*/ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die('meh.'); /** * Returns the path to the given template, uses * default one if the custom version doesn't exist. * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function template($tpl){ global $conf; if(@is_readable(DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/'.$conf['template'].'/'.$tpl)) return DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/'.$conf['template'].'/'.$tpl; return DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/default/'.$tpl; } /** * Print the content * * This function is used for printing all the usual content * (defined by the global $ACT var) by calling the appropriate * outputfunction(s) from html.php * * Everything that doesn't use the main template file isn't * handled by this function. ACL stuff is not done here either. * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_content($prependTOC=true) { global $ACT; global $INFO; $INFO['prependTOC'] = $prependTOC; ob_start(); trigger_event('TPL_ACT_RENDER',$ACT,'tpl_content_core'); $html_output = ob_get_clean(); trigger_event('TPL_CONTENT_DISPLAY',$html_output,'ptln'); return !empty($html_output); } function tpl_content_core(){ global $ACT; global $TEXT; global $PRE; global $SUF; global $SUM; global $IDX; switch($ACT){ case 'show': html_show(); break; case 'preview': html_edit($TEXT); html_show($TEXT); break; case 'recover': html_edit($TEXT); break; case 'edit': html_edit(); break; case 'draft': html_draft(); break; case 'wordblock': html_edit($TEXT,'wordblock'); break; case 'search': html_search(); break; case 'revisions': $first = isset($_REQUEST['first']) ? intval($_REQUEST['first']) : 0; html_revisions($first); break; case 'diff': html_diff(); break; case 'recent': if (is_array($_REQUEST['first'])) { $_REQUEST['first'] = array_keys($_REQUEST['first']); $_REQUEST['first'] = $_REQUEST['first'][0]; } $first = is_numeric($_REQUEST['first']) ? intval($_REQUEST['first']) : 0; html_recent($first); break; case 'index': html_index($IDX); #FIXME can this be pulled from globals? is it sanitized correctly? break; case 'backlink': html_backlinks(); break; case 'conflict': html_conflict(con($PRE,$TEXT,$SUF),$SUM); html_diff(con($PRE,$TEXT,$SUF),false); break; case 'locked': html_locked(); html_edit(); break; case 'login': html_login(); break; case 'register': html_register(); break; case 'resendpwd': html_resendpwd(); break; case 'denied': print p_locale_xhtml('denied'); break; case 'profile' : html_updateprofile(); break; case 'admin': tpl_admin(); break; default: $evt = new Doku_Event('TPL_ACT_UNKNOWN',$ACT); if ($evt->advise_before()) msg("Failed to handle command: ".hsc($ACT),-1); $evt->advise_after(); unset($evt); return false; } return true; } /** * Places the TOC where the function is called * * If you use this you most probably want to call tpl_content with * a false argument * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_toc($return=false){ global $TOC; global $ACT; global $ID; global $REV; global $INFO; global $conf; $toc = array(); if(is_array($TOC)){ // if a TOC was prepared in global scope, always use it $toc = $TOC; }elseif(($ACT == 'show' || substr($ACT,0,6) == 'export') && !$REV && $INFO['exists']){ // get TOC from metadata, render if neccessary $meta = p_get_metadata($ID, false, true); if(isset($meta['internal']['toc'])){ $tocok = $meta['internal']['toc']; }else{ $tocok = true; } $toc = $meta['description']['tableofcontents']; if(!$tocok || !is_array($toc) || !$conf['tocminheads'] || count($toc) < $conf['tocminheads']){ $toc = array(); } }elseif($ACT == 'admin'){ // try to load admin plugin TOC FIXME: duplicates code from tpl_admin $plugin = null; if (!empty($_REQUEST['page'])) { $pluginlist = plugin_list('admin'); if (in_array($_REQUEST['page'], $pluginlist)) { // attempt to load the plugin $plugin =& plugin_load('admin',$_REQUEST['page']); } } if ( ($plugin !== null) && (!$plugin->forAdminOnly() || $INFO['isadmin']) ){ $toc = $plugin->getTOC(); $TOC = $toc; // avoid later rebuild } } trigger_event('TPL_TOC_RENDER', $toc, NULL, false); $html = html_TOC($toc); if($return) return $html; echo $html; } /** * Handle the admin page contents * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_admin(){ global $INFO; global $TOC; $plugin = null; if (!empty($_REQUEST['page'])) { $pluginlist = plugin_list('admin'); if (in_array($_REQUEST['page'], $pluginlist)) { // attempt to load the plugin $plugin =& plugin_load('admin',$_REQUEST['page']); } } if ($plugin !== null){ if($plugin->forAdminOnly() && !$INFO['isadmin']){ msg('For admins only',-1); html_admin(); }else{ if(!is_array($TOC)) $TOC = $plugin->getTOC(); //if TOC wasn't requested yet if($INFO['prependTOC']) tpl_toc(); $plugin->html(); } }else{ html_admin(); } return true; } /** * Print the correct HTML meta headers * * This has to go into the head section of your template. * * @triggers TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT * @param boolean $alt Should feeds and alternative format links be added? * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_metaheaders($alt=true){ global $ID; global $REV; global $INFO; global $JSINFO; global $ACT; global $QUERY; global $lang; global $conf; $it=2; // prepare the head array $head = array(); // prepare seed for js and css $tseed = 0; $depends = getConfigFiles('main'); foreach($depends as $f) { $time = @filemtime($f); if($time > $tseed) $tseed = $time; } // the usual stuff $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'generator', 'content'=>'DokuWiki '.getVersion() ); $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'search', 'type'=>'application/opensearchdescription+xml', 'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/opensearch.php', 'title'=>$conf['title'] ); $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'start', 'href'=>DOKU_BASE ); if(actionOK('index')){ $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'contents', 'href'=> wl($ID,'do=index',false,'&'), 'title'=>$lang['btn_index'] ); } if($alt){ $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'application/rss+xml', 'title'=>'Recent Changes', 'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'feed.php'); $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'application/rss+xml', 'title'=>'Current Namespace', 'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'feed.php?mode=list&ns='.$INFO['namespace']); if(($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search') && $INFO['writable']){ $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'edit', 'title'=>$lang['btn_edit'], 'href'=> wl($ID,'do=edit',false,'&')); } if($ACT == 'search'){ $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'application/rss+xml', 'title'=>'Search Result', 'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'feed.php?mode=search&q='.$QUERY); } if(actionOK('export_xhtml')){ $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'text/html', 'title'=>'Plain HTML', 'href'=>exportlink($ID, 'xhtml', '', false, '&')); } if(actionOK('export_raw')){ $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'alternate', 'type'=>'text/plain', 'title'=>'Wiki Markup', 'href'=>exportlink($ID, 'raw', '', false, '&')); } } // setup robot tags apropriate for different modes if( ($ACT=='show' || $ACT=='export_xhtml') && !$REV){ if($INFO['exists']){ //delay indexing: if((time() - $INFO['lastmod']) >= $conf['indexdelay']){ $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'index,follow'); }else{ $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'noindex,nofollow'); } $head['link'][] = array( 'rel'=>'canonical', 'href'=>wl($ID,'',true,'&') ); }else{ $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'noindex,follow'); } }elseif(defined('DOKU_MEDIADETAIL')){ $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'index,follow'); }else{ $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'robots', 'content'=>'noindex,nofollow'); } // set metadata if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT=='export_xhtml'){ // date of modification if($REV){ $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'date', 'content'=>date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sO',$REV)); }else{ $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'date', 'content'=>date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sO',$INFO['lastmod'])); } // keywords (explicit or implicit) if(!empty($INFO['meta']['subject'])){ $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'keywords', 'content'=>join(',',$INFO['meta']['subject'])); }else{ $head['meta'][] = array( 'name'=>'keywords', 'content'=>str_replace(':',',',$ID)); } } // load stylesheets $head['link'][] = array('rel'=>'stylesheet', 'media'=>'all', 'type'=>'text/css', 'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/css.php?s=all&t='.