The goal of this workshop is to provide a progressive and
open-minded forum at ECOOP dedicated to the future of
distributed object technology. Today, distributed
computing has become a ubiquitous technology in the form
of the Internet and the Web. We focus on two future
trends of this technology in particular: the integration
of everyday (physical) objects in the web (a vision
sometimes referred to as the "Internet of Things") and
the provision of software as a service via the network
(cloud or utility computing, "Software as a Service").
This workshop focuses in particular on the
(object-oriented) development of such systems. The
question that we want to address is: how can we
program, structure and organize such systems in a
manageable way?
We solicit constructive ideas, new programming paradigms,
novel programming language abstractions, frameworks,
tools or architectures for distributed object computing
in general and the Internet of Things and Cloud Computing
in particular. We are equally interested in alternative
(non-object-oriented) approaches to solving these
problems, provided that the differences (advantages
and/or disadvantages) with object-oriented technology
receive attention. Topics of interest include but are not
limited to:
- State-of-the-art distributed object systems
- OO representations for the physical objects of the
Internet of Things
- OO interfaces to RFID-technology
- OO abstractions for Pervasive and Ubiquitous
- Language abstractions for developing Software as a
- Combining objects with other paradigms (e.g. events,
publish/subscribe, tuples, dataflow, REST, ...)
- Alternative (non-OO) approaches to the above (and
their pros/cons)
- ...
For details, please read the Topics of Interest.
Prospective participants are invited to submit a
5-page position paper or essay that describes an
idea, a position, a language, a framework, etc. related
to the topics outlined above. Submissions should be in
ACM style and in PDF format and e-mailed to Tom Van Cutsem. These papers will be reviewed by the organizing
committee primarily based on relevance and originality. To ensure
that there is room for discussion, the workshop is limited to 30
participants. The workshop proceedings will be published in
the ACM digital library.
Workshop Organization
This workshop lasts one day. The goal is to have as much
discussion as possible. Before noon, there will be short
presentations of accepted papers to provide food for
discussion and to get to know the participants. In the
afternoon, we will try to identify common themes. Based
on that, we identify breakout groups that can discuss
about more specific topics in parallel. We close off by
summarizing the discussions of the groups.
Important dates
Submission deadline: April 8, 2009
Notification of acceptance: May 8, 2009
Camera-ready copy: May 25, 2009
Workshop: July 7, 2009
Notification of acceptance: May 8, 2009
Camera-ready copy: May 25, 2009
Workshop: July 7, 2009
Tom Van Cutsem
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Jorge Fox
Lero The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Ole Lehrmann Madsen
Aarhus University and Alexandra Institute, Denmark
Eric Jul
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Gilad Bracha
Ministry of Truth, USA