$lang['menu'] = 'Manage Plugins';
// custom language strings for the plugin
$lang['download'] = "Download and install a new plugin";
$lang['manage'] = "Installed Plugins";
$lang['btn_info'] = 'info';
$lang['btn_update'] = 'update';
$lang['btn_delete'] = 'delete';
$lang['btn_settings'] = 'settings';
$lang['btn_download'] = 'Download';
$lang['btn_enable'] = 'Save';
$lang['url'] = 'URL';
$lang['installed'] = 'Installed:';
$lang['lastupdate'] = 'Last updated:';
$lang['source'] = 'Source:';
$lang['unknown'] = 'unknown';
// ..ing = header message
// ..ed = success message
$lang['updating'] = 'Updating ...';
$lang['updated'] = 'Plugin %s updated successfully';
$lang['updates'] = 'The following plugins have been updated successfully';
$lang['update_none'] = 'No updates found.';
$lang['deleting'] = 'Deleting ...';
$lang['deleted'] = 'Plugin %s deleted.';
$lang['downloading'] = 'Downloading ...';
$lang['downloaded'] = 'Plugin %s installed successfully';
$lang['downloads'] = 'The following plugins have been installed successfully:';
$lang['download_none'] = 'No plugins found, or there has been an unknown problem during downloading and installing.';
// info titles
$lang['plugin'] = 'Plugin:';
$lang['components'] = 'Components';
$lang['noinfo'] = 'This plugin returned no information, it may be invalid.';
$lang['name'] = 'Name:';
$lang['date'] = 'Date:';
$lang['type'] = 'Type:';
$lang['desc'] = 'Description:';
$lang['author'] = 'Author:';
$lang['www'] = 'Web:';
// error messages
$lang['error'] = 'An unknown error occurred.';
$lang['error_download'] = 'Unable to download the plugin file: %s';
$lang['error_badurl'] = 'Suspect bad url - unable to determine file name from the url';
$lang['error_dircreate'] = 'Unable to create temporary folder to receive download';
$lang['error_decompress'] = 'The plugin manager was unable to decompress the downloaded file. '.
'This maybe as a result of a bad download, in which case you should try again; '.
'or the compression format may be unknown, in which case you will need to '.
'download and install the plugin manually.';
$lang['error_copy'] = 'There was a file copy error while attempting to install files for plugin '.
'%s: the disk could be full or file access permissions may be incorrect. '.
'This may have resulted in a partially installed plugin and leave your wiki '.
'installation unstable.';
$lang['error_delete'] = 'There was an error while attempting to delete plugin %s. '.
'The most probably cause is insufficient file or directory access permissions';
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