* @author Anika Henke */ $lang['encoding'] = 'utf-8'; $lang['direction'] = 'ltr'; $lang['btn_edit'] = 'Edit this page'; $lang['btn_source'] = 'Show pagesource'; $lang['btn_show'] = 'Show page'; $lang['btn_create'] = 'Create this page'; $lang['btn_search'] = 'Search'; $lang['btn_save'] = 'Save'; $lang['btn_preview']= 'Preview'; $lang['btn_top'] = 'Back to top'; $lang['btn_newer'] = '<< more recent'; $lang['btn_older'] = 'less recent >>'; $lang['btn_revs'] = 'Old revisions'; $lang['btn_recent'] = 'Recent changes'; $lang['btn_upload'] = 'Upload'; $lang['btn_cancel'] = 'Cancel'; $lang['btn_index'] = 'Index'; $lang['btn_secedit']= 'Edit'; $lang['btn_login'] = 'Login'; $lang['btn_logout'] = 'Logout'; $lang['btn_admin'] = 'Admin'; $lang['btn_update'] = 'Update'; $lang['btn_delete'] = 'Delete'; $lang['btn_back'] = 'Back'; $lang['btn_backtomedia'] = 'Back to Mediafile Selection'; $lang['loggedinas'] = 'Logged in as'; $lang['user'] = 'Username'; $lang['pass'] = 'Password'; $lang['passchk'] = 'once again'; $lang['remember'] = 'Remember me'; $lang['fullname'] = 'Full name'; $lang['email'] = 'E-Mail'; $lang['register'] = 'Register'; $lang['badlogin'] = 'Sorry, username or password was wrong.'; $lang['regmissing'] = 'Sorry, you must fill in all fields.'; $lang['reguexists'] = 'Sorry, a user with this login already exists.'; $lang['regsuccess'] = 'The user has been created and the password was sent by email.'; $lang['regsuccess2']= 'The user has been created.'; $lang['regmailfail']= 'Looks like there was an error on sending the password mail. 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Nothing done.'; $lang['deletesucc'] = 'The file "%s" has been deleted.'; $lang['deletefail'] = '"%s" couldn\'t be deleted - check perission.'; $lang['mediainuse'] = 'The file "%s" hasn\'t been deleted - it is still in use.'; $lang['namespaces'] = 'Namespaces'; $lang['mediafiles'] = 'Available files in'; $lang['reference'] = 'References for'; $lang['ref_inuse'] = 'The file can\'t be deleted, because it\'s still used by the following pages:'; $lang['ref_hidden'] = 'Some references are on pages you don\'t have permission to read'; $lang['hits'] = 'Hits'; $lang['quickhits'] = 'Matching pagenames'; $lang['toc'] = 'Table of Contents'; $lang['current'] = 'current'; $lang['yours'] = 'Your Version'; $lang['diff'] = 'show differences to current version'; $lang['line'] = 'Line'; $lang['breadcrumb'] = 'Trace'; $lang['lastmod'] = 'Last modified'; $lang['by'] = 'by'; $lang['deleted'] = 'removed'; $lang['created'] = 'created'; $lang['restored'] = 'old revision restored'; $lang['summary'] = 'Edit summary'; $lang['mail_newpage'] = 'page added:'; $lang['mail_changed'] = 'page changed:'; $lang['nosmblinks'] = 'Linking to Windows shares only works in Microsoft Internet Explorer.\nYou still can copy and paste the link.'; $lang['qb_alert'] = 'Please enter the text you want to format.\nIt will be appended to the end of the document.'; $lang['qb_bold'] = 'Bold Text'; $lang['qb_italic'] = 'Italic Text'; $lang['qb_underl'] = 'Underlined Text'; $lang['qb_code'] = 'Code Text'; $lang['qb_strike'] = 'Strike-through Text'; $lang['qb_h1'] = 'Level 1 Headline'; $lang['qb_h2'] = 'Level 2 Headline'; $lang['qb_h3'] = 'Level 3 Headline'; $lang['qb_h4'] = 'Level 4 Headline'; $lang['qb_h5'] = 'Level 5 Headline'; $lang['qb_link'] = 'Internal Link'; $lang['qb_extlink'] = 'External Link'; $lang['qb_hr'] = 'Horizontal Rule'; $lang['qb_ol'] = 'Ordered List Item'; $lang['qb_ul'] = 'Unordered List Item'; $lang['qb_media'] = 'Add Images and other files'; $lang['qb_sig'] = 'Insert Signature'; $lang['del_confirm']= 'Delete this entry?'; $lang['admin_acl'] = 'Access Control List Management...'; $lang['admin_register']= 'Add new user...'; $lang['acl_group'] = 'Group'; $lang['acl_user'] = 'User'; $lang['acl_perms'] = 'Permissions for'; $lang['page'] = 'Page'; $lang['namespace'] = 'Namespace'; $lang['acl_perm1'] = 'Read'; $lang['acl_perm2'] = 'Edit'; $lang['acl_perm4'] = 'Create'; $lang['acl_perm8'] = 'Upload'; $lang['acl_perm16'] = 'Delete'; $lang['acl_new'] = 'Add new Entry'; $lang['spell_start'] = 'Check Spelling'; $lang['spell_stop'] = 'Resume Editing'; $lang['spell_wait'] = 'Please wait...'; $lang['spell_noerr'] = 'No Mistakes found'; $lang['spell_nosug'] = 'No Suggestions'; $lang['spell_change']= 'Change'; //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :