*/ // for the configuration manager $lang['automatic'] = 'discussion section on every page by default'; $lang['allowguests'] = 'allow comments by unregistered users'; $lang['linkemail'] = 'link commenters name with e-mail'; $lang['useavatar'] = 'use avatar user images for comments'; $lang['urlfield'] = 'allow users to enter an URL'; $lang['addressfield'] = 'allow users to enter a postal address'; $lang['adminimport'] = 'allow admins to set all fields for import'; $lang['usecocomment'] = 'use coComment comment tracking'; $lang['wikisyntaxok'] = 'allow wiki syntax in comments'; $lang['threads_formposition'] = 'position of the new thread form'; $lang['threads_formposition_o_top'] = 'top'; $lang['threads_formposition_o_bottom'] = 'bottom'; //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :