*/ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die('meh.'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/indexer.php'); /** * The fulltext search * * Returns a list of matching documents for the given query * * refactored into ft_pageSearch(), _ft_pageSearch() and trigger_event() * */ function ft_pageSearch($query,&$highlight){ $data['query'] = $query; $data['highlight'] =& $highlight; return trigger_event('SEARCH_QUERY_FULLPAGE', $data, '_ft_pageSearch'); } function _ft_pageSearch(&$data){ // split out original parameters $query = $data['query']; $highlight =& $data['highlight']; $q = ft_queryParser($query); $highlight = array(); // remember for hilighting later foreach($q['words'] as $wrd){ $highlight[] = str_replace('*','',$wrd); } // lookup all words found in the query $words = array_merge($q['and'],$q['not']); if(!count($words)) return array(); $result = idx_lookup($words); if(!count($result)) return array(); // merge search results with query foreach($q['and'] as $pos => $w){ $q['and'][$pos] = $result[$w]; } // create a list of unwanted docs $not = array(); foreach($q['not'] as $pos => $w){ $not = array_merge($not,array_keys($result[$w])); } // combine and-words if(count($q['and']) > 1){ $docs = ft_resultCombine($q['and']); }else{ $docs = $q['and'][0]; } if(!count($docs)) return array(); // create a list of hidden pages in the result $hidden = array(); $hidden = array_filter(array_keys($docs),'isHiddenPage'); $not = array_merge($not,$hidden); // filter unmatched namespaces if(!empty($q['ns'])) { $pattern = implode('|^',$q['ns']); foreach($docs as $key => $val) { if(!preg_match('/^'.$pattern.'/',$key)) { unset($docs[$key]); } } } // remove negative matches foreach($not as $n){ unset($docs[$n]); } if(!count($docs)) return array(); // handle phrases if(count($q['phrases'])){ $q['phrases'] = array_map('utf8_strtolower',$q['phrases']); // use this for higlighting later: $highlight = array_merge($highlight,$q['phrases']); $q['phrases'] = array_map('preg_quote_cb',$q['phrases']); // check the source of all documents for the exact phrases foreach(array_keys($docs) as $id){ $text = utf8_strtolower(rawWiki($id)); foreach($q['phrases'] as $phrase){ if(!preg_match('/'.$phrase.'/usi',$text)){ unset($docs[$id]); // no hit - remove break; } } } } if(!count($docs)) return array(); // check ACL permissions foreach(array_keys($docs) as $doc){ if(auth_quickaclcheck($doc) < AUTH_READ){ unset($docs[$doc]); } } if(!count($docs)) return array(); // if there are any hits left, sort them by count arsort($docs); return $docs; } /** * Returns the backlinks for a given page * * Does a quick lookup with the fulltext index, then * evaluates the instructions of the found pages */ function ft_backlinks($id){ global $conf; $swfile = DOKU_INC.'inc/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/stopwords.txt'; $stopwords = @file_exists($swfile) ? file($swfile) : array(); $result = array(); // quick lookup of the pagename $page = noNS($id); $matches = idx_lookup(idx_tokenizer($page,$stopwords)); // pagename may contain specials (_ or .) $docs = array_keys(ft_resultCombine(array_values($matches))); $docs = array_filter($docs,'isVisiblePage'); // discard hidden pages if(!count($docs)) return $result; require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/parserutils.php'); // check metadata for matching links foreach($docs as $match){ // metadata relation reference links are already resolved $links = p_get_metadata($match,'relation references'); if (isset($links[$id])) $result[] = $match; } if(!count($result)) return $result; // check ACL permissions foreach(array_keys($result) as $idx){ if(auth_quickaclcheck($result[$idx]) < AUTH_READ){ unset($result[$idx]); } } sort($result); return $result; } /** * Returns the pages that use a given media file * * Does a quick lookup with the fulltext index, then * evaluates the instructions of the found pages * * Aborts after $max found results */ function ft_mediause($id,$max){ global $conf; $swfile = DOKU_INC.'inc/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/stopwords.txt'; $stopwords = @file_exists($swfile) ? file($swfile) : array(); if(!$max) $max = 1; // need to find at least one $result = array(); // quick lookup of the mediafile $media = noNS($id); $matches = idx_lookup(idx_tokenizer($media,$stopwords)); $docs = array_keys(ft_resultCombine(array_values($matches))); if(!count($docs)) return $result; // go through all found pages $found = 0; $pcre = preg_quote($media,'/'); foreach($docs as $doc){ $ns = getNS($doc); preg_match_all('/\{\{([^|}]*'.$pcre.'[^|}]*)(|[^}]+)?\}\}/i',rawWiki($doc),$matches); foreach($matches[1] as $img){ $img = trim($img); if(preg_match('/^https?:\/\//i',$img)) continue; // skip external images list($img) = explode('?',$img); // remove any parameters resolve_mediaid($ns,$img,$exists); // resolve the possibly relative img if($img == $id){ // we have a match $result[] = $doc; $found++; break; } } if($found >= $max) break; } sort($result); return $result; } /** * Quicksearch for pagenames * * By default it only matches the pagename and ignores the * namespace. This can be changed with the second parameter * * refactored into ft_pageLookup(), _ft_pageLookup() and trigger_event() * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function ft_pageLookup($id,$pageonly=true){ $data = array('id' => $id, 'pageonly' => $pageonly); return trigger_event('SEARCH_QUERY_PAGELOOKUP',$data,'_ft_pageLookup'); } function _ft_pageLookup(&$data){ // split out original parameterrs $id = $data['id']; $pageonly = $data['pageonly']; global $conf; $id = preg_quote($id,'/'); $pages = file($conf['indexdir'].'