We plan a number of pilot cases with the change-centric technology developed within work packages WP2WP3 and WP4 to validate concrete scenarios inpired by use cases identifed with the members of our industrial steering board:

Monitor Test Process Determine the impact of changes on both the test and production code, to persuade team members to increase test activities. Demonstrate that the test process itself meets quality guidelines (i.e., every bug fix is covered by a regression test; test-coverage is stable). 

Misclassified Bug Reports Verify whether anomalies occur in the bug database (wrong severity, assigned to wrong product/component). Assure that right before releasing a component all severe bugs are indeed fixed. 

API evolution Release a new version of an API with a list of patches to be executed in order to update all client code in the field. As such reduce the number of versions of an API used in the field.  

Recurring Bug Fixes Replay a bug fix that was successful on a given release on a variant release. This avoids tedious manual synchronisation of branches.  

Who should fix? How long to fix? Once bugs get reported, determine who is the best person in the team to handle the request. And can we make a reliable estimation for the time to fix?

What to (re)test? Instead of running all tests for a given release, run only those tests that are potentially affected by a given change. This allows for instant feedback on the changes that cause failing tests, saving valuable time in identifying the precise location of a defect.  




Activities and their deliverables

All deliverables are available to members of the industrial steering boardPlease log in.

Activity 5.1: Pilot cases.

Experience reports on the feasibility of 6 use-cases identified and prioritized by our industrial partners.

  • Deliverable 5.1.a: Experience report on the feasibility of UC5 "How long to fix?"
  • Deliverable 5.1.b: Experience report on the feasibility of UC3 (API evolution) and UC4 (recurring bug fixes)
  • Deliverable 5.1.c: Experience report on the feasibility of the management of traceability links
  • Deliverable 5.1.d: Experience report on the feasibility of effort estimation
  • Deliverable 5.1.e: Experience report on the feasibility of strengthening an industrial test suite using mutation testing

Activity 5.2: Dissemination Events.