'Ben Coburn', 'email' => 'btcoburn@silicodon.net', 'date' => '2006-10-29', 'name' => 'Import Old Changelog', 'desc' => 'Imports and converts the single file changelog '. 'from the 2006-03-09 release to the new format. '. 'Also reconstructs missing changelog data from '. 'old revisions kept in the attic.', 'url' => 'http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:changelog' ); } function register(&$controller) { $controller->register_hook('TEMPORARY_CHANGELOG_UPGRADE_EVENT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'run_import'); } function importOldLog($line, &$logs) { global $lang; /* // Note: old log line format //$info['date'] = $tmp[0]; //$info['ip'] = $tmp[1]; //$info['id'] = $tmp[2]; //$info['user'] = $tmp[3]; //$info['sum'] = $tmp[4]; */ $oldline = @explode("\t", $line); if ($oldline!==false && count($oldline)>1) { // trim summary $tmp = substr($oldline[4], 0, 1); $wasMinor = ($tmp==='*'); if ($tmp==='*' || $tmp===' ') { $sum = rtrim(substr($oldline[4], 1), "\n"); } else { // no is_minor prefix in summary $sum = rtrim($oldline[4], "\n"); } // guess line type $type = 'E'; if ($wasMinor) { $type = 'e'; } if ($sum===$lang['created']) { $type = 'C'; } if ($sum===$lang['deleted']) { $type = 'D'; } // build new log line $tmp = array(); $tmp['date'] = (int)$oldline[0]; $tmp['ip'] = $oldline[1]; $tmp['type'] = $type; $tmp['id'] = $oldline[2]; $tmp['user'] = $oldline[3]; $tmp['sum'] = $sum; $tmp['extra'] = ''; // order line by id if (!isset($logs[$tmp['id']])) { $logs[$tmp['id']] = array(); } $logs[$tmp['id']][$tmp['date']] = $tmp; } } function importFromAttic(&$logs) { global $conf, $lang; $base = $conf['olddir']; $stack = array(''); $context = ''; // namespace while (count($stack)>0){ $context = array_pop($stack); $dir = dir($base.'/'.str_replace(':', '/', $context)); while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false) { if ($file==='.' || $file==='..') { continue; } $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/([^.]*)\.([^.]*)\..*/', $file, $matches)===1) { $id = (($context=='')?'':$context.':').$matches[1]; $date = $matches[2]; // check if page & revision are already logged if (!isset($logs[$id])) { $logs[$id] = array(); } if (!isset($logs[$id][$date])) { $tmp = array(); $tmp['date'] = (int)$date; $tmp['ip'] = ''; // original ip lost $tmp['type'] = 'E'; $tmp['id'] = $id; $tmp['user'] = ''; // original user lost $tmp['sum'] = '('.$lang['restored'].')'; // original summary lost $tmp['extra'] = ''; $logs[$id][$date] = $tmp; } } else if (is_dir($dir->path.'/'.$file)) { array_push($stack, (($context=='')?'':$context.':').$file); } } $dir->close(); } } function savePerPageChanges($id, &$changes, &$recent) { ksort($changes); // ensure correct order of changes from attic foreach ($changes as $date => $tmp) { $changes[$date] = implode("\t", $tmp)."\n"; $recent[$date] = &$changes[$date]; } io_saveFile(metaFN($id, '.changes'), implode('', $changes)); } function resetTimer() { // Add 5 minutes to the script execution timer... // This should be much more than needed. @set_time_limit(5*60); // Note: Has no effect in safe-mode! } function run_import(&$event, $args) { global $conf; register_shutdown_function('importoldchangelog_plugin_shutdown'); touch($conf['changelog'].'_importing'); // changelog importing lock io_saveFile($conf['changelog'], ''); // pre-create changelog io_lock($conf['changelog']); // hold onto the lock // load old changelog $this->resetTimer(); $log = array(); $oldlog = file($conf['changelog_old']); foreach ($oldlog as $line) { $this->importOldLog($line, $log); } unset($oldlog); // free memory // look in the attic for unlogged revisions $this->resetTimer(); $this->importFromAttic($log); // save per-page changelogs $this->resetTimer(); $recent = array(); foreach ($log as $id => $page) { $this->savePerPageChanges($id, $page, $recent); } // save recent changes cache $this->resetTimer(); ksort($recent); // ensure correct order of recent changes io_unlock($conf['changelog']); // hand off the lock to io_saveFile io_saveFile($conf['changelog'], implode('', $recent)); @unlink($conf['changelog'].'_importing'); // changelog importing unlock } } function importoldchangelog_plugin_shutdown() { global $conf; $path = array(); $path['changelog'] = $conf['changelog']; $path['importing'] = $conf['changelog'].'_importing'; $path['failed'] = $conf['changelog'].'_failed'; $path['import_ok'] = $conf['changelog'].'_import_ok'; io_unlock($path['changelog']); // guarantee unlocking if (@file_exists($path['importing'])) { // import did not finish rename($path['importing'], $path['failed']) or trigger_error('Importing changelog failed.', E_USER_WARNING); @unlink($path['import_ok']); } else { // import successful touch($path['import_ok']); @unlink($path['failed']); plugin_disable('importoldchangelog'); // only needs to run once } }