*/ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../').'/'); require_once(DOKU_CONF.'dokuwiki.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/io.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/utf8.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/parserutils.php'); // Asian characters are handled as words. The following regexp defines the // Unicode-Ranges for Asian characters // Ranges taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_block // I'm no language expert. If you think some ranges are wrongly chosen or // a range is missing, please contact me define('IDX_ASIAN','['. '\x{0E00}-\x{0E7F}'. // Thai '\x{2E80}-\x{D7AF}'. // CJK -> Hangul '\x{F900}-\x{FAFF}'. // CJK Compatibility Ideographs '\x{FE30}-\x{FE4F}'. // CJK Compatibility Forms ']'); /** * Split a page into words * * Returns an array of of word counts, false if an error occured * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Christopher Smith */ function idx_getPageWords($page){ global $conf; $word_idx = file($conf['cachedir'].'/word.idx'); $swfile = DOKU_INC.'inc/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/stopwords.txt'; if(@file_exists($swfile)){ $stopwords = file($swfile); }else{ $stopwords = array(); } $body = rawWiki($page); $body = strtr($body, "\r\n\t", ' '); $tokens = explode(' ', $body); $tokens = array_count_values($tokens); // count the frequency of each token // ensure the deaccented or romanised page names of internal links are added to the token array // (this is necessary for the backlink function -- there maybe a better way!) if ($conf['deaccent']) { $links = p_get_metadata($page,'relation references'); $tmp = join(' ',array_keys($links)); // make a single string $tmp = strtr($tmp, ':', ' '); // replace namespace separator with a space $link_tokens = array_unique(explode(' ', $tmp)); // break into tokens foreach ($link_tokens as $link_token) { if (isset($tokens[$link_token])) continue; $tokens[$link_token] = 1; } } $words = array(); foreach ($tokens as $word => $count) { // simple filter to restrict use of utf8_stripspecials if (preg_match('/[^0-9A-Za-z]/u', $word)) { // handle asian chars as single words (may fail on older PHP version) $asia = @preg_replace('/('.IDX_ASIAN.')/u','\1 ',$word); if(!is_null($asia)) $word = $asia; //recover from regexp failure $arr = explode(' ', utf8_stripspecials($word,' ','._\-:\*')); $arr = array_count_values($arr); foreach ($arr as $w => $c) { if (!is_numeric($w) && strlen($w) < 3) continue; $w = utf8_strtolower($w); $words[$w] = $c * $count + (isset($words[$w]) ? $words[$w] : 0); } } else { if (!is_numeric($word) && strlen($word) < 3) continue; $word = strtolower($word); $words[$word] = $count + (isset($words[$word]) ? $words[$word] : 0); } } // arrive here with $words = array(word => frequency) $index = array(); //resulting index foreach ($words as $word => $freq) { if (is_int(array_search("$word\n",$stopwords))) continue; $wid = array_search("$word\n",$word_idx); if(!is_int($wid)){ $word_idx[] = "$word\n"; $wid = count($word_idx)-1; } $index[$wid] = $freq; } // save back word index $fh = fopen($conf['cachedir'].'/word.idx','w'); if(!$fh){ trigger_error("Failed to write word.idx", E_USER_ERROR); return false; } fwrite($fh,join('',$word_idx)); fclose($fh); return $index; } /** * Adds/updates the search for the given page * * This is the core function of the indexer which does most * of the work. This function needs to be called with proper * locking! * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function idx_addPage($page){ global $conf; // load known documents $page_idx = file($conf['cachedir'].'/page.idx'); // get page id (this is the linenumber in page.idx) $pid = array_search("$page\n",$page_idx); if(!is_int($pid)){ $page_idx[] = "$page\n"; $pid = count($page_idx)-1; // page was new - write back $fh = fopen($conf['cachedir'].'/page.idx','w'); if(!$fh) return false; fwrite($fh,join('',$page_idx)); fclose($fh); } // get word usage in page $words = idx_getPageWords($page); if($words === false) return false; if(!count($words)) return true; // Open index and temp file $idx = fopen($conf['cachedir'].'/index.idx','r'); $tmp = fopen($conf['cachedir'].'/index.tmp','w'); if(!$idx || !$tmp){ trigger_error("Failed to open index files", E_USER_ERROR); return false; } // copy from index to temp file, modifying were needed $lno = 0; $line = ''; while (!feof($idx)) { // read full line $line .= fgets($idx, 4096); if(substr($line,-1) != "\n") continue; // write a new Line to temp file idx_writeIndexLine($tmp,$line,$pid,$words[$lno]); $line = ''; // reset line buffer $lno++; // increase linecounter } fclose($idx); // add missing lines (usually index and word should contain // the same number of lines, however if the page contained // new words the word file has some more lines which need to // be added here $word_idx = file($conf['cachedir'].'/word.idx'); $wcnt = count($word_idx); for($lno; $lno<$wcnt; $lno++){ idx_writeIndexLine($tmp,'',$pid,$words[$lno]); } // close the temp file and move it over to be the new one fclose($tmp); // try rename first (fast) fallback to copy (slow) io_rename($conf['cachedir'].'/index.tmp', $conf['cachedir'].'/index.idx'); return false; } /** * Write a new index line to the filehandle * * This function writes an line for the index file to the * given filehandle. It removes the given document from * the given line and readds it when $count is >0. * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function idx_writeIndexLine($fh,$line,$pid,$count){ $line = trim($line); if($line != ''){ $parts = explode(':',$line); // remove doc from given line foreach($parts as $part){ if($part == '') continue; list($doc,$cnt) = explode('*',$part); if($doc != $pid){ fwrite($fh,"$doc*$cnt:"); } } } // add doc if ($count){ fwrite($fh,"$pid*$count"); } // add newline fwrite($fh,"\n"); } /** * Lookup words in index * * Takes an array of word and will return a list of matching * documents for each one. * * Important: No ACL checking is done here! All results are * returned, regardless of permissions * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function idx_lookup($words){ global $conf; $result = array(); // load known words and documents $page_idx = file($conf['cachedir'].'/page.idx'); $word_idx = file($conf['cachedir'].'/word.idx'); // get word IDs $wids = array(); foreach($words as $word){ $result[$word] = array(); $wild = 0; $xword = $word; // check for wildcards if(substr($xword,0,1) == '*'){ $xword = substr($xword,1); $wild = 1; $ptn = '/'.preg_quote($xword,'/').'$/'; # $l = -1*strlen($xword)-1; } if(substr($xword,-1,1) == '*'){ $xword = substr($xword,0,-1); $wild += 2; } // look for the ID(s) for the given word if($wild){ // handle wildcard search $cnt = count($word_idx); for($wid=0; $wid<$cnt; $wid++){ $iword = $word_idx[$wid]; if( (($wild==3) && is_int(strpos($iword,$xword))) || # (($wild==1) && ("$xword\n" == substr($iword,$l))) || (($wild==1) && preg_match($ptn,$iword)) || # (($wild==2) && ($xword == substr($iword,0,strlen($xword)))) (($wild==2) && (0 === strpos($iword,$xword))) ){ $wids[] = $wid; $result[$word][] = $wid; } } }else{ // handle exact search $wid = array_search("$word\n",$word_idx); if(is_int($wid)){ $wids[] = $wid; $result[$word][] = $wid; }else{ $result[$word] = array(); } } } sort($wids); $wids = array_unique($wids); // Open index $idx = fopen($conf['cachedir'].'/index.idx','r'); if(!$idx){ msg("Failed to open index file",-1); return false; } // Walk the index til the lines are found $docs = array(); // hold docs found $lno = 0; $line = ''; $srch = array_shift($wids); // which word do we look for? while (!feof($idx)) { // read full line $line .= fgets($idx, 4096); if(substr($line,-1) != "\n") continue; if($lno > $srch) break; // shouldn't happen // do we want this line? if($lno == $srch){ // add docs to list $docs[$srch] = idx_parseIndexLine($page_idx,$line); $srch = array_shift($wids); // next word to look up if($srch == null) break; // no more words } $line = ''; // reset line buffer $lno++; // increase linecounter } fclose($idx); // merge found pages into final result array $final = array(); foreach(array_keys($result) as $word){ $final[$word] = array(); foreach($result[$word] as $wid){ $hits = &$docs[$wid]; foreach ($hits as $hitkey => $hitcnt) { $final[$word][$hitkey] = $hitcnt + $final[$word][$hitkey]; } } } return $final; } /** * Returns a list of documents and counts from a index line * * It omits docs with a count of 0 and pages that no longer * exist. * * @param array $page_idx The list of known pages * @param string $line A line from the main index * @author Andreas Gohr */ function idx_parseIndexLine(&$page_idx,$line){ $result = array(); $line = trim($line); if($line == '') return $result; $parts = explode(':',$line); foreach($parts as $part){ if($part == '') continue; list($doc,$cnt) = explode('*',$part); if(!$cnt) continue; $doc = trim($page_idx[$doc]); if(!$doc) continue; // make sure the document still exists if(!@file_exists(wikiFN($doc,'',false))) continue; $result[$doc] = $cnt; } return $result; } /** * Tokenizes a string into an array of search words * * Uses the same algorithm as idx_getPageWords() * * @param string $string the query as given by the user * @param arrayref $stopwords array of stopwords * @param boolean $wc are wildcards allowed? * * @todo make combined function to use alone or in getPageWords */ function idx_tokenizer($string,&$stopwords,$wc=false){ $words = array(); $wc = ($wc) ? '' : $wc = '\*'; if(preg_match('/[^0-9A-Za-z]/u', $string)){ // handle asian chars as single words (may fail on older PHP version) $asia = @preg_replace('/('.IDX_ASIAN.')/u','\1 ',$string); if(!is_null($asia)) $string = $asia; //recover from regexp failure $arr = explode(' ', utf8_stripspecials($string,' ','\._\-:'.$wc)); foreach ($arr as $w) { if (!is_numeric($w) && strlen($w) < 3) continue; $w = utf8_strtolower($w); if($stopwords && is_int(array_search("$w\n",$stopwords))) continue; $words[] = $w; } }else{ $w = $string; if (!is_numeric($w) && strlen($w) < 3) return $words; $w = strtolower($w); if(is_int(array_search("$w\n",$stopwords))) return $words; $words[] = $w; } return $words; } //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 enc=utf-8 :