*/ // for the configuration manager $lang['firstseconly'] = 'show only the first section of included pages'; $lang['showtaglogos'] = 'show image for first tag'; $lang['showfooter'] = 'show info about included page below'; $lang['showlink'] = 'link first headline of included page'; $lang['showpermalink'] = 'show permalinks below included page'; $lang['showdate'] = 'show dates below included page'; $lang['showuser'] = 'show usernames below included page'; $lang['showcomments'] = 'show comments below included page (Discussion plugin needed)'; $lang['showlinkbacks'] = 'show linkbacks below included page (Linkback Plugin needed)'; $lang['showtags'] = 'show tags below included page (Tag Plugin needed)'; $lang['showeditbtn'] = 'show edit button'; $lang['doredirect'] = 'redirect to the original page after editing the included page'; $lang['usernamespace'] = 'namespace for user pages'; $lang['doindent'] = 'indent included pages relative to the page they get included in'; //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :