; Please see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php ; for limitations of the ini format used here ; Define the stylesheets your template uses here. The second value ; defines for which output media the style should be loaded. Currently ; print, screen and rtl are supported. rtl styles are loaded additionally ; to screen styles if a right-to-left language is selected (eg. hebrew) [stylesheets] vub.css = screen vubdienst.css = screen layout.css = screen design.css = screen style.css = screen media.css = screen rtl.css = rtl vubprint.css = print print.css = print ; This section is used to configure some placeholder values used in ; the stylesheets. Changing this file is the simplest method to ; give your wiki a new look. [replacements] ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------ guaranteed dokuwiki color placeholders that every plugin can use ; main text and background colors __text__ = "#000" __background__ = "#fff" ; alternative text and background colors __text_alt__ = "#766F53" __background_alt__ = "#E7E8BC" ; neutral text and background colors __text_neu__ = "#6f6f6f" __background_neu__ = "#f2f2f2" ; border color __border__ = "#766F53" ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Extra colours for box plugin __dark__ = "#878A00" __light__ = "#D7D88D" __medium__ = "#BCBF00" __lighter__ = "#E7E8BC"