*Windows installation instructions* ----------------------------------- Installation Instructions: # Unzip the jasco zip file to # Add /bin to PATH environment variable * # Add /jasco.jar to CLASSPATH environment variable * # Add /jasco-libs.jar to CLASSPATH environment variable * # Add /lib/tools.jar to CLASSPATH environment variable (only needed for hotswap 1, when you use JDK 1.5, this is not required) # Run setup.bat or setup.sh in # JAsCo is configured. Hint: make sure the java bin directory is in your PATH environment variable, so javac and java have to be executable from the prompt! Hint2: Don't use spaces in directory names (e.g. not good: /var/test/my documents/JAsCo), JAsCo does not cope well with spaces. *Windows testing instructions* ------------------------------ Use the scheme below to test the JAsCo Tool-suite (java 1.5 or higher): * Browse to the where you installed the JAsCo Tool-suite and go to the examples/Tutorial1 folder * Compile the tracing.asp aspect by executing following command: compileAspect tracing.asp * Compile the TracingConnector.con connector by executing following command: compileConnector TracingConnector.con * Browse to the /examples/Tutorial1/Generated and execute following command: java -javaagent: test.Main2 * A visual application pops up and its execution is traced by the basic.asp aspect. Testing support for adaptive programming by traversal connectors (since version 0.2.0) : * Browse to the where you installed the JAsCo Tool-suite and go to the examples/Tutorial2 folder * Compile the TestTraversal.trv traversal-connector by executing following command: compileTraversal TestTraversal.trv * Browse to the /examples/Tutorial2/Generated and execute following command: java test.trav.example.Example * The traversal as specified by the traversal connector TestTraversal.trv is invoked. * Troubleshooting * ------------------- Refer to the website: http://ssel.vub.ac.be/jasco or mail me: wvdperre@vub.ac.be Don't forget to install the eclipse plugin for an easy to use JAsCo IDE!