Programming Language Engineering
Programming Language Engineering
This course (Programming Language Engineering) is part of the computer science curriculum organized by the computer science department of the faculty of sciences of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. It is a course (first issue in its current form in the academic year 2008/2009) organized under the responsibility of Theo D'Hondt. It is an elective course intended primarily for students in the master programme in Computer Science.
This is an elective course for the following section:
Master in Computer Science / Languages and Software Engineering
Both tutorials and recitations are in ENGLISH.
The course is organized as weekly 2-hour tutorials and 2-hour recitations during the second semester. A schedule is provided. Students from other programmes are welcome provided they have been exposed to sufficent programming language technology. Please use the contacts on the contacts page before registering.
Each tutorial is a lecture covering part of the lecture notes. A recitation is a hands-on lab session involving a practical assignment. We will be using the languages Scheme and C (see the software section) to support the various concerns of design, interpretation and execution covered in the lectures.