* @author Chris Smith */ // must be run within Dokuwiki if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN_IMAGES')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN_IMAGES',DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/usermanager/images/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'admin.php'); /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the admin function * need to inherit from this class */ class admin_plugin_usermanager extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin { var $_auth = null; // auth object var $_user_total = 0; // number of registered users var $_filter = array(); // user selection filter(s) var $_start = 0; // index of first user to be displayed var $_last = 0; // index of the last user to be displayed var $_pagesize = 20; // number of users to list on one page var $_edit_user = ''; // set to user selected for editing var $_edit_userdata = array(); var $_disabled = ''; // if disabled set to explanatory string /** * Constructor */ function admin_plugin_usermanager(){ global $auth; $this->setupLocale(); if (!isset($auth)) { $this->disabled = $this->lang['noauth']; } else if (!$auth->canDo('getUsers')) { $this->disabled = $this->lang['nosupport']; } else { // we're good to go $this->_auth = & $auth; } } /** * return some info */ function getInfo(){ return array( 'author' => 'Chris Smith', 'email' => 'chris@jalakai.co.uk', 'date' => '2005-11-24', 'name' => 'User Manager', 'desc' => 'Manage users '.$this->disabled, 'url' => 'http://wiki.splitbrain.org/plugin:user_manager', ); } /** * return prompt for admin menu */ function getMenuText($language) { if (!is_null($this->_auth)) return parent::getMenuText($language); return $this->getLang('menu').' '.$this->disabled; } /** * return sort order for position in admin menu */ function getMenuSort() { return 2; } /** * handle user request */ function handle() { global $ID; if (is_null($this->_auth)) return false; // extract the command and any specific parameters // submit button name is of the form - fn[cmd][param(s)] $fn = $_REQUEST['fn']; if (is_array($fn)) { $cmd = key($fn); $param = is_array($fn[$cmd]) ? key($fn[$cmd]) : null; } else { $cmd = $fn; $param = null; } if ($cmd != "search") { if (!empty($_REQUEST['start'])) $this->_start = $_REQUEST['start']; $this->_filter = $this->_retrieveFilter(); } switch($cmd){ case "add" : $this->_addUser(); break; case "delete" : $this->_deleteUser(); break; case "modify" : $this->_modifyUser(); break; case "edit" : $this->_editUser($param); break; case "search" : $this->_setFilter($param); $this->_start = 0; break; } $this->_user_total = $this->_auth->canDo('getUserCount') ? $this->_auth->getUserCount($this->_filter) : -1; // page handling switch($cmd){ case 'start' : $this->_start = 0; break; case 'prev' : $this->_start -= $this->_pagesize; break; case 'next' : $this->_start += $this->_pagesize; break; case 'last' : $this->_start = $this->_user_total; break; } $this->_validatePagination(); } /** * output appropriate html */ function html() { global $ID; if(is_null($this->_auth)) { print $this->lang['badauth']; return false; } $user_list = $this->_auth->retrieveUsers($this->_start, $this->_pagesize, $this->_filter); $users = array_keys($user_list); $page_buttons = $this->_pagination(); $delete_disable = $this->_auth->canDo('delUser') ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"'; if ($this->_auth->canDo('UserMod')) { $edit_disable = ''; $img_useredit = 'user_edit.png'; } else { $edit_disable = 'disabled="disabled"'; $img_useredit = 'no_user_edit.png'; } print $this->locale_xhtml('intro'); print $this->locale_xhtml('list'); ptln("
"); ptln("
"); if ($this->_user_total > 0) { ptln("


"); } else { ptln("


"); } ptln("
"); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); if ($this->_user_total) { ptln(" "); foreach ($user_list as $user => $userinfo) { extract($userinfo); $groups = join(', ',$grps); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); } ptln(" "); } ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln("
lang['search_prompt']."\" alt=\"".$this->lang['search']."\" />_htmlFilter('user')."\" />_htmlFilter('name')."\" />_htmlFilter('mail')."\" />_htmlFilter('grps')."\" />
lang['edit_prompt']."\" alt=\"".$this->lang['edit']."\"/>".hsc($user)."".hsc($name)."".hsc($mail)."".hsc($groups)."
