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Advances in the Engineering of Ambient-Oriented Applications

The workshop on Advances in the Engineering of Ambient-Oriented Applications presents a sample of the recent research conducted at both the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Universidad de Chile in the context of the project on Open Reflective Infrastructure for Open Networks.

The workshop presents both work performed in AmbientTalk whose primary focus is to address key challenges in the development of distributed applications as well as highlighting new paradigms and techniques to explore which may enhance the development of ambient-oriented applications significantly.


10:00 - 10:30
Fact Spaces: Coordination in the Face of Disconnection

Eline Philips presents the work she has conducted together with Christophe Scholliers on CRIME, a data-driven middleware which allows applications to react to changes in their environment using a coordination language which is specifically designed for mobile ad hoc networks. Currently, experiments are ongoing to combine the expressive coordination model of CRIME with AmbientTalk.

10:30 - 11:00
Perspectives from AI and Biology on Ambient-Oriented Software

Prof. Eric Tanter gives an overview of how insights from artificial intelligence and biology could further shape the development of ambient-oriented software.

11:00 - 11:30
Ambient Morphic: Ambient and Distributed User Interfaces

Yves Vandriessche presents the outcome of an experiment to port the morphic user interface framework (from Self and Squeak Smalltalk) to AmbientTalk. The result is a system which allows user interfaces to be transparently distributed in mobile ad hoc networks.

11:30 - 12:00
Proximity is in the Eye of the Beholder: A Conceptual Framework

Victor Ramiro presents a conceptual framework to plug proximity as a first-class concept in the AmbientTalk language. This means developers will be able to create and share different notions of proximity and evaluate them with the context information at the service discovery stage. The contribution of this work is to support a wide variety of proximity notions such that the device interactions can be scaled and tailored to the content of interest level.


The ORION project for Bilateral Scientific Collaboration between the Programming Technology Lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the PLEIAD (Programming Languages and Environments for Intelligent, Adaptable and Distributed Systems) Lab of the Universidad de Chile is sponsored by the flemish Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation and the Center for Web Research of the Universidad de Chile.

projects/orion/workshop.txt · Last modified: 2007/10/30 20:45 by stijnm