$conf['template'].'&tseed='.$tseed); $head['link'][] = array('rel'=>'stylesheet', 'media'=>'screen', 'type'=>'text/css', 'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/css.php?t='.$conf['template'].'&tseed='.$tseed); $head['link'][] = array('rel'=>'stylesheet', 'media'=>'print', 'type'=>'text/css', 'href'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/css.php?s=print&t='.$conf['template'].'&tseed='.$tseed); // make $INFO and other vars available to JavaScripts require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/JSON.php'); $json = new JSON(); $script = "var NS='".$INFO['namespace']."';"; if($conf['useacl'] && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/toolbar.php'); $script .= "var SIG='".toolbar_signature()."';"; } $script .= 'var JSINFO = '.$json->encode($JSINFO).';'; $head['script'][] = array( 'type'=>'text/javascript', 'charset'=>'utf-8', '_data'=> $script); // load external javascript $head['script'][] = array( 'type'=>'text/javascript', 'charset'=>'utf-8', '_data'=>'', 'src'=>DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/js.php'.'?tseed='.$tseed); // trigger event here trigger_event('TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT',$head,'_tpl_metaheaders_action',true); return true; } /** * prints the array build by tpl_metaheaders * * $data is an array of different header tags. Each tag can have multiple * instances. Attributes are given as key value pairs. Values will be HTML * encoded automatically so they should be provided as is in the $data array. * * For tags having a body attribute specify the the body data in the special * attribute '_data'. This field will NOT BE ESCAPED automatically. * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function _tpl_metaheaders_action($data){ foreach($data as $tag => $inst){ foreach($inst as $attr){ echo '<',$tag,' ',buildAttributes($attr); if(isset($attr['_data']) || $tag == 'script'){ if($tag == 'script' && $attr['_data']) $attr['_data'] = ""; echo '>',$attr['_data'],''; }else{ echo '/>'; } echo "\n"; } } } /** * Print a link * * Just builds a link. * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_link($url,$name,$more='',$return=false){ $out = ' */ function tpl_pagelink($id,$name=NULL){ print html_wikilink($id,$name); return true; } /** * get the parent page * * Tries to find out which page is parent. * returns false if none is available * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_getparent($id){ global $conf; $parent = getNS($id).':'; resolve_pageid('',$parent,$exists); if($parent == $id) { $pos = strrpos (getNS($id),':'); $parent = substr($parent,0,$pos).':'; resolve_pageid('',$parent,$exists); if($parent == $id) return false; } return $parent; } /** * Print one of the buttons * * Available Buttons are * * edit - edit/create/show/draft button * history - old revisions * recent - recent changes * login - login/logout button - if ACL enabled * profile - user profile button (if logged in) * index - The index * admin - admin page - if enough rights * top - a back to top button * back - a back to parent button - if available * backlink - links to the list of backlinks * subscription- subscribe/unsubscribe button * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Matthias Grimm */ function tpl_button($type,$return=false){ global $ACT; global $ID; global $REV; global $NS; global $INFO; global $conf; global $auth; // check disabled actions and fix the badly named ones $ctype = $type; if($type == 'history') $ctype='revisions'; if(!actionOK($ctype)) return false; $out = ''; switch($type){ case 'edit': #most complicated type - we need to decide on current action if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search'){ if($INFO['writable']){ if(!empty($INFO['draft'])){ $out .= html_btn('draft',$ID,'e',array('do' => 'draft'),'post'); }else{ if($INFO['exists']){ $out .= html_btn('edit',$ID,'e',array('do' => 'edit','rev' => $REV),'post'); }else{ $out .= html_btn('create',$ID,'e',array('do' => 'edit','rev' => $REV),'post'); } } }else{ if(!actionOK('source')) return false; //pseudo action $out .= html_btn('source',$ID,'v',array('do' => 'edit','rev' => $REV),'post'); } }else{ $out .= html_btn('show',$ID,'v',array('do' => 'show')); } break; case 'history': if(actionOK('revisions')) $out .= html_btn('revs',$ID,'o',array('do' => 'revisions')); break; case 'recent': if(actionOK('recent')) $out .= html_btn('recent',$ID,'r',array('do' => 'recent')); break; case 'index': if(actionOK('index')) $out .= html_btn('index',$ID,'x',array('do' => 'index')); break; case 'back': if ($parent = tpl_getparent($ID)) { $out .= html_btn('back',$parent,'b',array('do' => 'show')); } break; case 'top': $out .= html_topbtn(); break; case 'login': if($conf['useacl'] && $auth){ if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])){ $out .= html_btn('logout',$ID,'',array('do' => 'logout', 'sectok' => getSecurityToken())); }else{ $out .= html_btn('login',$ID,'',array('do' => 'login', 'sectok' => getSecurityToken())); } } break; case 'admin': if($INFO['ismanager']){ $out .= html_btn('admin',$ID,'',array('do' => 'admin')); } break; case 'revert': if($INFO['ismanager'] && $REV && $INFO['writable'] && actionOK('revert')){ $out .= html_btn('revert',$ID,'',array('do' => 'revert', 'rev' => $REV, 'sectok' => getSecurityToken())); } break; case 'subscribe': case 'subscription': if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $ACT == 'show' && $conf['subscribers'] == 1){ if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){ if($INFO['subscribed']){ if(actionOK('unsubscribe')) $out .= html_btn('unsubscribe',$ID,'',array('do' => 'unsubscribe',)); } else { if(actionOK('subscribe')) $out .= html_btn('subscribe',$ID,'',array('do' => 'subscribe',)); } } } if($type == 'subscribe') break; // else: fall through for backward compatibility case 'subscribens': if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $ACT == 'show' && $conf['subscribers'] == 1){ if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){ if($INFO['subscribedns']){ if(actionOK('unsubscribens')) $out .= html_btn('unsubscribens',$ID,'',array('do' => 'unsubscribens',)); } else { if(actionOK('subscribens')) $out .= html_btn('subscribens',$ID,'',array('do' => 'subscribens',)); } } } break; case 'backlink': if(actionOK('backlink')) $out .= html_btn('backlink',$ID,'',array('do' => 'backlink')); break; case 'profile': if($conf['useacl'] && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && $auth && $auth->canDo('Profile') && ($ACT!='profile')){ $out .= html_btn('profile',$ID,'',array('do' => 'profile')); } break; default: $out .= '[unknown button type]'; break; } if ($return) return $out; print $out; return $out ? true : false; } /** * Like the action buttons but links * * Available links are * * edit - edit/create/show link * history - old revisions * recent - recent changes * login - login/logout link - if ACL enabled * profile - user profile link (if logged in) * index - The index * admin - admin page - if enough rights * top - a back to top link * back - a back to parent link - if available * backlink - links to the list of backlinks * subscribe/subscription - subscribe/unsubscribe link * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Matthias Grimm * @see tpl_button */ function tpl_actionlink($type,$pre='',$suf='',$inner='',$return=false){ global $ID; global $INFO; global $REV; global $ACT; global $conf; global $lang; global $auth; // check disabled actions and fix the badly named ones $ctype = $type; if($type == 'history') $ctype='revisions'; if(!actionOK($ctype)) return false; $out = ''; switch($type){ case 'edit': #most complicated type - we need to decide on current action if($ACT == 'show' || $ACT == 'search'){ if($INFO['writable']){ if(!empty($INFO['draft'])) { $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=draft'), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_draft']).