*/ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); if ( !defined('DOKU_LF') ) { // Some whitespace to help View > Source define ('DOKU_LF',"\n"); } if ( !defined('DOKU_TAB') ) { // Some whitespace to help View > Source define ('DOKU_TAB',"\t"); } require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/parser/renderer.php'; /** * The Renderer */ class Doku_Renderer_metadata extends Doku_Renderer { var $doc = ''; var $meta = array(); var $persistent = array(); var $headers = array(); var $capture = true; var $store = ''; function getFormat(){ return 'metadata'; } function document_start(){ // reset metadata to persistent values $this->meta = $this->persistent; } function document_end(){ if (!$this->meta['description']['abstract']){ // cut off too long abstracts $this->doc = trim($this->doc); if (strlen($this->doc) > 500) $this->doc = substr($this->doc, 0, 500).'…'; $this->meta['description']['abstract'] = $this->doc; } } function toc_additem($id, $text, $level) { global $conf; //only add items within configured levels if($level >= $conf['toptoclevel'] && $level <= $conf['maxtoclevel']){ // the TOC is one of our standard ul list arrays ;-) $this->meta['description']['tableofcontents'][] = array( 'hid' => $id, 'title' => $text, 'type' => 'ul', 'level' => $level-$conf['toptoclevel']+1 ); } } function header($text, $level, $pos) { if (!$this->meta['title']) $this->meta['title'] = $text; // add the header to the TOC $hid = $this->_headerToLink($text,'true'); $this->toc_additem($hid, $text, $level); // add to summary if ($this->capture && ($level > 1)) $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.$text.DOKU_LF; } function section_open($level){} function section_close(){} function cdata($text){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= $text; } function p_open(){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= DOKU_LF; } function p_close(){ if ($this->capture){ if (strlen($this->doc) > 250) $this->capture = false; else $this->doc .= DOKU_LF; } } function linebreak(){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= DOKU_LF; } function hr(){ if ($this->capture){ if (strlen($this->doc) > 250) $this->capture = false; else $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.'----------'.DOKU_LF; } } function strong_open(){} function strong_close(){} function emphasis_open(){} function emphasis_close(){} function underline_open(){} function underline_close(){} function monospace_open(){} function monospace_close(){} function subscript_open(){} function subscript_close(){} function superscript_open(){} function superscript_close(){} function deleted_open(){} function deleted_close(){} /** * Callback for footnote start syntax * * All following content will go to the footnote instead of * the document. To achieve this the previous rendered content * is moved to $store and $doc is cleared * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function footnote_open() { if ($this->capture){ // move current content to store and record footnote $this->store = $this->doc; $this->doc = ''; } } /** * Callback for footnote end syntax * * All rendered content is moved to the $footnotes array and the old * content is restored from $store again * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function footnote_close() { if ($this->capture){ // restore old content $this->doc = $this->store; $this->store = ''; } } function listu_open(){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= DOKU_LF; } function listu_close(){ if ($this->capture && (strlen($this->doc) > 250)) $this->capture = false; } function listo_open(){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= DOKU_LF; } function listo_close(){ if ($this->capture && (strlen($this->doc) > 250)) $this->capture = false; } function listitem_open($level){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= str_repeat(DOKU_TAB, $level).'* '; } function listitem_close(){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= DOKU_LF; } function listcontent_open(){} function listcontent_close(){} function unformatted($text){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= $text; } function php($text){} function html($text){} function preformatted($text){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= $text; } function file($text){ if ($this->capture){ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.$text; if (strlen($this->doc) > 250) $this->capture = false; else $this->doc .= DOKU_LF; } } function quote_open(){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.DOKU_TAB.'"'; } function quote_close(){ if ($this->capture){ $this->doc .= '"'; if (strlen($this->doc) > 250) $this->capture = false; else $this->doc .= DOKU_LF; } } function code($text, $language = NULL){ if ($this->capture){ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.