Uses of Class

Packages that use ClassFormatException
org.apache.bcel.classfile This package contains the classes that describe the structure of a Java class file and a class file parser. 

Uses of ClassFormatException in org.apache.bcel.classfile

Methods in org.apache.bcel.classfile that throw ClassFormatException
 String ConstantPool.constantToString(Constant c)
          Resolve constant to a string representation.
 String ConstantPool.constantToString(int index, byte tag)
          Retrieve constant at `index' from constant pool and resolve it to a string representation.
 Constant ConstantPool.getConstant(int index, byte tag)
          Get constant from constant pool and check whether it has the expected type.
 String ConstantPool.getConstantString(int index, byte tag)
          Get string from constant pool and bypass the indirection of `ConstantClass' and `ConstantString' objects.
static String[] Utility.methodSignatureArgumentTypes(String signature)
static String[] Utility.methodSignatureArgumentTypes(String signature, boolean chopit)
static String Utility.methodSignatureReturnType(String signature)
static String Utility.methodSignatureReturnType(String signature, boolean chopit)
static String Utility.methodSignatureToString(String signature, String name, String access, boolean chopit, LocalVariableTable vars)
          A return?type signature represents the return value from a method.
static String Utility.methodTypeToSignature(String ret, String[] argv)
          Converts string containing the method return and argument types to a byte code method signature.
 JavaClass ClassParser.parse()
          Parse the given Java class file and return an object that represents the contained data, i.e., constants, methods, fields and commands.
static Attribute Attribute.readAttribute(DataInputStream file, ConstantPool constant_pool)
static byte Utility.typeOfMethodSignature(String signature)
          Return type of method signature as a byte value as defined in Constants
static byte Utility.typeOfSignature(String signature)
          Return type of signature as a byte value as defined in Constants

Constructors in org.apache.bcel.classfile that throw ClassFormatException
FieldOrMethod(DataInputStream file, ConstantPool constant_pool)
          Construct object from file stream.

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