqueExpression" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::OpaqueExpression" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, body <- s.body, language <- s.language, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type, behavior <- s.behavior) } rule Parameter { from s : UML2!"uml::Parameter" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Parameter" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isOrdered <- s.isOrdered, isUnique <- s.isUnique, direction <- s.direction, isException <- s.isException, isStream <- s.isStream, effect <- s.effect, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, type <- s.type, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, upperValue <- s.upperValue, lowerValue <- s.lowerValue, parameterSet <- s.parameterSet, defaultValue <- s.defaultValue) } rule ConnectorEnd { from s : UML2!"uml::ConnectorEnd" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ConnectorEnd" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, isOrdered <- s.isOrdered, isUnique <- s.isUnique, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, upperValue <- s.upperValue, lowerValue <- s.lowerValue, role <- s.role, partWithPort <- s.partWithPort) } rule Property { from s : UML2!"uml::Property" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Property")) to t : UML2!"uml::Property" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isStatic <- s.isStatic, isOrdered <- s.isOrdered, isUnique <- s.isUnique, isReadOnly <- s.isReadOnly, isDerived <- s.isDerived, isDerivedUnion <- s.isDerivedUnion, aggregation <- s.aggregation, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, type <- s.type, upperValue <- s.upperValue, lowerValue <- s.lowerValue, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, deployment <- s.deployment, redefinedProperty <- s.redefinedProperty, defaultValue <- s.defaultValue, subsettedProperty <- s.subsettedProperty, association <- s.association, qualifier <- s.qualifier) } rule Deployment { from s : UML2!"uml::Deployment" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Deployment" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, supplier <- s.supplier, client <- s.client, deployedArtifact <- s.deployedArtifact, configuration <- s.configuration) } rule DeploymentSpecification { from s : UML2!"uml::DeploymentSpecification" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::DeploymentSpecification" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, fileName <- s.fileName, deploymentLocation <- s.deploymentLocation, executionLocation <- s.executionLocation, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, nestedArtifact <- s.nestedArtifact, manifestation <- s.manifestation, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute) } rule Artifact { from s : UML2!"uml::Artifact" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Artifact")) to t : UML2!"uml::Artifact" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, fileName <- s.fileName, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, nestedArtifact <- s.nestedArtifact, manifestation <- s.manifestation, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute) } rule Manifestation { from s : UML2!"uml::Manifestation" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Manifestation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, supplier <- s.supplier, client <- s.client, mapping <- s.mapping, utilizedElement <- s.utilizedElement) } rule Operation { from s : UML2!"uml::Operation" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Operation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isStatic <- s.isStatic, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, concurrency <- s.concurrency, isQuery <- s.isQuery, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter, method <- s.method, raisedException <- s.raisedException, ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, precondition <- s.precondition, postcondition <- s.postcondition, redefinedOperation <- s.redefinedOperation, bodyCondition <- s.bodyCondition) } rule Class { from s : UML2!"uml::Class" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Class")) to t : UML2!"uml::Class" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isActive <- s.isActive, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedReception <- s.ownedReception) } rule InterfaceRealization { from s : UML2!"uml::InterfaceRealization" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::InterfaceRealization" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, mapping <- s.mapping, contract <- s.contract) } rule Interface { from s : UML2!"uml::Interface" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Interface" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier, redefinedInterface <- s.redefinedInterface, ownedReception <- s.ownedReception, protocol <- s.protocol) } rule Reception { from s : UML2!"uml::Reception" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Reception" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isStatic <- s.isStatic, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, concurrency <- s.concurrency, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter, method <- s.method, raisedException <- s.raisedException, ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet, signal <- s.signal) } rule Signal { from s : UML2!"uml::Signal" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Signal" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute) } rule ProtocolStateMachine { from s : UML2!"uml::ProtocolStateMachine" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ProtocolStateMachine" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isActive <- s.isActive, isReentrant <- s.isReentrant, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedReception <- s.ownedReception, redefinedBehavior <- s.redefinedBehavior, ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter, precondition <- s.precondition, postcondition <- s.postcondition, ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet, specification <- s.specification, region <- s.region, submachineState <- s.submachineState, connectionPoint <- s.connectionPoint, extendedStateMachine <- s.extendedStateMachine, conformance <- s.conformance) } rule StateMachine { from s : UML2!"uml::StateMachine" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::StateMachine")) to t : UML2!"uml::StateMachine" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isActive <- s.isActive, isReentrant <- s.isReentrant, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedReception <- s.ownedReception, redefinedBehavior <- s.redefinedBehavior, ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter, precondition <- s.precondition, postcondition <- s.postcondition, ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet, specification <- s.specification, region <- s.region, submachineState <- s.submachineState, connectionPoint <- s.connectionPoint, extendedStateMachine <- s.extendedStateMachine) } rule Region { from s : UML2!"uml::Region" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Region" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, subvertex <- s.subvertex, transition <- s.transition, extendedRegion <- s.extendedRegion) } rule Transition { from s : UML2!"uml::Transition" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Transition")) to t : UML2!"uml::Transition" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, kind <- s.kind, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, source <- s.source, target <- s.target, redefinedTransition <- s.redefinedTransition, guard <- s.guard, effect <- s.effect, trigger <- s.trigger) } rule Trigger { from s : UML2!"uml::Trigger" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Trigger" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, event <- s.event, port <- s.port) } rule Port { from s : UML2!"uml::Port" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Port" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isStatic <- s.isStatic, isOrdered <- s.isOrdered, isUnique <- s.isUnique, isReadOnly <- s.isReadOnly, isDerived <- s.isDerived, isDerivedUnion <- s.isDerivedUnion, aggregation <- s.aggregation, isBehavior <- s.isBehavior, isService <- s.isService, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, type <- s.type, upperValue <- s.upperValue, lowerValue <- s.lowerValue, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, deployment <- s.deployment, redefinedProperty <- s.redefinedProperty, defaultValue <- s.defaultValue, subsettedProperty <- s.subsettedProperty, association <- s.association, qualifier <- s.qualifier, redefinedPort <- s.redefinedPort, protocol <- s.protocol) } rule State { from s : UML2!"uml::State" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::State")) to t : UML2!"uml::State" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, submachine <- s.submachine, connection <- s.connection, connectionPoint <- s.connectionPoint, redefinedState <- s.redefinedState, stateInvariant <- s.stateInvariant, entry <- s.entry, exit <- s.exit, doActivity <- s.doActivity, deferrableTrigger <- s.deferrableTrigger, region <- s.region) } rule ConnectionPointReference { from s : UML2!"uml::ConnectionPointReference" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ConnectionPointReference" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, entry <- s.entry, exit <- s.exit) } rule Pseudostate { from s : UML2!"uml::Pseudostate" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Pseudostate" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, kind <- s.kind, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression) } rule ProtocolConformance { from s : UML2!"uml::ProtocolConformance" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ProtocolConformance" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, generalMachine <- s.generalMachine) } rule Connector { from s : UML2!"uml::Connector" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Connector" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isStatic <- s.isStatic, kind <- s.kind, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, type <- s.type, redefinedConnector <- s.redefinedConnector, end <- s.end, contract <- s.contract) } rule Extension { from s : UML2!"uml::Extension" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Extension" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isDerived <- s.isDerived, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedEnd <- s.ownedEnd, memberEnd <- s.memberEnd, navigableOwnedEnd <- s.navigableOwnedEnd) } rule ExtensionEnd { from s : UML2!"uml::ExtensionEnd" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ExtensionEnd" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isStatic <- s.isStatic, isOrdered <- s.isOrdered, isUnique <- s.isUnique, isReadOnly <- s.isReadOnly, isDerived <- s.isDerived, isDerivedUnion <- s.isDerivedUnion, aggregation <- s.aggregation, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, type <- s.type, upperValue <- s.upperValue, lowerValue <- s.lowerValue, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, deployment <- s.deployment, redefinedProperty <- s.redefinedProperty, defaultValue <- s.defaultValue, subsettedProperty <- s.subsettedProperty, association <- s.association, qualifier <- s.qualifier) } rule Image { from s : UML2!"uml::Image" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Image" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, content <- s.content, location <- s.location, format <- s.format, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment) } rule Model { from s : UML2!"uml::Model" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Model" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, viewpoint <- s.viewpoint, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, packageMerge <- s.packageMerge, packagedElement <- s.packagedElement, profileApplication <- s.profileApplication) } rule ParameterSet { from s : UML2!"uml::ParameterSet" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ParameterSet" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, parameter <- s.parameter, condition <- s.condition) } rule DataType { from s : UML2!"uml::DataType" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::DataType")) to t : UML2!"uml::DataType" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation) } rule OperationTemplateParameter { from s : UML2!"uml::OperationTemplateParameter" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::OperationTemplateParameter" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, parameteredElement <- s.parameteredElement, ownedParameteredElement <- s.ownedParameteredElement, default <- s.default, ownedDefault <- s.ownedDefault) } rule ConnectableElementTemplateParameter { from s : UML2!"uml::ConnectableElementTemplateParameter" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ConnectableElementTemplateParameter" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, parameteredElement <- s.parameteredElement, ownedParameteredElement <- s.ownedParameteredElement, default <- s.default, ownedDefault <- s.ownedDefault) } rule CollaborationUse { from s : UML2!"uml::CollaborationUse" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::CollaborationUse" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, type <- s.type, roleBinding <- s.roleBinding) } rule Collaboration { from s : UML2!"uml::Collaboration" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Collaboration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector, collaborationRole <- s.collaborationRole) } rule UseCase { from s : UML2!"uml::UseCase" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::UseCase" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, include <- s.include, extend <- s.extend, extensionPoint <- s.extensionPoint, subject <- s.subject) } rule Include { from s : UML2!"uml::Include" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Include" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, addition <- s.addition) } rule Extend { from s : UML2!"uml::Extend" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Extend" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, extendedCase <- s.extendedCase, condition <- s.condition, extensionLocation <- s.extensionLocation) } rule ExtensionPoint { from s : UML2!"uml::ExtensionPoint" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ExtensionPoint" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression) } rule RedefinableTemplateSignature { from s : UML2!"uml::RedefinableTemplateSignature" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::RedefinableTemplateSignature" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, parameter <- s.parameter, ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter, extendedSignature <- s.extendedSignature) } rule ClassifierTemplateParameter { from s : UML2!"uml::ClassifierTemplateParameter" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ClassifierTemplateParameter" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, allowSubstitutable <- s.allowSubstitutable, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, parameteredElement <- s.parameteredElement, ownedParameteredElement <- s.ownedParameteredElement, default <- s.default, ownedDefault <- s.ownedDefault, constrainingClassifier <- s.constrainingClassifier) } rule StringExpression { from s : UML2!"uml::StringExpression" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::StringExpression" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, symbol <- s.symbol, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type, operand <- s.operand, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, subExpression <- s.subExpression) } rule Expression { from s : UML2!"uml::Expression" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Expression")) to t : UML2!"uml::Expression" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, symbol <- s.symbol, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type, operand <- s.operand) } rule Usage { from s : UML2!"uml::Usage" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Usage" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, supplier <- s.supplier, client <- s.client) } rule PackageMerge { from s : UML2!"uml::PackageMerge" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::PackageMerge" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, mergedPackage <- s.mergedPackage) } rule ProfileApplication { from s : UML2!"uml::ProfileApplication" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ProfileApplication" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, isStrict <- s.isStrict, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, appliedProfile <- s.appliedProfile) } rule Enumeration { from s : UML2!"uml::Enumeration" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Enumeration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedLiteral <- s.ownedLiteral) } rule EnumerationLiteral { from s : UML2!"uml::EnumerationLiteral" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::EnumerationLiteral" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, deployment <- s.deployment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, classifier <- s.classifier, slot <- s.slot, specification <- s.specification) } rule InstanceSpecification { from s : UML2!"uml::InstanceSpecification" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::InstanceSpecification")) to t : UML2!"uml::InstanceSpecification" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, deployment <- s.deployment, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, classifier <- s.classifier, slot <- s.slot, specification <- s.specification) } rule Slot { from s : UML2!"uml::Slot" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Slot" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, definingFeature <- s.definingFeature, value <- s.value) } rule PrimitiveType { from s : UML2!"uml::PrimitiveType" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::PrimitiveType" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation) } rule LiteralInteger { from s : UML2!"uml::LiteralInteger" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::LiteralInteger" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, value <- s.value, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type) } rule LiteralString { from s : UML2!"uml::LiteralString" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::LiteralString" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, value <- s.value, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type) } rule LiteralBoolean { from s : UML2!"uml::LiteralBoolean" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::LiteralBoolean" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, value <- s.value, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type) } rule LiteralNull { from s : UML2!"uml::LiteralNull" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::LiteralNull" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type) } rule InstanceValue { from s : UML2!"uml::InstanceValue" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::InstanceValue" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type, instance <- s.instance) } rule LiteralUnlimitedNatural { from s : UML2!"uml::LiteralUnlimitedNatural" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::LiteralUnlimitedNatural" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, value <- s.value, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type) } rule OpaqueBehavior { from s : UML2!"uml::OpaqueBehavior" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::OpaqueBehavior")) to t : UML2!"uml::OpaqueBehavior" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isActive <- s.isActive, isReentrant <- s.isReentrant, body <- s.body, language <- s.language, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedReception <- s.ownedReception, redefinedBehavior <- s.redefinedBehavior, ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter, precondition <- s.precondition, postcondition <- s.postcondition, ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet, specification <- s.specification) } rule FunctionBehavior { from s : UML2!"uml::FunctionBehavior" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::FunctionBehavior" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isActive <- s.isActive, isReentrant <- s.isReentrant, body <- s.body, language <- s.language, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedReception <- s.ownedReception, redefinedBehavior <- s.redefinedBehavior, ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter, precondition <- s.precondition, postcondition <- s.postcondition, ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet, specification <- s.specification) } rule OpaqueAction { from s : UML2!"uml::OpaqueAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::OpaqueAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, body <- s.body, language <- s.language, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, inputValue <- s.inputValue, outputValue <- s.outputValue) } rule StructuredActivityNode { from s : UML2!"uml::StructuredActivityNode" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::StructuredActivityNode")) to t : UML2!"uml::StructuredActivityNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, mustIsolate <- s.mustIsolate, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, variable <- s.variable, edge <- s.edge, node <- s.node) } rule Activity { from s : UML2!"uml::Activity" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Activity" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isActive <- s.isActive, isReentrant <- s.isReentrant, isReadOnly <- s.isReadOnly, isSingleExecution <- s.isSingleExecution, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedReception <- s.ownedReception, redefinedBehavior <- s.redefinedBehavior, ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter, precondition <- s.precondition, postcondition <- s.postcondition, ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet, specification <- s.specification, variable <- s.variable, node <- s.node, edge <- s.edge, partition <- s.partition, group <- s.group) } rule Variable { from s : UML2!"uml::Variable" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Variable" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isOrdered <- s.isOrdered, isUnique <- s.isUnique, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, type <- s.type, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, upperValue <- s.upperValue, lowerValue <- s.lowerValue) } rule ActivityPartition { from s : UML2!"uml::ActivityPartition" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ActivityPartition" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isDimension <- s.isDimension, isExternal <- s.isExternal, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, node <- s.node, subpartition <- s.subpartition, represents <- s.represents, edge <- s.edge) } rule InterruptibleActivityRegion { from s : UML2!"uml::InterruptibleActivityRegion" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::InterruptibleActivityRegion" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, node <- s.node, interruptingEdge <- s.interruptingEdge) } rule