* Version: 0.6a * License: GPL * * * ABOUT MAGPIE's APPROACH TO PARSING: * - Magpie is based on expat, an XML parser, and therefore will only parse * valid XML files. This includes all properly constructed RSS or Atom. * * - Magpie is an inclusive parser. It will include any elements that * it can turn into a key value pair in the parsed feed object it returns. * * - Magpie supports namespaces, and will return any elements found in a * namespace in a sub-array, with the key point to that array being the * namespace prefix. * (e.g. if an item contains a element, then that date can * be accessed at $item['dc']['date'] * * - Magpie supports nested elements by combining the names. If an item * includes XML like: * * Kellan * * * The name field is accessible at $item['author_name'] * * - Magpie makes no attempt validate a feed beyond insuring that it * is valid XML. * RSS validators are readily available on the web at: * http://feeds.archive.org/validator/ * http://www.ldodds.com/rss_validator/1.0/validator.html * * * EXAMPLE PARSED RSS ITEM: * * Magpie tries to parse RSS into easy to use PHP datastructures. * * For example, Magpie on encountering (a rather complex) RSS 1.0 item entry: * * * Weekly Peace Vigil * http://protest.net/NorthEast/calendrome.cgi?span=event&ID=210257 * Wear a white ribbon * Peace * 2002-06-01T11:00:00 * Northampton, MA * Protest * * * Would transform it into the following associative array, and push it * onto the array $rss-items * * array( * title => 'Weekly Peace Vigil', * link => 'http://protest.net/NorthEast/calendrome.cgi?span=event&ID=210257', * description => 'Wear a white ribbon', * dc => array ( * subject => 'Peace' * ), * ev => array ( * startdate => '2002-06-01T11:00:00', * enddate => '2002-06-01T12:00:00', * type => 'Protest', * location => 'Northampton, MA' * ) * ) * * * * A FEW NOTES ON PARSING Atom FEEDS * * Atom support is considered alpha. Atom elements will be often be available * as their RSS equivalent, summary is available as description for example. * * Elements of mode=xml, as flattened into a single string, just as if they * had been wrapped in a CDATA container. * * See: http://laughingmeme.org/archives/001676.html * */ define('RSS', 'RSS'); define('ATOM', 'Atom'); class MagpieRSS { /* * Hybrid parser, and object. (probably a bad idea! :) * * Useage Example: * * $some_rss = "channel['title']; * * // print the title of each item * foreach ($rss->items as $item ) { * echo $item[title]; * } * * see: rss_fetch.inc for a simpler interface */ var $parser; var $current_item = array(); // item currently being parsed var $items = array(); // collection of parsed items var $channel = array(); // hash of channel fields var $textinput = array(); var $image = array(); var $feed_type; var $feed_version; // parser variables var $stack = array(); // parser stack var $inchannel = false; var $initem = false; var $incontent = false; // if in Atom field var $intextinput = false; var $inimage = false; var $current_field = ''; var $current_namespace = false; var $ERROR = ""; var $_CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS = array('content', 'summary', 'info', 'title', 'tagline', 'copyright'); /*======================================================================*\ Function: MagpieRSS Purpose: Constructor, sets up XML parser,parses source, and populates object.. Input: String containing the RSS to be parsed \*======================================================================*/ function MagpieRSS ($source) { # if PHP xml isn't compiled in, die # if (!function_exists('xml_parser_create')) { $this->error( "Failed to load PHP's XML Extension. " . "http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.xml.php", E_USER_ERROR ); } $parser = @xml_parser_create(); if (!is_resource($parser)) { $this->error( "Failed to create an instance of PHP's XML parser. " . "http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.xml.php", E_USER_ERROR ); } $this->parser = $parser; # pass in parser, and a reference to this object # setup handlers # xml_set_object( $this->parser, $this ); xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'feed_start_element', 'feed_end_element' ); xml_set_character_data_handler( $this->parser, 'feed_cdata' ); $status = xml_parse( $this->parser, $source ); if (! $status ) { $errorcode = xml_get_error_code( $this->parser ); if ( $errorcode != XML_ERROR_NONE ) { $xml_error = xml_error_string( $errorcode ); $error_line = xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser); $error_col = xml_get_current_column_number($this->parser); $errormsg = "$xml_error at line $error_line, column $error_col"; $this->error( $errormsg ); } } xml_parser_free( $this->parser ); $this->normalize(); } function feed_start_element($p, $element, &$attrs) { $el = $element = strtolower($element); $attrs = array_change_key_case($attrs, CASE_LOWER); // check for a namespace, and split if found $ns = false; if ( strpos( $element, ':' ) ) { list($ns, $el) = split( ':', $element, 2); } if ( $ns and $ns != 'rdf' ) { $this->current_namespace = $ns; } # if feed type isn't set, then this is first element of feed # identify feed from root element # if (!isset($this->feed_type) ) { if ( $el == 'rdf' ) { $this->feed_type = RSS; $this->feed_version = '1.0'; } elseif ( $el == 'rss' ) { $this->feed_type = RSS; $this->feed_version = $attrs['version']; } elseif ( $el == 'feed' ) { $this->feed_type = ATOM; $this->feed_version = $attrs['version']; $this->inchannel = true; } return; } if ( $el == 'channel' ) { $this->inchannel = true; } elseif ($el == 'item' or $el == 'entry' ) { $this->initem = true; if ( isset($attrs['rdf:about']) ) { $this->current_item['about'] = $attrs['rdf:about']; } } // if we're in the default namespace of an RSS feed, // record textinput