Higher-Order Programming » Lab Sessions

Session 9 (Solutions)

Assistant: Steven Keuchel (steven.keuchel@vub.be)

Section 1: Recap

Exercise 1: let*

First, expand eval...

Then, implement let*? and eval-let*...

The procedure let*-loop evaluates the expressions of the clauses sequentially (from top-to-bottom), extending the current environment for every clause. Note that extend-environment expects as the first two arguments, a list of variable names and a list of values to bind, therefore the result of evaluating a clause must be wrapped in a list.

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Section 2: Continuation Passing Style Evaluator

Exercise 2: let*

We have just implemented let* in the basic metacircular evaluator. This time the extension needs to be made in the CPS evaluator.

Note the difference between this solution and the other solution is that now the result of evaluating (let*-clause expression clause) in the env environment is given by evaluating the (lambda (result) ...) procedure.

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Section 3: Boolean Operators

Exercise 3: Boolean Operators

Boolean operators are special forms: since they only evaluate their arguments as long as they need to. E.g. (or a b c) does not need to evaluate b and c if a already evaluated to a #t. (and a b c) does not need to evaluate b and c if a already evaluates to #f.

Thus there are two approaches: either we make use of syntactic sugar, or via explicit evaluation. Note that simply transforming (or a b) to (if a a b) does not work, as expressions can contain side effects. E.g. if a modifies a variable, then it will modify it twice. This can be circumvented by caching an evaluated expression in a variable, thus transforming (if a a b) to (let ((e-a a)) (if e-a e-a b)).

However, the solution in this exercise is to make use of explicit evaluation.

First, modify the definition of eval.

Then implement and? and eval-and, as well as or? and eval-or. First let's implement the support for and.

The evaluation of an and expression starts in eval-and. It will first read the constituent expressions of the and expression. If there are none, it immediately returns #t. Otherwise, it will enter a loop to evaluate each consituent in order until either: one of the evaluated constituent expressions evaluates to #f, the last constituent expression has been evaluated.

Similar for or...

Note that difference in the definition of or-loop. or stops evaluating the constituent expressions once it encounters at least one expression that evaluated to #t.

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Exercise 4: CPS Boolean Operators

This is almost equivalent as the previous exercise, but using CPS style.

For and:

For or:

Note that instead of storing the result of eval (or evaluate) in a variable using let as before, it is now given by passing it to a lambda that binds the result to a variable with the same name.

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