loadArrays(); $string = $arrays[$arrayName][$indexName]; $string = $extra ? preg_replace("/###/", $utf8->smartUtf8_decode($extra), $string) : preg_replace("/###/", "", $string); // Display hints as per the CSS hint class. if($arrayName == 'hint') $string = MISC::span($string, "hint"); return $utf8->encodeUtf8($string); } // English messages function loadArrays() { return array( "heading" => array( "styles" => "Styles###", "helpStyles" => "Bibliographic Style Creation and Editing", ), // Hint messages "hint" => array( "styleShortName" => "(No spaces)", "caseSensitive" => "(Fields are case-sensitive)", "integer" => "Integer", ), // Miscellaneous items that don't fit anywhere else "misc" => array( // In select boxes - when it is not necessary to choose an existing selection. WIKINDX will skip over this one. // Could be '---' 'ignore' => "IGNORE", // This next one is required in BIBTEXPARSE - whatever the language, NEITHER THE KEY NOR THE VALUE SHOULD BE CHANGED! // Leave as is! // Leave as is! // Leave as is! 'IGNORE' => "ignore", // continue.... "edited" => "edited", "added" => "added", "deleted" => "deleted", "add" => "add", // Used in SUCCESS.php when a user chooses a user bibliography to browse. The message is "Successfully set Bibliography". "set" => "set", "top" => "Top", ), // Mapping WKX_resource.type to description. "resourceType" => array( 'book' => "Book", 'book_article' => "Book Chapter", 'web_article' => "Internet", 'journal_article' => "Journal Article", 'newspaper_article' => "Newspaper Article", 'thesis' => "Thesis/Dissertation", 'proceedings_article' => "Proceedings Article", // TV or Radio broadcast 'broadcast' => 'Broadcast', 'film' => "Film", // Legal Ruling or Regulation 'legal_ruling' => "Legal Rule/Regulation", // Computer software "software" => "Software", // Art etc. "artwork" => "Artwork", // Audiovisual material "audiovisual" => "Audiovisual", // Legal cases "case" => "Legal Case", // Parliamentary bill (law) "bill" => "Bill", // Classical (historical) work "classical" => "Classical Work", "conference_paper" => "Conference Paper", // Reports or documentation "report" => "Report/Documentation", // Government report or documentation "government_report" => "Government Report/Documentation", // Legal/Government Hearing "hearing" => "Hearing", // Online databases "database" => "Online Database", "magazine_article" => "Magazine Article", "manuscript" => "Manuscript", // Maps "map" => "Map", // Charts/images "chart" => "Chart/Image", // Statute "statute" => "Statute", // Patents "patent" => "Patent", // Personal Communication "personal" => "Personal Communication", // Unpublished work "unpublished" => "Unpublished Work", // Conference proceedings (complete set) "proceedings" => "Proceedings", // Music "music_album" => "Recorded Music Album", "music_track" => "Recorded Music Track", "music_score" => "Music Score", // For anything else that does not fit into the above categories. 'miscellaneous' => "Miscellaneous", // Generic resource types used when creating bibliographic styles. "genericBook" => "Generic book-type", "genericArticle" => "Generic article-type", "genericMisc" => "Generic miscellaneous", ), // Form submit button text "submit" => array( "Submit" => "Submit", "Add" => "Add", "Delete" => "Delete", "Confirm" => "Confirm", "Edit" => "Edit", "Proceed to Confirm" => "Proceed to Confirm", "List" => "List", "Proceed" => "Proceed", "Search" => "Search", "Select" => "Select", // Add citation "Cite" => "Cite", // Reset button for forms "reset" => "Reset", ), // Messages for adding citations to quotes, notes, musings , comments etc. and for administration of // citation templates within bibliographic style creation/editing "cite" => array( // The displayed hyperlink next to the textarea form input "cite" => "Cite", "citationFormat" => "Citation Formatting", // In-text citation style as opposed to footnote style citations. "citationFormatInText" => "In-text style", "citationFormatFootnote" => "Footnote style", "creatorList" => "Creator list abbreviation", "creatorListSubsequent" => "Creator list abbreviation (subsequent appearances)", "creatorSep" => "Creator delimiters", "creatorStyle" => "Creator style", "lastName" => "Last name only", // 'Last name only' is a choice in a select box and should not be translated "useInitials" => "If 'Last name only', use initials to differentiate between creators with the same surname", "consecutiveCreator" => "For consecutive citations by the same creator(s)", "omitCreator" => "Omit creator list", "printCreator" => "Print creator list", // 'Omit creator list' is a choice in a select box and should not be translated as above "consecutiveCreatorSep" => "If 'Omit creator list', separate citations with", // The template is something like '(author|, year)' that the user is asked to enter "template" => "Template", "consecutiveCitationSep" => "Separate consecutive citations with", // Formatting of years "yearFormat" => "Year format", // Superscripting of citation "superscript" => "Superscript", // Ambiguous citations "ambiguous" => "Ambiguous citations", "ambiguousFull" => "Use the full name or initials", "ambiguousMore" => "Add more creator names", "ambiguousTitle" => "Add the title", "ambiguousYear" => "Add a letter after the year", "ambiguousNameFormat" => "Name format", "ambiguousYearFormat" => "Year format", // For footnote-style citations "footnoteStyleBib" => "Format like bibliography", "footnoteStyleInText" => "Format like in-text citations", "ibid" => "Replace consecutive citations for the same resource and the same page with", "idem" => "Replace consecutive citations for the same resource but a different page with", "opCit" => "Replace previously cited resources with", // Insert citation page number before or after footnote-style citation? "footnotePagePosition" => "Position of citation page number", "footnotePageBefore" => "Before citation", "footnotePageAfter" => "After citation", // For 'ibid' (by default does not display citation page numbers) "ibidPage" => "Always display citation page number(s)", // How to format the citation pages in footnote-style citations "footnoteCitationPageFormat" => "Format the citation page(s)", "footnoteCitationPageFormatNever" => "Never print citation page(s)", "footnoteCitationPageFormatBib" => "Same as the bibliographic templates", "footnoteCitationPageFormatTemplate" => "Use the template below", ), // Administration of bibliographic styles "style" => array( "addLabel" => "Add a Style", "copyLabel" => "Copy a Style", "editLabel" => "Edit Styles", "shortName" => "Short Name", "longName" => "Long Name", "primaryCreatorSep" => "Primary creator delimiters", "otherCreatorSep" => "Other creator delimiters", "ifOnlyTwoCreators" => "If only two creators", "creatorSepBetween" => "between", "creatorSepLast" => "before last", "sepCreatorsFirst" => "Between first two creators", "sepCreatorsNext" => "Between following creators", "primaryCreatorStyle" => "Primary creator style", "otherCreatorStyle" => "Other creator styles", "creatorFirstStyle" => "First", "creatorOthers" => "Others", "creatorInitials" => "Initials", "creatorFirstName" => "First name", "creatorFirstNameFull" => "Full", "creatorFirstNameInitials" => "Initial", "primaryCreatorList" => "Primary creator list abbreviation", "otherCreatorList" => "Other creator list abbreviation", "creatorListFull" => "Full list", "creatorListLimit" => "Limit list", // The next 3 surround form text boxes: // "If xx or more creators, list the first xx and abbreviate with xx". For example: // "If 4 or more creators, list the first 1 and abbreviate with ,et. al" "creatorListIf" => "If", "creatorListOrMore" => "or more creators, list the first", "creatorListAbbreviation" => "and abbreviate with", "titleCapitalization" => "Title capitalization", // Title as entered with no changes to capitalization "titleAsEntered" => "As entered", "availableFields" => "Available fields:", "editionFormat" => "Edition format", "monthFormat" => "Month format", "dateFormat" => "Date format", "dayFormat" => "Day format", "pageFormat" => "Page format", // Length of film, broadcast etc. "runningTimeFormat" => "Running time format", // When displaying a book that has no author but has an editor, do we put the editor in the position occupied // by the author? "editorSwitchHead" => "Editor switch", "editorSwitch" => "For books with no author but an editor, put editor in author position", "yes" => "Yes", "no" => "No", "editorSwitchIfYes" => "If 'Yes', replace editor field in style definitions with", // Uppercase creator names? "uppercaseCreator" => "Uppercase all names", // For repeated creator names in next bibliographic item "repeatCreators" => "For works immediately following by the same creators", "repeatCreators1" => "Print the creator list", "repeatCreators2" => "Do not print the creator list", "repeatCreators3" => "Replace creator list with text below", // Fallback formatting style when a specific resource type has none defined "fallback" => "Fallback style", "bibFormat" => "Bibliography Formatting", // Italic font "italics" => "Italics", // For user specific month naming "userMonthSelect" => "Use month names defined below", "userMonths" => "User-defined month names (all fields must be completed if selected above)", // Date ranges for e.g. conferences "dateRange" => "Date range", "dateRangeDelimit1" => "Delimiter between start and end dates if day and month given", "dateRangeDelimit2" => "Delimiter between start and end dates if month only given", "dateRangeSameMonth" => "If start and end months are equal", "dateRangeSameMonth1" => "Print both months", "dateRangeSameMonth2" => "Print start month only", ), "creators" => array( "author" => "Authors", "editor" => "Editors", "translator" => "Translators", "reviser" => "Revisers", "seriesEditor" => "Series Editors", // For films etc. "director" => "Director", "producer" => "Producer", // For artwork "artist" => "Artist", "performer" => "Performer", // For legal cases "counsel" => "Counsel", // For classical works of doubtful provenance "attributedTo" => "Attributed to", // Map makers "cartographer" => "Cartographer", // Charts/images "creator" => "Creator", // For patents "inventor" => "Inventor", "issuingOrganisation" => "Issuing Organisation", "agent" => "Agent/Attorney", // International patent author "intAuthor" => "International Author", // Personal Communication "recipient" => "Recipient", // For Musical works "composer" => "Composer", "conductor" => "Conductor", // Advice on what to do when editing a creator name and the new name already exists in the database. "creatorExists" => "If you proceed, this edited creator will be deleted and all references in the database to it will be replaced by references to the pre-existing creator.", ), ); } } ?>