$suf, 'class="action edit" accesskey="e" rel="nofollow"',1); } else { if($INFO['exists']){ $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&rev='.$REV), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_edit']).$suf, 'class="action edit" accesskey="e" rel="nofollow"',1); }else{ $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&rev='.$REV), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_create']).$suf, 'class="action create" accesskey="e" rel="nofollow"',1); } } }else{ if(actionOK('source')) //pseudo action $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=edit&rev='.$REV), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_source']).$suf, 'class="action source" accesskey="v" rel="nofollow"',1); } }else{ $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=show'), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_show']).$suf, 'class="action show" accesskey="v" rel="nofollow"',1); } break; case 'history': if(actionOK('revisions')) $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=revisions'), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_revs']).$suf, 'class="action revisions" accesskey="o" rel="nofollow"',1); break; case 'recent': if(actionOK('recent')) $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=recent'), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_recent']).$suf, 'class="action recent" accesskey="r" rel="nofollow"',1); break; case 'index': if(actionOK('index')) $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=index'), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_index']).$suf, 'class="action index" accesskey="x" rel="nofollow"',1); break; case 'top': $out .= ''. $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_top']).$suf.''; break; case 'back': if ($parent = tpl_getparent($ID)) { $out .= tpl_link(wl($parent,'do=show'), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_back']).$suf, 'class="action back" accesskey="b" rel="nofollow"',1); } break; case 'login': if($conf['useacl'] && $auth){ if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){ $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=logout&sectok='.getSecurityToken()), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_logout']).$suf, 'class="action logout" rel="nofollow"',1); }else{ $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=login&sectok='.getSecurityToken()), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_login']).$suf, 'class="action login" rel="nofollow"',1); } } break; case 'admin': if($INFO['ismanager']){ $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=admin'), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_admin']).$suf, 'class="action admin" rel="nofollow"',1); } break; case 'revert': if($INFO['ismanager'] && $REV && $INFO['writable'] && actionOK('revert')){ $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,array('do' => 'revert', 'rev' => $REV, 'sectok' => getSecurityToken())), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_revert']).$suf, 'class="action revert" rel="nofollow"',1); } break; case 'subscribe': case 'subscription': if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $ACT == 'show' && $conf['subscribers'] == 1){ if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){ if($INFO['subscribed']) { if(actionOK('unsubscribe')) $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=unsubscribe'), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_unsubscribe']).$suf, 'class="action unsubscribe" rel="nofollow"',1); } else { if(actionOK('subscribe')) $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=subscribe'), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_subscribe']).$suf, 'class="action subscribe" rel="nofollow"',1); } } } if($type == 'subscribe') break; // else: fall through for backward compatibility case 'subscribens': if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $ACT == 'show' && $conf['subscribers'] == 1){ if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){ if($INFO['subscribedns']) { if(actionOK('unsubscribens')) $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=unsubscribens'), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_unsubscribens']).