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Research activities

Editorial Boards

  • 2013: Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR).

Program Commitees

  • Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS): DLS 2016, DLS 2015.
  • ICOOOLPS 2016: 11th Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems Workshop collocated with ECOOP 2016.
  • PerCol: Workshop on Pervasive Collaboration and Social Networking collocated with PerCom: PerCol 2011, PerCol 2012, PerCol 2013, PerCol 2014, PerCol 2015.


  • AGERE! 2014: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming based on Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control) with SPLASH 2014, Portland, USA.
  • AGERE! 2015: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming based on Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control) with SPLASH 2015, Pittsburg, USA.
  • SCRIPT’13 : Workshop on Secure Cloud and Reactive Internet Programming Technology), 12-13 November, VUB, Belgium.
  • 2013: Local organizing comittee of the 2013 edition of the “Vlaamse Programmeerwedstrijd” (Flemish Programming Contest). 17 April 2013, VUB, Belgium.
  • 2008: Local organizing comittee of the International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD2008) March 30 - April 4 2008, VUB, Belgium

External Reviewer

  • ECOOP, the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, in 2014, 2013, 2007, 2006.
  • PerCol, the International Workshop on Communication, Collaboration and Social Networking in Pervasive Computing Environments co-located with PerCom, in 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.
  • Expert Systems With Applications (Elsevier) in 2014.
  • SCICO, Science of Computer Programming, in 2014.
  • JOT, Journal of Object Technology, in 2014.
  • JSS, Journal of Systems and Software, in 2014.
  • DLS, the Conference on Dynamic Languages Symposium co-located with SPLASH, in 2012.
  • DEBS, the Distributed Event-Based Systems, in 2012.
  • TOOLS, the International Conference on Objects, Models, Components, Patterns, in 2011.
  • SPLASH, International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity, in 2013 and 2010.
  • COORDINATION, the International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages, in 2010 and 2014.
  • TOPLAS, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, in 2007.
  • MoDELS, the International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and System, in 2006.
  • LMO, the Conference on Langages et Modèles à Objects, in 2007.

Community Activities

  • Co-organizer and coach of the Coderdojo Schaarbeek September 2015 - September 2017.
  • Co-organizer of the Brussels Meteor Meetup since 2016.
  • Co-organizer of the Brussels Hub of the Belgian Internet of Things Community ( since 2014.