JAsCo Artifact Loader Manual
-What does the program do?
-What is the concern model?
-Concern model examples
1) A java class element
2) A relation element
3) Intensional concern model element
-What is the concern
model for Jasco?
1) Elements
2) Relations
-How does the loader
work internally?
1) Overview of
jasco.artifacts.types and
-Relation User-interface
-Problems and solutions
What does the program do?
So the CME is plugin for eclipse
and I've written two plugins for the CME. They are both pretty much the
There's a loader that loads a jasco aspect and there's a loader that
loads a jasco connector.
Loading involves 2 phases:
1)making a general representation (concern model) off the
jasco-specific parse tree.
2)building relations between various types of elements (like java
elements, jasco element and
intensional queries for pointcut expressions). In a second phase
relations other then parent-child hierarchy
are added between the various elements of model. The relations can
crosscut the model, like connecting
all java-methods with jasco advices. Most work was in making the
query-concern relations.
It's completed indepent of other jasco tools.
What is the concern model?
It's a very general model
designed to represent any software artifact (UML, makefiles, source
code in various
languages). The basic element uses the composite design pattern. The
elements form a class hierarchy.
At the bottom there are elements such as unit and group. At a higer
level there's a compound unit
element which is a both a group and a unit. Other elements are called
method, field, aspect and concern.
A simplyfied version of a concern model is shown here:
String getName();
String getClassifier();
void addChild(Artifact
Artifact[] getChildren();
Object Location();
String[] getModifiers();
void putAttribute(String
key,Object value);
Object getAttribute(String key);
Concern model examples
1) A java class element:
-name is the name of the class.
-classifier is the pre-defined string "CLASS" (a "CLASS" is a subclass
of the types unit, group and concern)
-children are Artifacts with classifiers "METHOD" or "FIELD"
-location is a String containing absolute filename
-modifiers can contains "private" or "abstract"
-attributes can be any object, like a pointer to a JDT parse tree
Note that each artifact is specialized and adds additional details.
Also remark that types are encoded as Strings.
Details could be used by other plugins that use those details for
weaving. But are not general.
2) A relation element:
Another important kind of element is a relation.
example: the "java-class extends java-class" relation
-name is the name of relation
-classifier is "RELATIONSHIP" (subclass of group)
-children are two java-class artifacts
-location is a filename and linenumber of the java-class source code
where the extends relationship is specified
-modifiers and attributes not important.
3) Intensional concern model element:
The last kind of element is the intensional concern.
example: an element which represents 'all classes implementing the
interface Observer'
-name is specified by user
-classifier is "CONCERN"
-children is a list of classes
-modifiers is "INTENSIONAL"
-location not important
-attribute: query= "parent(relationship implements(class *, interface
Note that the list of children is updated by an associated query
expressions described in
the puma language. More about this later.
As you may see this generic type-less approach allows for all kinds of
artifacts to be represented. Not just
languages similar to AspectJ or java. One other language that is also
supported is Ant (an xml
based scripting language used for compiling and packaging of java
programs very similar to makefiles).
What is the
concern model for Jasco?
Note that the concern model is a
bit simple. Many details such as regular methods or
combination strategies have not been added. The most complex element
however, namely
a query-concern is in a very evolved phase.
-Jasco Aspect is an "ASPECT"
-Advice is "ADVICE"
-Package is "PACKAGE"
-Hook is "POINTCUT"
-Hook constructor is "METHOID" ("METHOID" is used for artifacts
for which the source code is important)
-Connector is "CONCERN"
-Hook instance in a connector is "UNIT"
-Advice called by connector is "METHOID"
-Hook isApplicable test is "METHOD"
-A concern specified by a query defining a cutpoint expression is
-There is also a special unloaded element, which can represents
hooks/aspects/classes that
are refered to by another element, but are not loaded because they are
not in a CME project.
Note:Classifiers are not easy to add to the conman model. (The puma
parser has to be adjusted)
So I re-used existing classfiers (instead of subclassing them) which is
a bit ackward.
-java-method "adviceexecution" advice
-advice-call "adviceexecution" advice
-hookinstance "connects" hook and query-concern
-aspect "extends" aspect
-hook "extends" hook
-aspect "refersTo" java-class (if it's in an import
-connector "refersTo" java-class
How does the
loader work internally?
1) Overview of packages:
There are 5 packages in my project. See source code for more
details about individual classes. All work is done in the package
Modification of the jasco connectorparser to reflect my
concern that this parser
should only depend on connector source code, not on
compiled files.
Not interresting for anyone.
-Defines 3 classes needed for tokenizing the hook
constructor body, it
also simplifies basic operations like execute and
-an example of a hook constructor:
ahook.ahook(method(..args),method2(String, int))
execute(method) && withincode(method2);
-HookConstructorTokenizer.tokenize() then returns (using
xml to make clearder):
<methodToken keyword =
"execute", name = "method", type = "methodexec"/>
<token name="&&"
type = "booloperator">
<methodToken keyword =
"withincode", name = "method2", type = "methodexed)
jasco.artifacts.types and jasco.artifacts.types.artifacts
-most classes are trivial
-See section above for concern model elements intro used
by my loader.
-See the paper on concern modeling (www.eclipse.org/cme)
if you need
more information.
-class ClassifiersAndAttributes contains many constants,
the classifier for the different types of artifacts.
-All artifacts have the same structure. See their
JascoArtifact for more info.
-JascoQueryUnit uses observer design pattern (see
GangOfFour book),
and is still under development to fix problem (see
problems and solution problem 4 first point).
-DirUtils can find various directories needed, like dir
with icons
or root dir for project in workspace
-LoaderUtil contains some copy-pasted stuff from
(jasco loader design seriously inspired by ant
loader solution)
Some method create indexes in concernmodel (so that
are found rapidly).
Other methods do stub-loading(see next package) for
java elements.
Other methods retrieve the top-level element of the
concern model, which
-The world space = the workspace subset
off all CME aware projects
-The feature space = contains saved
(concern-)queries like jasco pointcut's
-The unloaded space (space for stub
-Logger is used for logging errors and debugging info
In this package all classes are defined that do the work.
The two loaders are very similar. The aspect loader is more
complicated because there are more aspect artifacts. The
loader is more difficult because it handels the
intensional (jasco pointcut)
query element and relationship making. There's some
code for the aspect and connector loader which further
should avoid.
2) Overview of loading
Here are some different phases that a loader does
-1)Initialize parser
-2)Open aspect/connector
-3)Make parse tree
containing aspect/connector details
-4)Traverse the parse
tree and build corresponding concern model
elements (thus all types in types package and
especially in types.artifacts
-5)Make relations between
artifacts of one source file. (easy)
-6)Make relations between
artifacts of different source files.
Harder because stub-loading is necessary = making
temporary 'stubs' for elements that aren't loaded
When the temporary elements are loaded later, the
stub is augmented
with all details. A stub element is en empty element
with an
unqualified name in the Unloaded space.
-7)Make relations between
artifacts of different source files,
which require all elements to be fully loaded. Hard
because this
requires a more difficult version of Stub-loading. I
the command and observer design pattern to solve
this problem.
Different phases as done concretely(which class does what) by
I only explain the basic of the ConnectorLoader, because
has identical design. ConnectorLoader.load() is called with the
filename of the connector and
the concern element of the project containing the connector.
The loader then starts each phase.
-1->3)First it
initialise the ConnectorParser with the correct options set
and then calls parse() method to build the
parse-tree for the
-4)Phase four is done by
two classes ConnectorVisitor and ConnectorFactory.
ConnectorVisitor traverses the parse-tree and
creates concern model elements
starting from root-node to leaf-node. The
Visistor call the ConnectorFactory.makeUnit
method which dispatches on the node type and
returns a concern model
element of corresponding type. The Visitor has
two kinds of
methods: makeConnectorRelations(XXX node) and
traverse(XXX node).
The traverse methods are self-explainatory.
The makeConnectorRelations
methods only builds (java) lists or map guide
the ConnectorRelationMaker
in making relations in step 5.
makes all relations involving a connector.
The relation advice-call "adviceexecution"
advice is easy. It adds a relation
between the hook 'instantiated' by the
connector and the advice called by
the connector.
has to make two relations more to construct, namely:
hookinstance "connects" hook and
query-concern relation and the
java-method "adviceexecution" advice
For this to work it searches for the
corresponding hook. If it is not
loaded already, this relation-making process
will be delayed until the hook
is loaded (done by using the innner class
Once the hook and the hookinstance are both
found and loaded, ConnectorRelationMaker
has all data it needs to make the full
cutpoint expression. It then makes
a new concern-query. The concern-query is
evaluated and to each method matching
the query a new relation java-method
"adviceexecution" advice is added.
Note that as in future other java-classes
are loaded the query-concern will have
potentially new java methods mathing the
expression. Thus new "adviceexecution" relations
have to be added, this doesn't work at the
moment but a listener for the query-Concern
like the one implemented JascoQueryListener
should be used for this problem.
-Download eclipse 2.1.3 www.eclipse.org
The CME works most stable in version 2.1.3. But in the very near
future only eclipse 3 will be supported.
-Download the CME plugin using the update perspective in eclipse www.eclipse.org/cme
-Download jasco loaders zip-file: "jasco.artifacts.jar" at home page for this
Unzip this file (open with winzip) into the plugins directory of
eclipse in the folder jasco.artifacts.
This file include includes the source and the jasco libs.
Important remarks:
-AspectJ and CME have problems when lot's of memory is required (e.g.
larger projects loaded).
Avoid this problem by buying lot's of ram and increase the java
VM min heap size to 150 megs.
Do this by starting eclipse in windows as follows:
C:\len\eclipse\eclipse.exe -consoleLog -vmargs -Xmx150m.
-Program is only tested by me using windows XP pro, java 1.4.2 and
eclipse 2.1.3!
(Should work under Linux however, otherwise check DirUtils class)
-Start with a clean eclipse if you have problems with CME.
-For developpers: you can download the source of the CME from the CVS.
User-interface problems
Relationships are not very well
supported from an end-user GUI interface perspective.
I tried to work around these problems, but the result is still user
These are the problems with the concern explorer view concerning the
display of relations:
-The concern explorer view in eclipse shows the concern model using a
tree-view. The tree-view is
fine for the elements, but is ackward for relations.
-Every element has an associated icon with relations even if no
relations are defined for it.
Furthermore the icon indicates that relations are indeed defined
for the element even if they are not.
-For memory efficiency reasons pointers to the endpoints of a relation
are not stored. Instead
all relations are stored in one list and endpoints are
calculated. As a side-effect of this
approach relations are inherited by parents in the tree. Thus if
a certain hook refersTo a java-class,
then the hook will also referTo the package and project in which
the class is defined. Similarly
all hooks connect to the parent of all query-concerns, namely
Features. Java-classes
also inherit any "adviceexecution" relation from their children.
-Relations are not visible per default, change this by disabling the
filtering on relations
(press filter-icon in concern explorer view).
Problems and solutions
My loader as wel ass the CME are
still in an evolving phase. Some irritating bugs are these:
1)Relations (see previous)
2)BUG: Concern explorer view refresh button disables. Due to some bizar
the concer explorer view doesn't allow you to press the refresh button
even if you're
source code has changed. One stupid fix is to rebuild the project after
adding some whitespace to a file
(After which in the CME Event Trave windows a message appears
indicating the discovery).
3)BUG: The CME saves the feature space (this is the space containing
intensional query-concerns) in the feature.xml file.
This can cause serious problems if these cached queries become
inconsistent with the workspace.
If the program crashes for this reason, the solution is to delete the
file in
".../eclipse/workspace/.metadata/cme.uit/feature.xml". This is
especially true if you get the folowing error:
[Fatal Error] :1:1319: The entity name must immediately follow the
'&' in the entity reference.
3)BUG: I suspect there's a bug in ant, which manifests itself if you
open the Unloaded space (default
this space is hidden) and the concern explorer view goes blank.
4)Not properly implemented:
-Java-method "adviceexecution" advice: does not work if classes are
loaded after jasco artifacts are.
-call relation is shown several times. (no fix, just bug
in CME)
-cflow doesn't work cause it's a runtime query
-error-handling in puma expression is non-existing! A puma
expression containing errors,
can return all elements or none.