$suf, 'class="action unsubscribens" rel="nofollow"',1); } else { if(actionOK('subscribens')) $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=subscribens'), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_subscribens']).$suf, 'class="action subscribens" rel="nofollow"',1); } } } break; case 'backlink': if(actionOK('backlink')) $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=backlink'), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_backlink']).$suf, 'class="action backlink" rel="nofollow"',1); break; case 'profile': if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] && $auth->canDo('Profile') && ($ACT!='profile')){ $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=profile'), $pre.(($inner)?$inner:$lang['btn_profile']).$suf, 'class="action profile" rel="nofollow"',1); } break; default: $out .= '[unknown link type]'; break; } if ($return) return $out; print $out; return $out ? true : false; } /** * Wrapper around tpl_button() and tpl_actionlink() * * @author Anika Henke */ function tpl_action($type,$link=0,$wrapper=false,$return=false,$pre='',$suf='',$inner='') { $out = ''; if ($link) $out .= tpl_actionlink($type,$pre,$suf,$inner,1); else $out .= tpl_button($type,1); if ($out && $wrapper) $out = "<$wrapper>$out"; if ($return) return $out; print $out; return $out ? true : false; } /** * Print the search form * * If the first parameter is given a div with the ID 'qsearch_out' will * be added which instructs the ajax pagequicksearch to kick in and place * its output into this div. The second parameter controls the propritary * attribute autocomplete. If set to false this attribute will be set with an * value of "off" to instruct the browser to disable it's own built in * autocompletion feature (MSIE and Firefox) * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_searchform($ajax=true,$autocomplete=true){ global $lang; global $ACT; global $QUERY; // don't print the search form if search action has been disabled if (!actionOk('search')) return false; print ''; return true; } /** * Print the breadcrumbs trace * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_breadcrumbs($sep='»'){ global $lang; global $conf; //check if enabled if(!$conf['breadcrumbs']) return false; $crumbs = breadcrumbs(); //setup crumb trace //reverse crumborder in right-to-left mode, add RLM character to fix heb/eng display mixups if($lang['direction'] == 'rtl') { $crumbs = array_reverse($crumbs,true); $crumbs_sep = ' ‏'.$sep.'‏ '; } else { $crumbs_sep = ' '.$sep.' '; } //render crumbs, highlight the last one print ''.$lang['breadcrumb'].':'; $last = count($crumbs); $i = 0; foreach ($crumbs as $id => $name){ $i++; echo $crumbs_sep; if ($i == $last) print ''; tpl_link(wl($id),hsc($name),'class="breadcrumbs" title="'.$id.'"'); if ($i == $last) print ''; } return true; } /** * Hierarchical breadcrumbs * * This code was suggested as replacement for the usual breadcrumbs. * It only makes sense with a deep site structure. * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Nigel McNie * @author Sean Coates * @author * @todo May behave strangely in RTL languages */ function tpl_youarehere($sep=' » '){ global $conf; global $ID; global $lang; // check if enabled if(!$conf['youarehere']) return false; $parts = explode(':', $ID); $count = count($parts); if($GLOBALS['ACT'] == 'search') { $parts = array($conf['start']); $count = 1; } echo ''.$lang['youarehere'].': '; // always print the startpage $title = useHeading('navigation') ? p_get_first_heading($conf['start']) : $conf['start']; if(!$title) $title = $conf['start']; tpl_link(wl($conf['start']),hsc($title),'title="'.$conf['start'].'"'); // print intermediate namespace links $part = ''; for($i=0; $i<$count - 1; $i++){ $part .= $parts[$i].':'; $page = $part; resolve_pageid('',$page,$exists); if ($page == $conf['start']) continue; // Skip startpage // output echo $sep; if($exists){ $title = useHeading('navigation') ? p_get_first_heading($page) : $parts[$i]; tpl_link(wl($page),hsc($title),'title="'.$page.'"'); }else{ tpl_link(wl($page),$parts[$i],'title="'.$page.'" class="wikilink2" rel="nofollow"'); } } // print current page, skipping start page, skipping for namespace index if(isset($page) && $page==$part.$parts[$i]) return; $page = $part.$parts[$i]; if($page == $conf['start']) return; echo $sep; if(page_exists($page)){ $title = useHeading('navigation') ? p_get_first_heading($page) : $parts[$i]; tpl_link(wl($page),hsc($title),'title="'.$page.'"'); }else{ tpl_link(wl($page),$parts[$i],'title="'.$page.'" class="wikilink2" rel="nofollow"'); } return true; } /** * Print info if the user is logged in * and show full name in that case * * Could be enhanced with a profile link in future? * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_userinfo(){ global $lang; global $INFO; if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])){ print $lang['loggedinas'].': '.$INFO['userinfo']['name'].' ('.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'].')'; return true; } return false; } /** * Print some info about the current page * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_pageinfo($ret=false){ global $conf; global $lang; global $INFO; global $ID; // return if we are not allowed to view the page if (!auth_quickaclcheck($ID)) { return false; } // prepare date and path $fn = $INFO['filepath']; if(!$conf['fullpath']){ if($INFO['rev']){ $fn = str_replace(fullpath($conf['olddir']).'/','',$fn); }else{ $fn = str_replace(fullpath($conf['datadir']).'/','',$fn); } } $fn = utf8_decodeFN($fn); $date = dformat($INFO['lastmod']); // print it if($INFO['exists']){ $out = ''; $out .= $fn; $out .= ' · '; $out .= $lang['lastmod']; $out .= ': '; $out .= $date; if($INFO['editor']){ $out .= ' '.$lang['by'].' '; $out .= editorinfo($INFO['editor']); }else{ $out .= ' ('.$lang['external_edit'].')'; } if($INFO['locked']){ $out .= ' · '; $out .= $lang['lockedby']; $out .= ': '; $out .= editorinfo($INFO['locked']); } if($ret){ return $out; }else{ echo $out; return true; } } return false; } /** * Prints or returns the name of the given page (current one if none given). * * If useheading is enabled this will use the first headline else * the given ID is used. * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_pagetitle($id=null, $ret=false){ global $conf; if(is_null($id)){ global $ID; $id = $ID; } $name = $id; if (useHeading('navigation')) { $title = p_get_first_heading($id); if ($title) $name = $title; } if ($ret) { return hsc($name); } else { print hsc($name); return true; } } /** * Returns the requested EXIF/IPTC tag from the current image * * If $tags is an array all given tags are tried until a * value is found. If no value is found $alt is returned. * * Which texts are known is defined in the functions _exifTagNames * and _iptcTagNames() in inc/jpeg.php (You need to prepend IPTC * to the names of the latter one) * * Only allowed in: detail.php * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_img_getTag($tags,$alt='',$src=null){ // Init Exif Reader global $SRC; if(is_null($src)) $src = $SRC; static $meta = null; if(is_null($meta)) $meta = new JpegMeta($src); if($meta === false) return $alt; $info = $meta->getField($tags); if($info == false) return $alt; return $info; } /** * Prints the image with a link to the full sized version * * Only allowed in: detail.php */ function tpl_img($maxwidth=0,$maxheight=0){ global $IMG; $w = tpl_img_getTag('File.Width'); $h = tpl_img_getTag('File.Height'); //resize to given max values $ratio = 1; if($w >= $h){ if($maxwidth && $w >= $maxwidth){ $ratio = $maxwidth/$w; }elseif($maxheight && $h > $maxheight){ $ratio = $maxheight/$h; } }else{ if($maxheight && $h >= $maxheight){ $ratio = $maxheight/$h; }elseif($maxwidth && $w > $maxwidth){ $ratio = $maxwidth/$w; } } if($ratio){ $w = floor($ratio*$w); $h = floor($ratio*$h); } //prepare URLs $url=ml($IMG,array('cache'=>$_REQUEST['cache'])); $src=ml($IMG,array('cache'=>$_REQUEST['cache'],'w'=>$w,'h'=>$h)); //prepare attributes $alt=tpl_img_getTag('Simple.Title'); $p = array(); if($w) $p['width'] = $w; if($h) $p['height'] = $h; $p['class'] = 'img_detail'; if($alt){ $p['alt'] = $alt; $p['title'] = $alt; }else{ $p['alt'] = ''; } $p = buildAttributes($p); print ''; print ''; print ''; return true; } /** * This function inserts a 1x1 pixel gif which in reality * is the indexer function. * * Should be called somewhere at the very end of the main.php * template */ function tpl_indexerWebBug(){ global $ID; global $INFO; if(!