/page.idx'); if($id) $pages = array_values(preg_grep('/'.$id.'/',$pages)); $cnt = count($pages); for($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++){ if($pageonly){ if(!preg_match('/'.$id.'/',noNS($pages[$i]))){ unset($pages[$i]); continue; } } if(!page_exists($pages[$i])){ unset($pages[$i]); continue; } } $pages = array_filter($pages,'isVisiblePage'); // discard hidden pages if(!count($pages)) return array(); // check ACL permissions foreach(array_keys($pages) as $idx){ if(auth_quickaclcheck(trim($pages[$idx])) < AUTH_READ){ unset($pages[$idx]); } } $pages = array_map('trim',$pages); usort($pages,'ft_pagesorter'); return $pages; } /** * Sort pages based on their namespace level first, then on their string * values. This makes higher hierarchy pages rank higher than lower hierarchy * pages. */ function ft_pagesorter($a, $b){ $ac = count(explode(':',$a)); $bc = count(explode(':',$b)); if($ac < $bc){ return -1; }elseif($ac > $bc){ return 1; } return strcmp ($a,$b); } /** * Creates a snippet extract * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function ft_snippet($id,$highlight){ $text = rawWiki($id); $match = array(); $snippets = array(); $utf8_offset = $offset = $end = 0; $len = utf8_strlen($text); // build a regexp from the phrases to highlight $re = join('|',array_map('preg_quote_cb',array_filter((array) $highlight))); for ($cnt=3; $cnt--;) { if (!preg_match('#('.$re.')#iu',$text,$match,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE,$offset)) break; list($str,$idx) = $match[0]; // convert $idx (a byte offset) into a utf8 character offset $utf8_idx = utf8_strlen(substr($text,0,$idx)); $utf8_len = utf8_strlen($str); // establish context, 100 bytes surrounding the match string // first look to see if we can go 100 either side, // then drop to 50 adding any excess if the other side can't go to 50, $pre = min($utf8_idx-$utf8_offset,100); $post = min($len-$utf8_idx-$utf8_len,100); if ($pre>50 && $post>50) { $pre = $post = 50; } else if ($pre>50) { $pre = min($pre,100-$post); } else if ($post>50) { $post = min($post, 100-$pre); } else { // both are less than 50, means the context is the whole string // make it so and break out of this loop - there is no need for the // complex snippet calculations $snippets = array($text); break; } // establish context start and end points, try to append to previous // context if possible $start = $utf8_idx - $pre; $append = ($start < $end) ? $end : false; // still the end of the previous context snippet $end = $utf8_idx + $utf8_len + $post; // now set it to the end of this context if ($append) { $snippets[count($snippets)-1] .= utf8_substr($text,$append,$end-$append); } else { $snippets[] = utf8_substr($text,$start,$end-$start); } // set $offset for next match attempt // substract strlen to avoid splitting a potential search success, // this is an approximation as the search pattern may match strings // of varying length and it will fail if the context snippet // boundary breaks a matching string longer than the current match $utf8_offset = $utf8_idx + $post; $offset = $idx + strlen(utf8_substr($text,$utf8_idx,$post)); $offset = utf8_correctIdx($text,$offset); } $m = "\1"; $snippets = preg_replace('#('.$re.')#iu',$m.'$1'.$m,$snippets); $snippet = preg_replace('#'.$m.'([^'.$m.']*?)'.$m.'#iu','$1',hsc(join('... ',$snippets))); return $snippet; } /** * Combine found documents and sum up their scores * * This function is used to combine searched words with a logical * AND. Only documents available in all arrays are returned. * * based upon PEAR's PHP_Compat function for array_intersect_key() * * @param array $args An array of page arrays */ function ft_resultCombine($args){ $array_count = count($args); if($array_count == 1){ return $args[0]; } $result = array(); if ($array_count > 1) { foreach ($args[0] as $key => $value) { $result[$key] = $value; for ($i = 1; $i !== $array_count; $i++) { if (!isset($args[$i][$key])) { unset($result[$key]); break; } $result[$key] += $args[$i][$key]; } } } return $result; } /** * Builds an array of search words from a query * * @todo support OR and parenthesises? */ function ft_queryParser($query){ global $conf; $swfile = DOKU_INC.'inc/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/stopwords.txt'; if(@file_exists($swfile)){ $stopwords = file($swfile); }else{ $stopwords = array(); } $q = array(); $q['query'] = $query; $q['ns'] = array(); $q['phrases'] = array(); $q['words'] = array(); $q['and'] = array(); $q['not'] = array(); // strip namespace from query if(preg_match('/([^@]*)@(.*)/',$query,$match)) { $query = $match[1]; $q['ns'] = explode('@',preg_replace("/ /",'',$match[2])); } // handle phrase searches while(preg_match('/"(.*?)"/',$query,$match)){ $q['phrases'][] = $match[1]; $q['and'] = array_merge($q['and'], idx_tokenizer($match[0],$stopwords)); $query = preg_replace('/"(.*?)"/','',$query,1); } $words = explode(' ',$query); foreach($words as $w){ if($w{0} == '-'){ $token = idx_tokenizer($w,$stopwords,true); if(count($token)) $q['not'] = array_merge($q['not'],$token); }else{ // asian "words" need to be searched as phrases if(@preg_match_all('/(('.IDX_ASIAN.')+)/u',$w,$matches)){ $q['phrases'] = array_merge($q['phrases'],$matches[1]); } $token = idx_tokenizer($w,$stopwords,true); if(count($token)){ $q['and'] = array_merge($q['and'],$token); $q['words'] = array_merge($q['words'],$token); } } } return $q; } //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 enc=utf-8 :