SOUL on Pharo

Installation of SOUL

Add a new monticello repository:

location: ''
user: ''
password: ''
	location: ''
	user: ''
	password: ''

Load the package named: ConfigurationOfSoul. After that execute the following code:

ConfigurationOfSoul loadBleedingEdge

Save your image and you have got a working copy of SOUL. You can find the Clause and Query browser in the world menu.

Installation of Absinthe

First you need to load Ring by adding the following repository:

	location: ''
	user: ''
	password: ''

Load ConfigurationOfRing and execute the following code.

ConfigurationOfRing loadDefault

Open the SOUL Monticello repository and load SOUL-Absinthe.

AbsintheFactory createAbsintheRepository.
MLIForAbsinthe register.

Last but not least you need some data to query. There are some helper methods to import repositories.

RGHistoryRepository importRing

You can test your installation by opening a query browser. Select the AbinstheEvaluator and Absinthe logic repository. The following query should give results:

?version isVersion,
?class isClass

The following screenshot provides an overview of the application: