* @todo Is this currently used anywhere? Should it? */ class Doku_Renderer_xhtmlsummary extends Doku_Renderer_xhtml { // Namespace these variables to // avoid clashes with parent classes var $sum_paragraphs = 0; var $sum_capture = TRUE; var $sum_inSection = FALSE; var $sum_summary = ''; var $sum_pageTitle = FALSE; function document_start() { $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.'
'.DOKU_LF; } function document_end() { $this->doc = $this->sum_summary; $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.'
'.DOKU_LF; } // FIXME not supported anymore function toc_open() { $this->sum_summary .= $this->doc; } // FIXME not supported anymore function toc_close() { $this->doc = ''; } function header($text, $level, $pos) { if ( !$this->sum_pageTitle ) { $this->info['sum_pagetitle'] = $text; $this->sum_pageTitle = TRUE; } $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.''; $this->doc .= $this->_xmlEntities($text); $this->doc .= "".DOKU_LF; } function section_open($level) { if ( $this->sum_capture ) { $this->sum_inSection = TRUE; } } function section_close() { if ( $this->sum_capture && $this->sum_inSection ) { $this->sum_summary .= $this->doc; $this->sum_capture = FALSE; } } function p_open() { if ( $this->sum_capture && $this->sum_paragraphs < 2 ) { $this->sum_paragraphs++; } parent :: p_open(); } function p_close() { parent :: p_close(); if ( $this->sum_capture && $this->sum_paragraphs >= 2 ) { $this->sum_summary .= $this->doc; $this->sum_capture = FALSE; } } } //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :