Higher-Order Programming » Lab Sessions

Session 2

Assistant: Steven Keuchel (steven.keuchel@vub.be)

Section 1: More Higher-Order Procedures

Exercise 1: Implement the function flip which takes a two-parameter function and produces a new two-parameter function with the order of the parameters flipped.

Exercise 2: Implement the function iterate that takes three parameters f, n and x that applies f to x n-times, i.e. (iterate f 3 x) calculates (f (f (f x))).

Similarly, implement a function iterate-until that takes three parameters f, p and x that iterates f on x until the predicate p holds on the iteration value.

Exercise 3: Implement the function pointwise-avg which takes two parameters:

pointwise-avg should create a new one-parameter function that calculates the pointwise average of f and g. Test your function using the following example:

Similarly, define functions pointwise-min and pointwise-max.

Exercise 4: The functions from Exercise 3 have a similar structure and this repetition can be avoided by carefully abstracting over the parts that are specific to one function. Define a new generic function pointwise that can be instantiated to each of the specific ones from exercise 3, e.g. (pointwise min) should behave like pointwise-min.

Bonus Exercises: Church Booleans

Two-parameter functions of Scheme can serve as an implementation model for Boolean arithmetic. In this model, booleans are encoded as making a choice between the two parameters. true chooses the first parameter and false chooses the second, i.e.

Using the above, the Scheme`s booleans can be straightforwardly embedded in the encoding.

Logical connectives can also be implemented in this model, for instance conjunction:

Bonus Exercise B1: Define choose directly without referring to true and `false**.

Bonus Exercise B2: Implement the logical connectives not, or and xor. Hint: Reuse not in the definition of xor.