Default Configuration of ConMan Loaders

Details about configuring ConMan loaders and about the underlying user-interface architecture that supports loader configuration are described in a separate document, "Configuring ConMan Loaders." 

Briefly, the new user-interface architecture contains a new extension point, automaticallyinvokedloaders, that is extensible with alternative loaders.  The Plugin.xml file for the new user-interface project (org.eclipse.cme.ui) comes with several extensions to this extension point "roughed in."  That is, the extensions are specified, except in most cases with the extension-point name modified to be invalid (e.g., point="org.eclipse.cme.automaticallyinvokedloadersXXX").  This is a "quick and dirty" way of configuring the loaders from among several that are available, pending further development of a more convenient mechanism through the user interface.  The Plugin.xml file does come with one well-formed extension of the automaticallyinvokedloaders extension point.  That extension plugs-in a loader called "DemoLoaderPlugin" that is an updated and refined version of the original CME loader.  Like the original loader it loads the Java projects in an Eclipse workspace along with some relationships among the Java classes in those projects.  However, it provides a more complete model of the workspace, including, for example, package roots and empty packages.  (There is an alternative plugin available, "OriginalLoaderPlugin", that is based on the original loader code and that loads a concern model with the same structure as in the original CME release.)

The various loaders referred to in the Plugin.xml file for this project are mostly provided through the new ConMan loader framework, which is described in the document "A Framework for ConMan Loaders"

Last modified on 26 October 2005 (sms)