* @author Andreas Gohr */ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../').'/'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/confutils.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/pageutils.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/pluginutils.php'); /** * Returns the parsed Wikitext in XHTML for the given id and revision. * * If $excuse is true an explanation is returned if the file * wasn't found * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function p_wiki_xhtml($id, $rev='', $excuse=true){ $file = wikiFN($id,$rev); $ret = ''; //ensure $id is in global $ID (needed for parsing) global $ID; $ID = $id; if($rev){ if(@file_exists($file)){ $ret = p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions(io_readfile($file)),$info); //no caching on old revisions }elseif($excuse){ $ret = p_locale_xhtml('norev'); } }else{ if(@file_exists($file)){ $ret = p_cached_xhtml($file); }elseif($excuse){ $ret = p_locale_xhtml('newpage'); } } return $ret; } /** * Returns the specified local text in parsed format * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function p_locale_xhtml($id){ //fetch parsed locale $html = p_cached_xhtml(localeFN($id)); return $html; } /** * Returns the given file parsed to XHTML * * Uses and creates a cachefile * * @author Andreas Gohr * @todo rewrite to use mode instead of hardcoded XHTML */ function p_cached_xhtml($file){ global $conf; $cache = getCacheName($file.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'],'.xhtml'); $purge = $conf['cachedir'].'/purgefile'; // check if cache can be used $cachetime = @filemtime($cache); // 0 if not exists if( @file_exists($file) // does the source exist && $cachetime > @filemtime($file) // cache is fresh && ((time() - $cachetime) < $conf['cachetime']) // and is cachefile young enough && !isset($_REQUEST['purge']) // no purge param was set && ($cachetime > @filemtime($purge)) // and newer than the purgefile && ($cachetime > @filemtime(DOKU_INC.'conf/dokuwiki.php')) // newer than the config file && ($cachetime > @filemtime(DOKU_INC.'conf/local.php')) // newer than the local config file && ($cachetime > @filemtime(DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/xhtml.php')) // newer than the renderer && ($cachetime > @filemtime(DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/parser.php')) // newer than the parser && ($cachetime > @filemtime(DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/handler.php')))// newer than the handler { //well then use the cache $parsed = io_readfile($cache); $parsed .= "\n\n"; }else{ $parsed = p_render('xhtml', p_cached_instructions($file),$info); //try to use cached instructions if($info['cache']){ io_saveFile($cache,$parsed); //save cachefile $parsed .= "\n\n"; }else{ @unlink($cache); //try to delete cachefile $parsed .= "\n\n"; } } return $parsed; } /** * Returns the render instructions for a file * * Uses and creates a serialized cache file * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function p_cached_instructions($file,$cacheonly=false){ global $conf; $cache = getCacheName($file.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'],'.i'); // check if cache can be used $cachetime = @filemtime($cache); // 0 if not exists // cache forced? if($cacheonly){ if($cachetime){ return unserialize(io_readfile($cache)); }else{ return array(); } } if( @file_exists($file) // does the source exist && $cachetime > @filemtime($file) // cache is fresh && !isset($_REQUEST['purge']) // no purge param was set && ($cachetime > @filemtime(DOKU_INC.'conf/dokuwiki.php')) // newer than the config file && ($cachetime > @filemtime(DOKU_INC.'conf/local.php')) // newer than the local config file && ($cachetime > @filemtime(DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/parser.php')) // newer than the parser && ($cachetime > @filemtime(DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/handler.php')))// newer than the handler { //well then use the cache return unserialize(io_readfile($cache)); }elseif(@file_exists($file)){ // no cache - do some work $ins = p_get_instructions(io_readfile($file)); io_savefile($cache,serialize($ins)); return $ins; } return NULL; } /** * turns a page into a list of instructions * * @author Harry Fuecks * @author Andreas