"); ptln(" "); ptln(" lang['delete_selected']."\" id=\"usrmgr__del\" />"); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); ptln(" lang['start']."\" />"); ptln(" lang['prev']."\" />"); ptln(" lang['next']."\" />"); ptln(" lang['last']."\" />"); ptln(" "); ptln(" lang['clear']."\" />"); ptln(" "); ptln(" "); $this->_htmlFilterSettings(2); ptln("
"); ptln("
"); ptln("
"); $style = $this->_edit_user ? " class=\"edit_user\"" : ""; if ($this->_auth->canDo('addUser')) { ptln(""); print $this->locale_xhtml('add'); ptln("
"); $this->_htmlUserForm('add',null,array(),4); ptln("
"); ptln("
"); } if($this->_edit_user && $this->_auth->canDo('UserMod')){ ptln(""); print $this->locale_xhtml('edit'); ptln("
"); $this->_htmlUserForm('modify',$this->_edit_user,$this->_edit_userdata,4); ptln("
"); ptln(""); } ptln(""); } /** * @todo disable fields which the backend can't change */ function _htmlUserForm($cmd,$user='',$userdata=array(),$indent=0) { global $conf; global $ID; $name = $mail = $groups = ''; $notes = array(); if ($user) { extract($userdata); if (!empty($grps)) $groups = join(',',$grps); } else { $notes[] = sprintf($this->lang['note_group'],$conf['defaultgroup']); } ptln("
",$indent); ptln(" ",$indent); ptln(" ",$indent); ptln(" ",$indent); ptln(" ",$indent); ptln(" ",$indent); $this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_userid", "userid", $this->lang["user_id"], $user, $this->_auth->canDo("modLogin"), $indent+6); $this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_userpass", "userpass", $this->lang["user_pass"], "", $this->_auth->canDo("modPass"), $indent+6); $this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_username", "username", $this->lang["user_name"], $name, $this->_auth->canDo("modName"), $indent+6); $this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_usermail", "usermail", $this->lang["user_mail"], $mail, $this->_auth->canDo("modMail"), $indent+6); $this->_htmlInputField($cmd."_usergroups","usergroups",$this->lang["user_groups"],$groups,$this->_auth->canDo("modGroups"),$indent+6); if ($this->_auth->canDo("modPass")) { if ($user) { $notes[] = $this->lang['note_notify']; } ptln("", $indent); } ptln(" ",$indent); ptln(" ",$indent); ptln(" ",$indent); ptln(" ",$indent); ptln(" ",$indent); ptln(" ",$indent); ptln("
",$indent); ptln(" ",$indent); ptln(" ",$indent); // save current $user, we need this to access details if the name is changed if ($user) ptln(" ",$indent); $this->_htmlFilterSettings($indent+10); ptln(" lang[$cmd]."\" />",$indent); ptln("
",$indent); foreach ($notes as $note) ptln("
",$indent); ptln("
",$indent); } function _htmlInputField($id, $name, $label, $value, $cando, $indent=0) { $disabled = $cando ? "" : " disabled=\"disabled\""; $class = $cando ? "" : " class=\"disabled\""; ptln("",$indent); } function _htmlFilter($key) { if (empty($this->_filter)) return ''; return (isset($this->_filter[$key]) ? hsc($this->_filter[$key]) : ''); } function _htmlFilterSettings($indent=0) { ptln("_start."\" />",$indent); foreach ($this->_filter as $key => $filter) { ptln("",$indent); } } function _addUser(){ if (!$this->_auth->canDo('addUser')) return false; list($user,$pass,$name,$mail,$grps) = $this->_retrieveUser(); if (empty($user)) return false; if ($ok = $this->_auth->createUser($user,$pass,$name,$mail,$grps)) { msg($this->lang['add_ok'], 1); if (!empty($_REQUEST['usernotify']) && $pass) { $this->_notifyUser($user,$pass); } } else { msg($this->lang['add_fail'], 1); } return $ok; } /** * Delete user */ function _deleteUser(){ if (!$this->_auth->canDo('delUser')) return false; $selected = $_REQUEST['delete']; if (!is_array($selected) || empty($selected)) return false; $selected = array_keys($selected); $count = $this->_auth->deleteUsers($selected); if ($count == count($selected)) { $text = str_replace('%d', $count, $this->lang['delete_ok']); msg("$text.", 1); } else { $part1 = str_replace('%d', $count, $this->lang['delete_ok']); $part2 = str_replace('%d', (count($selected)-$count), $this->lang['delete_fail']); msg("$part1, $part2",-1); } return true; } /** * Edit user (a user has been selected for editing) */ function _editUser($param) { if (!$this->_auth->canDo('UserMod')) return false; $user = cleanID(preg_replace('/.*:/','',$param)); $userdata = $this->_auth->getUserData($user); // no user found? if (!$userdata) { msg($this->lang['edit_usermissing'],-1); return false; } $this->_edit_user = $user; $this->_edit_userdata = $userdata; return true; } /** * Modify user (modified user data has been recieved) */ function _modifyUser(){ if (!$this->_auth->canDo('UserMod')) return false; // get currently valid user data $olduser = cleanID(preg_replace('/.*:/','',$_REQUEST['userid_old'])); $oldinfo = $this->_auth->getUserData($olduser); // get new user data subject to change list($newuser,$newpass,$newname,$newmail,$newgrps) = $this->_retrieveUser(); if (empty($newuser)) return false; $changes = array(); if ($newuser != $olduser) { if (!$this->_auth->canDo('modLogin')) { // sanity check, shouldn't be possible msg($this->lang['update_fail'],-1); return false; } // check if $newuser already exists if ($this->_auth->getUserData($newuser)) { msg(sprintf($this->lang['update_exists'],$newuser),-1); $re_edit = true; } else { $changes['user'] = $newuser; } } if (!empty($newpass) && $this->_auth->canDo('modPass')) $changes['pass'] = $newpass; if (!empty($newname) && $this->_auth->canDo('modName') && $newname != $oldinfo['name']) $changes['name'] = $newname; if (!empty($newmail) && $this->_auth->canDo('modMail') && $newmail != $oldinfo['mail']) $changes['mail'] = $newmail; if (!empty($newgrps) && $this->_auth->canDo('modGroups') && $newgrps != $oldinfo['grps']) $changes['grps'] = $newgrps; if ($ok = $this->_auth->modifyUser($olduser, $changes)) { msg($this->lang['update_ok'],1); if (!empty($_REQUEST['usernotify']) && $newpass) { $notify = empty($changes['user']) ? $olduser : $newuser; $this->_notifyUser($notify,$newpass); } } else { msg($this->lang['update_fail'],-1); } if (!empty($re_edit)) { $this->_editUser($olduser); } return $ok; } /** * send password change notification email */ function _notifyUser($user, $password) { if ($sent = auth_sendPassword($user,$password)) { msg($this->lang['notify_ok'], 1); } else { msg($this->lang['notify_fail'], -1); } return $sent; } /** * retrieve & clean user data from the form * * @return array(user, password, full name, email, array(groups)) */ function _retrieveUser($clean=true) { $user[0] = ($clean) ? cleanID(preg_replace('/.*:/','',$_REQUEST['userid'])) : $_REQUEST['userid']; $user[1] = $_REQUEST['userpass']; $user[2] = $_REQUEST['username']; $user[3] = $_REQUEST['usermail']; $user[4] = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/',$_REQUEST['usergroups'],-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (empty($user[4]) || (is_array($user[4]) && (count($user[4]) == 1) && (trim($user[4][0]) == ''))) { $user[4] = null; } return $user; } function _setFilter($op) { $this->_filter = array(); if ($op == 'new') { list($user,$pass,$name,$mail,$grps) = $this->_retrieveUser(false); if (!empty($user)) $this->_filter['user'] = $user; if (!empty($name)) $this->_filter['name'] = $name; if (!empty($mail)) $this->_filter['mail'] = $mail; if (!empty($grps)) $this->_filter['grps'] = join('|',$grps); } } function _retrieveFilter() { $t_filter = $_REQUEST['filter']; if (!is_array($t_filter)) return array(); // messy, but this way we ensure we aren't getting any additional crap from malicious users $filter = array(); if (isset($t_filter['user'])) $filter['user'] = $t_filter['user']; if (isset($t_filter['name'])) $filter['name'] = $t_filter['name']; if (isset($t_filter['mail'])) $filter['mail'] = $t_filter['mail']; if (isset($t_filter['grps'])) $filter['grps'] = $t_filter['grps']; return $filter; } function _validatePagination() { if ($this->_start >= $this->_user_total) { $this->_start = $this->_user_total - $this->_pagesize; } if ($this->_start < 0) $this->_start = 0; $this->_last = min($this->_user_total, $this->_start + $this->_pagesize); } /* * return an array of strings to enable/disable pagination buttons */ function _pagination() { $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; $buttons['start'] = $buttons['prev'] = ($this->_start == 0) ? $disabled : ''; if ($this->_user_total == -1) { $buttons['last'] = $disabled; $buttons['next'] = ''; } else { $buttons['last'] = $buttons['next'] = (($this->_start + $this->_pagesize) >= $this->_user_total) ? $disabled : ''; } return $buttons; } }