or image fields elseif ( $this->feed_type == RSS and $this->current_namespace == '' and $el == 'textinput' ) { $this->intextinput = true; } elseif ( $this->feed_type == RSS and $this->current_namespace == '' and $el == 'image' ) { $this->inimage = true; } # handle atom content constructs elseif ( $this->feed_type == ATOM and in_array($el, $this->_CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS) ) { // avoid clashing w/ RSS mod_content if ($el == 'content' ) { $el = 'atom_content'; } $this->incontent = $el; } // if inside an Atom content construct (e.g. content or summary) field treat tags as text elseif ($this->feed_type == ATOM and $this->incontent ) { // if tags are inlined, then flatten $attrs_str = join(' ', array_map('map_attrs', array_keys($attrs), array_values($attrs) ) ); $this->append_content( "<$element $attrs_str>" ); array_unshift( $this->stack, $el ); } // Atom support many links per containging element. // Magpie treats link elements of type rel='alternate' // as being equivalent to RSS's simple link element. // elseif ($this->feed_type == ATOM and $el == 'link' ) { if ( isset($attrs['rel']) and $attrs['rel'] == 'alternate' ) { $link_el = 'link'; } else { $link_el = 'link_' . $attrs['rel']; } $this->append($link_el, $attrs['href']); } // set stack[0] to current element else { array_unshift($this->stack, $el); } } function feed_cdata ($p, $text) { if ($this->feed_type == ATOM and $this->incontent) { $this->append_content( $text ); } else { $current_el = join('_', array_reverse($this->stack)); $this->append($current_el, $text); } } function feed_end_element ($p, $el) { $el = strtolower($el); if ( $el == 'item' or $el == 'entry' ) { $this->items[] = $this->current_item; $this->current_item = array(); $this->initem = false; } elseif ($this->feed_type == RSS and $this->current_namespace == '' and $el == 'textinput' ) { $this->intextinput = false; } elseif ($this->feed_type == RSS and $this->current_namespace == '' and $el == 'image' ) { $this->inimage = false; } elseif ($this->feed_type == ATOM and in_array($el, $this->_CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS) ) { $this->incontent = false; } elseif ($el == 'channel' or $el == 'feed' ) { $this->inchannel = false; } elseif ($this->feed_type == ATOM and $this->incontent ) { // balance tags properly // note: i don't think this is actually neccessary if ( $this->stack[0] == $el ) { $this->append_content(""); } else { $this->append_content("<$el />"); } array_shift( $this->stack ); } else { array_shift( $this->stack ); } $this->current_namespace = false; } function concat (&$str1, $str2="") { if (!isset($str1) ) { $str1=""; } $str1 .= $str2; } function append_content($text) { if ( $this->initem ) { $this->concat( $this->current_item[ $this->incontent ], $text ); } elseif ( $this->inchannel ) { $this->concat( $this->channel[ $this->incontent ], $text ); } } // smart append - field and namespace aware function append($el, $text) { if (!$el) { return; } if ( $this->current_namespace ) { if ( $this->initem ) { $this->concat( $this->current_item[ $this->current_namespace ][ $el ], $text); } elseif ($this->inchannel) { $this->concat( $this->channel[ $this->current_namespace][ $el ], $text ); } elseif ($this->intextinput) { $this->concat( $this->textinput[ $this->current_namespace][ $el ], $text ); } elseif ($this->inimage) { $this->concat( $this->image[ $this->current_namespace ][ $el ], $text ); } } else { if ( $this->initem ) { $this->concat( $this->current_item[ $el ], $text); } elseif ($this->intextinput) { $this->concat( $this->textinput[ $el ], $text ); } elseif ($this->inimage) { $this->concat( $this->image[ $el ], $text ); } elseif ($this->inchannel) { $this->concat( $this->channel[ $el ], $text ); } } } function normalize () { // if atom populate rss fields if ( $this->is_atom() ) { $this->channel['descripton'] = $this->channel['tagline']; for ( $i = 0; $i < count($this->items); $i++) { $item = $this->items[$i]; if ( isset($item['summary']) ) $item['description'] = $item['summary']; if ( isset($item['atom_content'])) $item['content']['encoded'] = $item['atom_content']; $this->items[$i] = $item; } } elseif ( $this->is_rss() ) { $this->channel['tagline'] = $this->channel['description']; for ( $i = 0; $i < count($this->items); $i++) { $item = $this->items[$i]; if ( isset($item['description'])) $item['summary'] = $item['description']; if ( isset($item['content']['encoded'] ) ) $item['atom_content'] = $item['content']['encoded']; $this->items[$i] = $item; } } } function error ($errormsg, $lvl=E_USER_WARNING) { // append PHP's error message if track_errors enabled if ( $php_errormsg ) { $errormsg .= " ($php_errormsg)"; } $this->ERROR = $errormsg; if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG ) { trigger_error( $errormsg, $lvl); } else { error_log( $errormsg, 0); } } function is_rss () { if ( $this->feed_type == RSS ) { return $this->feed_version; } else { return false; } } function is_atom() { if ( $this->feed_type == ATOM ) { return $this->feed_version; } else { return false; } } /*======================================================================*\ EVERYTHING BELOW HERE IS FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES \*======================================================================*/ function show_list () { echo "
    \n"; foreach ($this->items as $item) { echo "
  1. ", $this->show_item( $item ); } echo "
"; } function show_channel () { echo "channel:
"; echo ""; } function show_item ($item) { echo "item: $item[title]"; echo ""; } /*======================================================================*\ END DEBUGGING FUNCTIONS \*======================================================================*/ } # end class RSS function map_attrs($k, $v) { return "$k=\"$v\""; } ?>