Gohr */ function p_get_instructions($text){ $modes = p_get_parsermodes(); // Create the parser $Parser = & new Doku_Parser(); // Add the Handler $Parser->Handler = & new Doku_Handler(); //add modes to parser foreach($modes as $mode){ $Parser->addMode($mode['mode'],$mode['obj']); } // Do the parsing $p = $Parser->parse($text); // dbg($p); return $p; } /** * returns all available parser syntax modes in correct order * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function p_get_parsermodes(){ global $conf; //reuse old data static $modes = null; if($modes != null){ return $modes; } //import parser classes and mode definitions require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/parser/parser.php'; // we now collect all syntax modes and their objects, then they will // be sorted and added to the parser in correct order $modes = array(); // add syntax plugins $pluginlist = plugin_list('syntax'); if(count($pluginlist)){ global $PARSER_MODES; $obj = null; foreach($pluginlist as $p){ plugin_load('syntax',$p,$obj); //load plugin into $obj $PARSER_MODES[$obj->getType()][] = "plugin_$p"; //register mode type //add to modes $modes[] = array( 'sort' => $obj->getSort(), 'mode' => "plugin_$p", 'obj' => $obj, ); } } // add default modes $std_modes = array('listblock','preformatted','notoc','nocache', 'header','table','linebreak','footnote','hr', 'unformatted','php','html','code','file','quote', 'multiplyentity','quotes','internallink','rss', 'media','externallink','emaillink','windowssharelink', 'eol'); foreach($std_modes as $m){ $class = "Doku_Parser_Mode_$m"; $obj = new $class(); $modes[] = array( 'sort' => $obj->getSort(), 'mode' => $m, 'obj' => $obj ); } // add formatting modes $fmt_modes = array('strong','emphasis','underline','monospace', 'subscript','superscript','deleted'); foreach($fmt_modes as $m){ $obj = new Doku_Parser_Mode_formatting($m); $modes[] = array( 'sort' => $obj->getSort(), 'mode' => $m, 'obj' => $obj ); } // add modes which need files $obj = new Doku_Parser_Mode_smiley(array_keys(getSmileys())); $modes[] = array('sort' => $obj->getSort(), 'mode' => 'smiley','obj' => $obj ); $obj = new Doku_Parser_Mode_acronym(array_keys(getAcronyms())); $modes[] = array('sort' => $obj->getSort(), 'mode' => 'acronym','obj' => $obj ); $obj = new Doku_Parser_Mode_entity(array_keys(getEntities())); $modes[] = array('sort' => $obj->getSort(), 'mode' => 'entity','obj' => $obj ); // add optional camelcase mode if($conf['camelcase']){ $obj = new Doku_Parser_Mode_camelcaselink(); $modes[] = array('sort' => $obj->getSort(), 'mode' => 'camelcaselink','obj' => $obj ); } //sort modes usort($modes,'p_sort_modes'); return $modes; } /** * Callback function for usort * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function p_sort_modes($a, $b){ if($a['sort'] == $b['sort']) return 0; return ($a['sort'] < $b['sort']) ? -1 : 1; } /** * Renders a list of instruction to the specified output mode * * In the $info array are informations from the renderer returned * * @author Harry Fuecks * @author Andreas Gohr */ function p_render($mode,$instructions,& $info){ if(is_null($instructions)) return ''; // Create the renderer if(!@file_exists(DOKU_INC."inc/parser/$mode.php")){ msg("No renderer for $mode found",-1); return null; } require_once DOKU_INC."inc/parser/$mode.php"; $rclass = "Doku_Renderer_$mode"; $Renderer = & new $rclass(); #FIXME any way to check for class existance? $Renderer->smileys = getSmileys(); $Renderer->entities = getEntities(); $Renderer->acronyms = getAcronyms(); $Renderer->interwiki = getInterwiki(); #$Renderer->badwords = getBadWords(); // Loop through the instructions foreach ( $instructions as $instruction ) { // Execute the callback against the Renderer call_user_func_array(array(&$Renderer, $instruction[0]),$instruction[1]); } //set info array $info = $Renderer->info; // Return the output return $Renderer->doc; } /** * Gets the first heading from a file * * @author Jan Decaluwe */ function p_get_first_heading($id){ $file = wikiFN($id); if (@file_exists($file)) { $instructions = p_cached_instructions($file,true); foreach ( $instructions as $instruction ) { if ($instruction[0] == 'header') { return $instruction[1][0]; } } } return NULL; } //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :