Running and Inspecting a Query

Having succesfully written and prepared a query, the query is now ready to be run. This is effected through the Query View. Query views are the Barista representation of a query on a given project.

 As with the Query editor, Query Results views are divided in panes containing buttons to control the query execution, configuration options for the query's variables, information about the query run, and the results of the query itself.

Query Control

Once a query has been prepared, it is possible to obtain either all the results on a single go, or to get them one by one. This funcionality is equivalent to the one provided on the Smalltalk query browser.

The Mark Results button will place a Barista marker on the Java program AST nodes that are results of this query. Note that this will only place a marker on variables bound to an AST node.

Query Variables

After having obtained results for the query, you can reorder or hide variable bindings using the Query Variables controls. You must click the 'refresh' button for the changes to take effect. Notice that when you refresh, only those variables selected will be displayed. You can select multiple variables by using Control or Cmd click.

Query Statistics

Statistics, including the number and time that it took to perform the query are shown under the Query stats pane. The 'open query' button will open a Query Editor containing the query that originated these results.

Query Results

Finally, the results themselves can be navigating using a table, column or tree view. In the Column view, bindings for the next variable can be displayed by double clicking a result.


In the Column and Tree views, a context pop up can be invoked on each result. It provides options to Inspect, Find in editor or copy the value of the binding to the clipboard.