$text; if (strlen($this->doc) > 250) $this->capture = false; else $this->doc .= DOKU_LF; } } function acronym($acronym){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= $acronym; } function smiley($smiley){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= $smiley; } function entity($entity){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= $entity; } function multiplyentity($x, $y){ if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= $x.'×'.$y; } function singlequoteopening(){ global $lang; if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= $lang['singlequoteopening']; } function singlequoteclosing(){ global $lang; if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= $lang['singlequoteclosing']; } function apostrophe() { global $lang; $this->doc .= $lang['apostrophe']; } function doublequoteopening(){ global $lang; if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= $lang['doublequoteopening']; } function doublequoteclosing(){ global $lang; if ($this->capture) $this->doc .= $lang['doublequoteclosing']; } function camelcaselink($link) { $this->internallink($link, $link); } function locallink($hash, $name = NULL){} /** * keep track of internal links in $this->meta['relation']['references'] */ function internallink($id, $name = NULL){ global $ID; $default = $this->_simpleTitle($id); // first resolve and clean up the $id resolve_pageid(getNS($ID), $id, $exists); list($page, $hash) = split('#', $id, 2); // set metadata $this->meta['relation']['references'][$page] = $exists; // $data = array('relation' => array('isreferencedby' => array($ID => true))); // p_set_metadata($id, $data); // add link title to summary if ($this->capture){ $name = $this->_getLinkTitle($name, $default, $id); $this->doc .= $name; } } function externallink($url, $name = NULL){ if ($this->capture){ if ($name) $this->doc .= $name; else $this->doc .= '<'.$url.'>'; } } function interwikilink($match, $name = NULL, $wikiName, $wikiUri){ if ($this->capture){ list($wikiUri, $hash) = explode('#', $wikiUri, 2); $name = $this->_getLinkTitle($name, $wikiName.'>'.$wikiUri); $this->doc .= $name; } } function windowssharelink($url, $name = NULL){ if ($this->capture){ if ($name) $this->doc .= $name; else $this->doc .= '<'.$url.'>'; } } function emaillink($address, $name = NULL){ if ($this->capture){ if ($name) $this->doc .= $name; else $this->doc .= '<'.$address.'>'; } } function internalmedia($src, $title=NULL, $align=NULL, $width=NULL, $height=NULL, $cache=NULL, $linking=NULL){ if ($this->capture && $title) $this->doc .= '['.$title.']'; } function externalmedia($src, $title=NULL, $align=NULL, $width=NULL, $height=NULL, $cache=NULL, $linking=NULL){ if ($this->capture && $title) $this->doc .= '['.$title.']'; } function rss($url,$params) { $this->meta['relation']['haspart'][$url] = true; $this->meta['date']['valid']['age'] = isset($this->meta['date']['valid']['age']) ? min($this->meta['date']['valid']['age'],$params['refresh']) : $params['refresh']; } function table_open($maxcols = NULL, $numrows = NULL){} function table_close(){} function tablerow_open(){} function tablerow_close(){} function tableheader_open($colspan = 1, $align = NULL){} function tableheader_close(){} function tablecell_open($colspan = 1, $align = NULL){} function tablecell_close(){} //---------------------------------------------------------- // Utils /** * Removes any Namespace from the given name but keeps * casing and special chars * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function _simpleTitle($name){ global $conf; if(is_array($name)) return ''; if($conf['useslash']){ $nssep = '[:;/]'; }else{ $nssep = '[:;]'; } $name = preg_replace('!.*'.$nssep.'!','',$name); //if there is a hash we use the anchor name only $name = preg_replace('!.*#!','',$name); return $name; } /** * Creates a linkid from a headline * * @param string $title The headline title * @param boolean $create Create a new unique ID? * @author Andreas Gohr */ function _headerToLink($title, $create=false) { $title = str_replace(':','',cleanID($title)); $title = ltrim($title,'0123456789._-'); if(empty($title)) $title='section'; if($create){ // make sure tiles are unique $num = ''; while(in_array($title.$num,$this->headers)){ ($num) ? $num++ : $num = 1; } $title = $title.$num; $this->headers[] = $title; } return $title; } /** * Construct a title and handle images in titles * * @author Harry Fuecks */ function _getLinkTitle($title, $default, $id=NULL) { global $conf; $isImage = false; if (is_null($title)){ if ($conf['useheading'] && $id){ $heading = p_get_first_heading($id,false); if ($heading) return $heading; } return $default; } else if (is_string($title)){ return $title; } else if (is_array($title)){ return '['.$title.']'; } } } //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 enc=utf-8 :