$INFO['exists']) return false; if(isHiddenPage($ID)) return false; //no need to index hidden pages $p = array(); $p['src'] = DOKU_BASE.'lib/exe/indexer.php?id='.rawurlencode($ID). '&'.time(); $p['width'] = 1; $p['height'] = 1; $p['alt'] = ''; $att = buildAttributes($p); print ""; return true; } // configuration methods /** * tpl_getConf($id) * * use this function to access template configuration variables */ function tpl_getConf($id){ global $conf; global $tpl_configloaded; $tpl = $conf['template']; if (!$tpl_configloaded){ $tconf = tpl_loadConfig(); if ($tconf !== false){ foreach ($tconf as $key => $value){ if (isset($conf['tpl'][$tpl][$key])) continue; $conf['tpl'][$tpl][$key] = $value; } $tpl_configloaded = true; } } return $conf['tpl'][$tpl][$id]; } /** * tpl_loadConfig() * reads all template configuration variables * this function is automatically called by tpl_getConf() */ function tpl_loadConfig(){ $file = DOKU_TPLINC.'/conf/default.php'; $conf = array(); if (!@file_exists($file)) return false; // load default config file include($file); return $conf; } /** * prints the "main content" in the mediamanger popup * * Depending on the user's actions this may be a list of * files in a namespace, the meta editing dialog or * a message of referencing pages * * Only allowed in mediamanager.php * * @triggers MEDIAMANAGER_CONTENT_OUTPUT * @param bool $fromajax - set true when calling this function via ajax * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_mediaContent($fromajax=false){ global $IMG; global $AUTH; global $INUSE; global $NS; global $JUMPTO; if(is_array($_REQUEST['do'])){ $do = array_shift(array_keys($_REQUEST['do'])); }else{ $do = $_REQUEST['do']; } if(in_array($do,array('save','cancel'))) $do = ''; if(!$do){ if($_REQUEST['edit']){ $do = 'metaform'; }elseif(is_array($INUSE)){ $do = 'filesinuse'; }else{ $do = 'filelist'; } } // output the content pane, wrapped in an event. if(!$fromajax) ptln('
'); $data = array( 'do' => $do); $evt = new Doku_Event('MEDIAMANAGER_CONTENT_OUTPUT', $data); if ($evt->advise_before()) { $do = $data['do']; if($do == 'metaform'){ media_metaform($IMG,$AUTH); }elseif($do == 'filesinuse'){ media_filesinuse($INUSE,$IMG); }elseif($do == 'filelist'){ media_filelist($NS,$AUTH,$JUMPTO); }elseif($do == 'searchlist'){ media_searchlist($_REQUEST['q'],$NS,$AUTH); }else{ msg('Unknown action '.hsc($do),-1); } } $evt->advise_after(); unset($evt); if(!$fromajax) ptln('
'); } /** * prints the namespace tree in the mediamanger popup * * Only allowed in mediamanager.php * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_mediaTree(){ global $NS; ptln('
'); media_nstree($NS); ptln('
'); } /** * Print a dropdown menu with all DokuWiki actions * * Note: this will not use any pretty URLs * * @author Andreas Gohr */ function tpl_actiondropdown($empty='',$button='>'){ global $ID; global $INFO; global $REV; global $ACT; global $conf; global $lang; global $auth; echo '
'; #FIXME action echo ''; if($REV) echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; } /** * Print a informational line about the used license * * @author Andreas Gohr * @param string $img - print image? (|button|badge) * @param bool $return - when true don't print, but return HTML */ function tpl_license($img='badge',$imgonly=false,$return=false){ global $license; global $conf; global $lang; if(!$conf['license']) return ''; if(!is_array($license[$conf['license']])) return ''; $lic = $license[$conf['license']]; $out = '
'; if($img){ $src = license_img($img); if($src){ $out .= ' '; } } if(!$imgonly) { $out .= $lang['license']; $out .= ''; } $out .= '
'; if($return) return $out; echo $out; } /** * Includes the rendered XHTML of a given page * * This function is useful to populate sidebars or similar features in a * template */ function tpl_include_page($pageid,$print=true){ global $ID; $oldid = $ID; $html = p_wiki_xhtml($pageid,'',false); $ID = $oldid; if(!$print) return $html; echo $html; } //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 enc=utf-8 :