ExceptionHandler { from s : UML2!"uml::ExceptionHandler" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ExceptionHandler" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, handlerBody <- s.handlerBody, exceptionInput <- s.exceptionInput, exceptionType <- s.exceptionType) } rule OutputPin { from s : UML2!"uml::OutputPin" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::OutputPin" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, ordering <- s.ordering, isControlType <- s.isControlType, isOrdered <- s.isOrdered, isUnique <- s.isUnique, isControl <- s.isControl, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, type <- s.type, upperBound <- s.upperBound, inState <- s.inState, selection <- s.selection, upperValue <- s.upperValue, lowerValue <- s.lowerValue) } rule Pin { from s : UML2!"uml::Pin" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Pin")) to t : UML2!"uml::Pin" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, ordering <- s.ordering, isControlType <- s.isControlType, isOrdered <- s.isOrdered, isUnique <- s.isUnique, isControl <- s.isControl, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, type <- s.type, upperBound <- s.upperBound, inState <- s.inState, selection <- s.selection, upperValue <- s.upperValue, lowerValue <- s.lowerValue) } rule InputPin { from s : UML2!"uml::InputPin" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::InputPin")) to t : UML2!"uml::InputPin" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, ordering <- s.ordering, isControlType <- s.isControlType, isOrdered <- s.isOrdered, isUnique <- s.isUnique, isControl <- s.isControl, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, type <- s.type, upperBound <- s.upperBound, inState <- s.inState, selection <- s.selection, upperValue <- s.upperValue, lowerValue <- s.lowerValue) } rule SendSignalAction { from s : UML2!"uml::SendSignalAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::SendSignalAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, argument <- s.argument, onPort <- s.onPort, target <- s.target, signal <- s.signal) } rule CallOperationAction { from s : UML2!"uml::CallOperationAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::CallOperationAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isSynchronous <- s.isSynchronous, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, argument <- s.argument, onPort <- s.onPort, result <- s.result, operation <- s.operation, target <- s.target) } rule CallBehaviorAction { from s : UML2!"uml::CallBehaviorAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::CallBehaviorAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isSynchronous <- s.isSynchronous, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, argument <- s.argument, onPort <- s.onPort, result <- s.result, behavior <- s.behavior) } rule SequenceNode { from s : UML2!"uml::SequenceNode" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::SequenceNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, mustIsolate <- s.mustIsolate, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, variable <- s.variable, edge <- s.edge, node <- s.node, executableNode <- s.executableNode) } rule ControlFlow { from s : UML2!"uml::ControlFlow" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ControlFlow" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, source <- s.source, target <- s.target, redefinedEdge <- s.redefinedEdge, inPartition <- s.inPartition, guard <- s.guard, weight <- s.weight, interrupts <- s.interrupts) } rule InitialNode { from s : UML2!"uml::InitialNode" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::InitialNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode) } rule ActivityParameterNode { from s : UML2!"uml::ActivityParameterNode" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ActivityParameterNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, ordering <- s.ordering, isControlType <- s.isControlType, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, type <- s.type, upperBound <- s.upperBound, inState <- s.inState, selection <- s.selection, parameter <- s.parameter) } rule ValuePin { from s : UML2!"uml::ValuePin" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ValuePin" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, ordering <- s.ordering, isControlType <- s.isControlType, isOrdered <- s.isOrdered, isUnique <- s.isUnique, isControl <- s.isControl, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, type <- s.type, upperBound <- s.upperBound, inState <- s.inState, selection <- s.selection, upperValue <- s.upperValue, lowerValue <- s.lowerValue, value <- s.value) } rule Message { from s : UML2!"uml::Message" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Message" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, messageSort <- s.messageSort, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, receiveEvent <- s.receiveEvent, sendEvent <- s.sendEvent, connector <- s.connector, argument <- s.argument) } rule Interaction { from s : UML2!"uml::Interaction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Interaction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isActive <- s.isActive, isReentrant <- s.isReentrant, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedReception <- s.ownedReception, redefinedBehavior <- s.redefinedBehavior, ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter, precondition <- s.precondition, postcondition <- s.postcondition, ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet, specification <- s.specification, covered <- s.covered, generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering, lifeline <- s.lifeline, fragment <- s.fragment, action <- s.action, formalGate <- s.formalGate, message <- s.message) } rule Lifeline { from s : UML2!"uml::Lifeline" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Lifeline" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, represents <- s.represents, selector <- s.selector, decomposedAs <- s.decomposedAs, coveredBy <- s.coveredBy) } rule PartDecomposition { from s : UML2!"uml::PartDecomposition" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::PartDecomposition" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, covered <- s.covered, generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering, refersTo <- s.refersTo, actualGate <- s.actualGate, argument <- s.argument) } rule InteractionUse { from s : UML2!"uml::InteractionUse" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::InteractionUse")) to t : UML2!"uml::InteractionUse" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, covered <- s.covered, generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering, refersTo <- s.refersTo, actualGate <- s.actualGate, argument <- s.argument) } rule Gate { from s : UML2!"uml::Gate" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Gate" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, message <- s.message) } rule GeneralOrdering { from s : UML2!"uml::GeneralOrdering" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::GeneralOrdering" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, before <- s.before, after <- s.after) } rule OccurrenceSpecification { from s : UML2!"uml::OccurrenceSpecification" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::OccurrenceSpecification")) to t : UML2!"uml::OccurrenceSpecification" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, covered <- s.covered, generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering, toBefore <- s.toBefore, event <- s.event, toAfter <- s.toAfter) } rule InteractionOperand { from s : UML2!"uml::InteractionOperand" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::InteractionOperand" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, covered <- s.covered, generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering, guard <- s.guard, fragment <- s.fragment) } rule InteractionConstraint { from s : UML2!"uml::InteractionConstraint" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::InteractionConstraint" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, constrainedElement <- s.constrainedElement, specification <- s.specification, minint <- s.minint, maxint <- s.maxint) } rule StateInvariant { from s : UML2!"uml::StateInvariant" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::StateInvariant" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, covered <- s.covered, generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering, invariant <- s.invariant) } rule ActionExecutionSpecification { from s : UML2!"uml::ActionExecutionSpecification" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ActionExecutionSpecification" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, covered <- s.covered, generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering, start <- s.start, finish <- s.finish, action <- s.action) } rule BehaviorExecutionSpecification { from s : UML2!"uml::BehaviorExecutionSpecification" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::BehaviorExecutionSpecification" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, covered <- s.covered, generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering, start <- s.start, finish <- s.finish, behavior <- s.behavior) } rule ExecutionEvent { from s : UML2!"uml::ExecutionEvent" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ExecutionEvent" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter) } rule CreationEvent { from s : UML2!"uml::CreationEvent" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::CreationEvent" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter) } rule DestructionEvent { from s : UML2!"uml::DestructionEvent" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::DestructionEvent" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter) } rule SendOperationEvent { from s : UML2!"uml::SendOperationEvent" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::SendOperationEvent" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, operation <- s.operation) } rule SendSignalEvent { from s : UML2!"uml::SendSignalEvent" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::SendSignalEvent" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, signal <- s.signal) } rule MessageOccurrenceSpecification { from s : UML2!"uml::MessageOccurrenceSpecification" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::MessageOccurrenceSpecification" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, covered <- s.covered, generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering, toBefore <- s.toBefore, event <- s.event, toAfter <- s.toAfter, message <- s.message) } rule ExecutionOccurrenceSpecification { from s : UML2!"uml::ExecutionOccurrenceSpecification" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ExecutionOccurrenceSpecification" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, covered <- s.covered, generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering, toBefore <- s.toBefore, event <- s.event, toAfter <- s.toAfter, execution <- s.execution) } rule ReceiveOperationEvent { from s : UML2!"uml::ReceiveOperationEvent" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ReceiveOperationEvent" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, operation <- s.operation) } rule ReceiveSignalEvent { from s : UML2!"uml::ReceiveSignalEvent" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ReceiveSignalEvent" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, signal <- s.signal) } rule Actor { from s : UML2!"uml::Actor" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Actor" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger) } rule CallEvent { from s : UML2!"uml::CallEvent" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::CallEvent" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, operation <- s.operation) } rule ChangeEvent { from s : UML2!"uml::ChangeEvent" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ChangeEvent" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, changeExpression <- s.changeExpression) } rule SignalEvent { from s : UML2!"uml::SignalEvent" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::SignalEvent" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, signal <- s.signal) } rule AnyReceiveEvent { from s : UML2!"uml::AnyReceiveEvent" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::AnyReceiveEvent" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter) } rule ForkNode { from s : UML2!"uml::ForkNode" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ForkNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode) } rule FlowFinalNode { from s : UML2!"uml::FlowFinalNode" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::FlowFinalNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode) } rule CentralBufferNode { from s : UML2!"uml::CentralBufferNode" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::CentralBufferNode")) to t : UML2!"uml::CentralBufferNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, ordering <- s.ordering, isControlType <- s.isControlType, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, type <- s.type, upperBound <- s.upperBound, inState <- s.inState, selection <- s.selection) } rule MergeNode { from s : UML2!"uml::MergeNode" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::MergeNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode) } rule DecisionNode { from s : UML2!"uml::DecisionNode" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::DecisionNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, decisionInput <- s.decisionInput, decisionInputFlow <- s.decisionInputFlow) } rule ObjectFlow { from s : UML2!"uml::ObjectFlow" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ObjectFlow" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isMulticast <- s.isMulticast, isMultireceive <- s.isMultireceive, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, source <- s.source, target <- s.target, redefinedEdge <- s.redefinedEdge, inPartition <- s.inPartition, guard <- s.guard, weight <- s.weight, interrupts <- s.interrupts, transformation <- s.transformation, selection <- s.selection) } rule ActivityFinalNode { from s : UML2!"uml::ActivityFinalNode" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ActivityFinalNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode) } rule ComponentRealization { from s : UML2!"uml::ComponentRealization" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ComponentRealization" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, supplier <- s.supplier, client <- s.client, mapping <- s.mapping, realizingClassifier <- s.realizingClassifier) } rule Component { from s : UML2!"uml::Component" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Component" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isActive <- s.isActive, isIndirectlyInstantiated <- s.isIndirectlyInstantiated, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedReception <- s.ownedReception, packagedElement <- s.packagedElement, realization <- s.realization) } rule Node { from s : UML2!"uml::Node" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Node")) to t : UML2!"uml::Node" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isActive <- s.isActive, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedReception <- s.ownedReception, deployment <- s.deployment, nestedNode <- s.nestedNode) } rule CommunicationPath { from s : UML2!"uml::CommunicationPath" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::CommunicationPath" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isDerived <- s.isDerived, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedEnd <- s.ownedEnd, memberEnd <- s.memberEnd, navigableOwnedEnd <- s.navigableOwnedEnd) } rule Device { from s : UML2!"uml::Device" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Device" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isActive <- s.isActive, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedReception <- s.ownedReception, deployment <- s.deployment, nestedNode <- s.nestedNode) } rule ExecutionEnvironment { from s : UML2!"uml::ExecutionEnvironment" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ExecutionEnvironment" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isActive <- s.isActive, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedReception <- s.ownedReception, deployment <- s.deployment, nestedNode <- s.nestedNode) } rule CombinedFragment { from s : UML2!"uml::CombinedFragment" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::CombinedFragment")) to t : UML2!"uml::CombinedFragment" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, interactionOperator <- s.interactionOperator, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, covered <- s.covered, generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering, operand <- s.operand, cfragmentGate <- s.cfragmentGate) } rule Continuation { from s : UML2!"uml::Continuation" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Continuation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, setting <- s.setting, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, covered <- s.covered, generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering) } rule ConsiderIgnoreFragment { from s : UML2!"uml::ConsiderIgnoreFragment" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ConsiderIgnoreFragment" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, interactionOperator <- s.interactionOperator, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, covered <- s.covered, generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering, operand <- s.operand, cfragmentGate <- s.cfragmentGate, message <- s.message) } rule CreateObjectAction { from s : UML2!"uml::CreateObjectAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::CreateObjectAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, classifier <- s.classifier, result <- s.result) } rule DestroyObjectAction { from s : UML2!"uml::DestroyObjectAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::DestroyObjectAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isDestroyLinks <- s.isDestroyLinks, isDestroyOwnedObjects <- s.isDestroyOwnedObjects, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, target <- s.target) } rule TestIdentityAction { from s : UML2!"uml::TestIdentityAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::TestIdentityAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, first <- s.first, second <- s.second, result <- s.result) } rule ReadSelfAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ReadSelfAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ReadSelfAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, result <- s.result) } rule ReadStructuralFeatureAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ReadStructuralFeatureAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ReadStructuralFeatureAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, structuralFeature <- s.structuralFeature, object <- s.object, result <- s.result) } rule ClearStructuralFeatureAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ClearStructuralFeatureAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ClearStructuralFeatureAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, structuralFeature <- s.structuralFeature, object <- s.object, result <- s.result) } rule RemoveStructuralFeatureValueAction { from s : UML2!"uml::RemoveStructuralFeatureValueAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::RemoveStructuralFeatureValueAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRemoveDuplicates <- s.isRemoveDuplicates, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, structuralFeature <- s.structuralFeature, object <- s.object, value <- s.value, result <- s.result, removeAt <- s.removeAt) } rule AddStructuralFeatureValueAction { from s : UML2!"uml::AddStructuralFeatureValueAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::AddStructuralFeatureValueAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isReplaceAll <- s.isReplaceAll, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, structuralFeature <- s.structuralFeature, object <- s.object, value <- s.value, result <- s.result, insertAt <- s.insertAt) } rule LinkEndData { from s : UML2!"uml::LinkEndData" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::LinkEndData")) to t : UML2!"uml::LinkEndData" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, value <- s.value, end <- s.end, qualifier <- s.qualifier) } rule QualifierValue { from s : UML2!"uml::QualifierValue" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::QualifierValue" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, qualifier <- s.qualifier, value <- s.value) } rule ReadLinkAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ReadLinkAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ReadLinkAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, endData <- s.endData, inputValue <- s.inputValue, result <- s.result) } rule LinkEndCreationData { from s : UML2!"uml::LinkEndCreationData" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::LinkEndCreationData" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, isReplaceAll <- s.isReplaceAll, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, value <- s.value, end <- s.end, qualifier <- s.qualifier, insertAt <- s.insertAt) } rule CreateLinkAction { from s : UML2!"uml::CreateLinkAction" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::CreateLinkAction")) to t : UML2!"uml::CreateLinkAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, endData <- s.endData, inputValue <- s.inputValue) } rule DestroyLinkAction { from s : UML2!"uml::DestroyLinkAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::DestroyLinkAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, endData <- s.endData, inputValue <- s.inputValue) } rule LinkEndDestructionData { from s : UML2!"uml::LinkEndDestructionData" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::LinkEndDestructionData" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, isDestroyDuplicates <- s.isDestroyDuplicates, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, value <- s.value, end <- s.end, qualifier <- s.qualifier, destroyAt <- s.destroyAt) } rule ClearAssociationAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ClearAssociationAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ClearAssociationAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, object <- s.object, association <- s.association) } rule BroadcastSignalAction { from s : UML2!"uml::BroadcastSignalAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::BroadcastSignalAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, argument <- s.argument, onPort <- s.onPort, signal <- s.signal) } rule SendObjectAction { from s : UML2!"uml::SendObjectAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::SendObjectAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, argument <- s.argument, onPort <- s.onPort, target <- s.target, request <- s.request) } rule ValueSpecificationAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ValueSpecificationAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ValueSpecificationAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, value <- s.value, result <- s.result) } rule TimeExpression { from s : UML2!"uml::TimeExpression" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::TimeExpression" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type, expr <- s.expr, observation <- s.observation) } rule Duration { from s : UML2!"uml::Duration" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Duration" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type, expr <- s.expr, observation <- s.observation) } rule DurationInterval { from s : UML2!"uml::DurationInterval" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::DurationInterval" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type, min <- s.min, max <- s.max) } rule Interval { from s : UML2!"uml::Interval" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Interval")) to t : UML2!"uml::Interval" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type, min <- s.min, max <- s.max) } rule TimeConstraint { from s : UML2!"uml::TimeConstraint" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::TimeConstraint" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, firstEvent <- s.firstEvent, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, constrainedElement <- s.constrainedElement, specification <- s.specification) } rule IntervalConstraint { from s : UML2!"uml::IntervalConstraint" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::IntervalConstraint")) to t : UML2!"uml::IntervalConstraint" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, constrainedElement <- s.constrainedElement, specification <- s.specification) } rule TimeInterval { from s : UML2!"uml::TimeInterval" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::TimeInterval" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, type <- s.type, min <- s.min, max <- s.max) } rule DurationConstraint { from s : UML2!"uml::DurationConstraint" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::DurationConstraint" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, firstEvent <- s.firstEvent, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, constrainedElement <- s.constrainedElement, specification <- s.specification) } rule TimeObservation { from s : UML2!"uml::TimeObservation" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::TimeObservation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, firstEvent <- s.firstEvent, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, event <- s.event) } rule DurationObservation { from s : UML2!"uml::DurationObservation" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::DurationObservation" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, firstEvent <- s.firstEvent, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, event <- s.event) } rule FinalState { from s : UML2!"uml::FinalState" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::FinalState" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, submachine <- s.submachine, connection <- s.connection, connectionPoint <- s.connectionPoint, redefinedState <- s.redefinedState, stateInvariant <- s.stateInvariant, entry <- s.entry, exit <- s.exit, doActivity <- s.doActivity, deferrableTrigger <- s.deferrableTrigger, region <- s.region) } rule TimeEvent { from s : UML2!"uml::TimeEvent" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::TimeEvent" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isRelative <- s.isRelative, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, when <- s.when) } rule ReadVariableAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ReadVariableAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ReadVariableAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, variable <- s.variable, result <- s.result) } rule ClearVariableAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ClearVariableAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ClearVariableAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, variable <- s.variable) } rule AddVariableValueAction { from s : UML2!"uml::AddVariableValueAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::AddVariableValueAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isReplaceAll <- s.isReplaceAll, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, variable <- s.variable, value <- s.value, insertAt <- s.insertAt) } rule RemoveVariableValueAction { from s : UML2!"uml::RemoveVariableValueAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::RemoveVariableValueAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isRemoveDuplicates <- s.isRemoveDuplicates, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, variable <- s.variable, value <- s.value, removeAt <- s.removeAt) } rule RaiseExceptionAction { from s : UML2!"uml::RaiseExceptionAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::RaiseExceptionAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, exception <- s.exception) } rule ActionInputPin { from s : UML2!"uml::ActionInputPin" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ActionInputPin" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, ordering <- s.ordering, isControlType <- s.isControlType, isOrdered <- s.isOrdered, isUnique <- s.isUnique, isControl <- s.isControl, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, type <- s.type, upperBound <- s.upperBound, inState <- s.inState, selection <- s.selection, upperValue <- s.upperValue, lowerValue <- s.lowerValue, fromAction <- s.fromAction) } rule InformationItem { from s : UML2!"uml::InformationItem" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::InformationItem" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, represented <- s.represented) } rule InformationFlow { from s : UML2!"uml::InformationFlow" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::InformationFlow" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, realization <- s.realization, conveyed <- s.conveyed, informationSource <- s.informationSource, informationTarget <- s.informationTarget, realizingActivityEdge <- s.realizingActivityEdge, realizingConnector <- s.realizingConnector, realizingMessage <- s.realizingMessage) } rule ReadExtentAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ReadExtentAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ReadExtentAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, result <- s.result, classifier <- s.classifier) } rule ReclassifyObjectAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ReclassifyObjectAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ReclassifyObjectAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isReplaceAll <- s.isReplaceAll, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, oldClassifier <- s.oldClassifier, newClassifier <- s.newClassifier, object <- s.object) } rule ReadIsClassifiedObjectAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ReadIsClassifiedObjectAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ReadIsClassifiedObjectAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isDirect <- s.isDirect, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, classifier <- s.classifier, result <- s.result, object <- s.object) } rule StartClassifierBehaviorAction { from s : UML2!"uml::StartClassifierBehaviorAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::StartClassifierBehaviorAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, object <- s.object) } rule ReadLinkObjectEndAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ReadLinkObjectEndAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ReadLinkObjectEndAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, object <- s.object, end <- s.end, result <- s.result) } rule ReadLinkObjectEndQualifierAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ReadLinkObjectEndQualifierAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ReadLinkObjectEndQualifierAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, object <- s.object, result <- s.result, qualifier <- s.qualifier) } rule CreateLinkObjectAction { from s : UML2!"uml::CreateLinkObjectAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::CreateLinkObjectAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, endData <- s.endData, inputValue <- s.inputValue, result <- s.result) } rule AcceptEventAction { from s : UML2!"uml::AcceptEventAction" in IN (s.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::AcceptEventAction")) to t : UML2!"uml::AcceptEventAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isUnmarshall <- s.isUnmarshall, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, result <- s.result, trigger <- s.trigger) } rule AcceptCallAction { from s : UML2!"uml::AcceptCallAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::AcceptCallAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isUnmarshall <- s.isUnmarshall, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, result <- s.result, trigger <- s.trigger, returnInformation <- s.returnInformation) } rule ReplyAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ReplyAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ReplyAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, replyToCall <- s.replyToCall, returnInformation <- s.returnInformation, replyValue <- s.replyValue) } rule UnmarshallAction { from s : UML2!"uml::UnmarshallAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::UnmarshallAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, result <- s.result, unmarshallType <- s.unmarshallType, object <- s.object) } rule ReduceAction { from s : UML2!"uml::ReduceAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ReduceAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isOrdered <- s.isOrdered, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, reducer <- s.reducer, result <- s.result, collection <- s.collection) } rule StartObjectBehaviorAction { from s : UML2!"uml::StartObjectBehaviorAction" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::StartObjectBehaviorAction" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isSynchronous <- s.isSynchronous, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, argument <- s.argument, onPort <- s.onPort, result <- s.result, object <- s.object) } rule JoinNode { from s : UML2!"uml::JoinNode" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::JoinNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isCombineDuplicate <- s.isCombineDuplicate, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, joinSpec <- s.joinSpec) } rule DataStoreNode { from s : UML2!"uml::DataStoreNode" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::DataStoreNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, ordering <- s.ordering, isControlType <- s.isControlType, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, type <- s.type, upperBound <- s.upperBound, inState <- s.inState, selection <- s.selection) } rule ConditionalNode { from s : UML2!"uml::ConditionalNode" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ConditionalNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, mustIsolate <- s.mustIsolate, isDeterminate <- s.isDeterminate, isAssured <- s.isAssured, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, variable <- s.variable, edge <- s.edge, node <- s.node, clause <- s.clause, result <- s.result) } rule Clause { from s : UML2!"uml::Clause" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::Clause" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, test <- s.test, body <- s.body, predecessorClause <- s.predecessorClause, successorClause <- s.successorClause, decider <- s.decider, bodyOutput <- s.bodyOutput) } rule LoopNode { from s : UML2!"uml::LoopNode" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::LoopNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, mustIsolate <- s.mustIsolate, isTestedFirst <- s.isTestedFirst, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, variable <- s.variable, edge <- s.edge, node <- s.node, bodyPart <- s.bodyPart, setupPart <- s.setupPart, decider <- s.decider, test <- s.test, result <- s.result, loopVariable <- s.loopVariable, bodyOutput <- s.bodyOutput, loopVariableInput <- s.loopVariableInput) } rule ExpansionNode { from s : UML2!"uml::ExpansionNode" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ExpansionNode" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, ordering <- s.ordering, isControlType <- s.isControlType, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, type <- s.type, upperBound <- s.upperBound, inState <- s.inState, selection <- s.selection, regionAsOutput <- s.regionAsOutput, regionAsInput <- s.regionAsInput) } rule ExpansionRegion { from s : UML2!"uml::ExpansionRegion" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ExpansionRegion" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, mustIsolate <- s.mustIsolate, mode <- s.mode, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, outgoing <- s.outgoing, incoming <- s.incoming, inPartition <- s.inPartition, inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion, redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode, handler <- s.handler, localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition, localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, variable <- s.variable, edge <- s.edge, node <- s.node, inputElement <- s.inputElement, outputElement <- s.outputElement) } rule ProtocolTransition { from s : UML2!"uml::ProtocolTransition" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::ProtocolTransition" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, kind <- s.kind, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, source <- s.source, target <- s.target, redefinedTransition <- s.redefinedTransition, guard <- s.guard, effect <- s.effect, trigger <- s.trigger, postCondition <- s.postCondition, preCondition <- s.preCondition) } rule AssociationClass { from s : UML2!"uml::AssociationClass" in IN to t : UML2!"uml::AssociationClass" ( __xmiID__ <- s.__xmiID__, name <- s.name, visibility <- s.visibility, isLeaf <- s.isLeaf, isAbstract <- s.isAbstract, isActive <- s.isActive, isDerived <- s.isDerived, eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations, ownedComment <- s.ownedComment, clientDependency <- s.clientDependency, nameExpression <- s.nameExpression, elementImport <- s.elementImport, packageImport <- s.packageImport, ownedRule <- s.ownedRule, templateParameter <- s.templateParameter, templateBinding <- s.templateBinding, ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature, generalization <- s.generalization, powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent, redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier, substitution <- s.substitution, representation <- s.representation, collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse, ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase, useCase <- s.useCase, ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute, ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector, ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior, classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior, interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization, ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger, nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier, ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation, ownedReception <- s.ownedReception, ownedEnd <- s.ownedEnd, memberEnd <- s.memberEnd, navigableOwnedEnd <- s.navigableOwnedEnd) } -- ====================================================================== -- UML2 copying rules end -- ======================================================================