DARE 2023

The DARE summer school aims to prepare master’s students and PhD students for advanced study in the field of distributed systems. In this edition, we focus on techniques for supporting high availability. The school combines theory and practice. Through lectures by active researchers in the field, students will get acquainted with state-of-the-art techniques and the latest research advances. Moreover, in hands-on sessions, students can also develop and experiment with existing frameworks.

The prospective topics to be covered in this edition include:

  • Introduction to highly available distributed systems
  • Designing and implementing replicated data types
  • Verification techniques for highly available systems
  • Broadcast algorithms
  • Testing and debugging distributed systems
  • Programming models for replicated distributed systems
  • Byzantine fault-tolerance

DARE 2023 is a summer school organized within the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme funded by the European Union. It consists of a one-week course held from Monday 11th September 2023 to Friday 15th September 2023 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Brussels, Belgium. These in-person sessions are combined with online introductory and closing sessions.

The welcome session will take place on August 29, 2023. After the in-person week, the Summer School will have a closing session in late September 2023. The evaluation consists of a small research project determined during the in-person week which needs to be orally defended during the closing session.

Upon successfully completing the DARE 2023 Summer School, VUB will issue a transcript of records for 3 ECTS. Students participating under the Erasmus+ programme can receive recognition of the 3 ECTS according to the conditions outlined in their learning agreement. Self-funded participants can verify recognition options with their home university.

